' This is a PlodWare pwScripter script.
' https://RipeTech.com/PlodWare-pc-applications
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' This program was developed to create and manage metadata for the (~27000) digital images that I (currently) have,
' so that if and when an image viewer is available that can display embedded metadata,
' then I shall have the metadata ready to insert in to the images.
' Although the motivation was metadata for image files, there is nothing to prevent this program handling
' metadata (i.e. tag groups and tags) for any other type of file.
' Although metadata fields are defined for image types (e.g. Exif, IPTC, XMP) I wanted a flexible and open
'(i.e. not committed to a specific format) metadata tool that can serve as the basis for future efforts
' to embed metadata into files.
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dbclose ()
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dbExtension ("bk64tree",1)
dbExtension ("popcount",1)
dbExtension ("eval",1)
' these extensions will be loaded for each DB that is opened
' BUT:
' the **contents** of a virtual table do not survive
' a DB close/open or a DB save/saveAs
' but the table name does!
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' these are APPLICATION specific
dim AppVersion = "2024-03-18 Tagger for Files"
dim appName = "Metadata Tagger for Files"
dim maxHD = 12
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' these are APPLICATION specific defines that should not really be altered
dim EOLdelim = chr ( 167 ) ' "§"
dim nonPrintableDelim = chr ( 0x01e ) ' RS = Record Separator
dim tagDelim = nonPrintableDelim & EOLdelim ' "§"
dim FreeTxtId = "TagTxt" ' appended to each Free text field name, must NOT end in "Tag" to avoid aliasing with TagGroups
dim TagGroupId = "Tag" ' appended to each tag group field name
dim NoTag = " none" ' leading space is needed to prevent aliasing
dim ImageFileExtensions = "('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp')"
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' these are APPLICATION specific defines that are a matter of builder's preference
dim allowRectMeta = 1 ' set this to allow/disable RectMeta when creating a NEW database
dim allowRectPicasa = 0 ' set this to allow/disable RectPicasa when creating a NEW database
dim NbrBulkExportRows = 7 ' nbr of BLOCKS in the File Tagging panel
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' these are APPLICATION specific defines that are general purpose AND should not be changed
dbFastQuery = 1
sob ("RGB","DEFAULT")
dim EOL = chr(0x0a)
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' create the IMAGE window
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' create a window to contain some SOBs
IF ( 0 ) then
dim ImageWindowSOB = sob ("application", "NEW", appName & "- Image")
sob ( ImageWindowSOB,"SET" ,"SHOW",0)
' Define a callback to handle a click on the TOP Right "X"
FUNCTION cbImageApplication ( sobid )
sob ( ImageWindowSOB,"SET" ,"SHOW",0)
END function
sob ( ImageWindowSOB,"ON","CLICK", "cbImageApplication")
END if
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' create the HELP window
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dim HelpPageSob , HelpTextsob
dim HelpFixedHTMLSOB , HelpFloatHTMLSOB
' create a window to contain some SOBs
dim HelpFloatOVl = sob ("application", "NEW", appName & "- HELP")
sob ( HelpFloatOVl,"SET" ,"SHOW",0)
' Define a callback to handle a click on the TOP Right "X"
FUNCTION cbHelpApplication ( sobid )
sob ( HelpFloatOVl,"SET" ,"SHOW",0)
END function
sob ( HelpFloatOVl,"ON","CLICK", "cbHelpApplication")
dim HelpMenuBarSOB = sob (HelpFloatOVl , "add" , "menu" , "bar" )
dim HelpMenuOptionsSOB = sob (HelpMenuBarSOB , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "Options" )
dim HelpMenuHideSOB = sob (HelpMenuOptionsSOB , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Hide" )
dim HelpMenuHelp = sob (HelpMenuBarSOB , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "Help" )
dim HelpMenuAbout = sob (HelpMenuBarSOB , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "About" )
sob ( HelpMenuAbout , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Use cases" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "HelpUseCases")
sob ( HelpMenuAbout , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Techie Talk" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbTechieTalk")
sob ( HelpMenuAbout , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical", "The author" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "AboutTheAuthor" )
sob ( HelpMenuAbout , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Contact" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "ContactHTML")
FUNCTION CBHelpMenuHide ( sobid )
sob ( HelpFloatOVl,"SET" ,"SHOW",0)
END Function
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBHelpMenuHide")
HelpFloatHTMLSOB =sob ( HelpFloatOVl , "ADD" , "web" )
sob ( HelpFloatHTMLSOB, "SET", "SILENT" , 1)
' -----------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION HelpTagging ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>>Tagging does not alter any file except the database.
