Disclaimer – and expiry date

Unless otherwise restricted by an applicable law, the author/owner of the SQLite-OLE grants you the right to:

  •  download the SQLite-OLE executable, as often as you like.
  •  redistribute the SQLite-OLE executable however and wherever you like, provided that the disclaimer is included with the executable.


The SQLite-OLE executable is offered for use on a strict as-is basis.

No warranty of any kind is implied, intended or offered with regard to this executable or any command(s) that is executes: either for its fitness-for-use, its capabilities or for any effects caused by its use or intended use.

Any scripts, code snippets, or commands, either on this Web site or embedded in the executable itself, are provided as examples only, and their fitness-for-use are not assured or guaranteed in any way.

No liability is accepted for any use of this Web site or its contents (including: opinions, comments, narrative, documentation, downloadable items).

Expiry Date

This executable is provided with a built-in end-of-use date. It is set to be at least 6 months after the executable compilation date.

You can see the expiration date via the menu Help / This Program

Why have I done this?

  • I have made this executable available (with expiry!) for the last 5 or so years.
  • When I modify the executable I set the expiry date to be some time , usually 6-12 month, in to the future.
  • This ensures that old (buggy, or functionally limited) versions do not live forever.