>>The standard way to assign/add a tag to a file is:
(assuming a tag Mum in the tag group who)
>> - Drag the target file on to the bottom right panel (blueish)
>> - Select the menu option Tools/File Tagging.
The resulting display shows 6 columns.
>> - A large button (also a drag'n'drop' area) that triggers the group of tag actions
>> that is to it's the right.
>> - 4 columns, Action, Tag Group, Filter, Tag Name with which you can define
>> a single tag operation.
>> - A small button (also a drag'n'drop' area) that triggers the single tag action
>> to it's left.
>> - Pick one, any one, of the rows, and in it's action column
>> select the add option.
>> - Tag Group column, same row: select the tag group of the
>> tag you want to add (e.g. who)
>> - The goal is to get the Tag Name box to display the tag that we want to add!
The Filter and Tag Name are interconnected!
If the Filter box is empty, then the Tag Name contains all
>> of the tags in the currently selected Tag group box.
If the Filter box contained say jones, then the Tag Name contains all
>> of the tags which contain the string jones (case insensitive).
So between setting the Filter box and the selecting that wanted Tag Name you
>> must pick your tag (e.g. Mum)
>> - Press the button (right hand side of the action definitiion) for this row, and the file is tagged!
>>You could drag'n'drop a selection of files (and/or folder(s)) on to these buttons and the
>> tagging will be applied to them!
>>- add insert the specified tag
>>- replace remove all tags of the specified group, and insert the specified tag
>>- remove means if the specified tag is assigned then remove it
>>- replace remove all tags of the specified group
>> Filter
>>- Use ESC key to reset the search string to nothing
>>- Use % as a wildcard
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
' -----------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION HelpExpertMode ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Expert Mode
>> The Expert Mode gives you access to the underlying BASIC like interpreter and to
>> a command line interface to the SQLite database.
I will not attempt explaining the Expert Mode here.
But I will highlight some of the database tables used by this application.
TagTable contains one row for each tag. A row contains:
>> - a tag group
>> - a tag must be unique within a tag group
>> - tag text a free text field to hold whatever you want about the tag
>>Master contains one row for each file. A row contains:
>> - filesystem information: path / name / ext , access dates
>> - MD5 hash of the file
>> - RectPicasa only used by a add-in
>> - RectMeta used by the regions tool
>> - for each tag group, a column (ending in the text Tag) that holds the tags assigned to the file.
>> Tags are delimited by a 2 character string:
>> - a non-printable character 0x01e, non-printable to prevent it being used in a tag.
>> - a printable character § so that when browsing the table it serves as a visible delimiter between tags.
>>SavedEnv contains application internal data that enables some configuration information to survive over sessions.
>>The SQLite module was compiled so that the function like is case insensitive.
If you start writing your own queries on the tables then I recommend using
>>like and not the operator = so that on queries you do not have to be
>> so carefuly with upper/lower case typing.
This is especially true if you use update and insert statements with case errors, if
>> you use like in select statements and where sub-statements you will avoid one source of errors.
>>There are some videos on youtube about the general SQLite / BASIC capabilites (search for PlodWare).
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
FUNCTION HelpBackUp ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Backup
>> You can back up the files, and the folder structure, referenced in a database to another disk/folder.
Additionally when creating a backup
>> a copy of the database file is exported to the backup folder, suitably modified so that the
>> backed up database is useable with the backed up files!
p.s. if I have understood correctly, a backup is a thing, whilst back up is an action.
Or more formally expressed:
>>- backup is a noun or adjective
>>- back up is a verb
>>I could of course be wrong!
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
' -----------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION HelpFreeText ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> File Text
>> Tag groups and tags are common to all of the files in the database.
>> But you might want to assign a unique block of text to a specific file.
This is where file text is useful.
In another help page I mentioned that I have images of my Great Uncle Bill
He appears in a (regretably small) number of pictures, some taken in the 1950s together with peope
>> that I can not identify. I know which one is Great Uncle Bill and I can (and have)
>> defined a region on the images and assigned them to the Great Uncle Bill tag.
But I have also added to one of the images a file text
>> saying something like:
>> "Uncle" Bill (with cap), probably Taunton Somerset, probably before 1957
>>To set the file text you must drag'n'drop the file on to the bottom right panel (blueish).
Then find the text File Text Tool slightly above what was the blueish panel.
Set the Action to be edit.
Enter the text that you want in to the edit area to the right of the text File Text Tool field
Press the (red?) edit button.
Thats it!
The contents of the File Text edit area can be assigned to other files
>> by drag'n'dropping the file(s) (and/or folders) on to the (red?) edit button.
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
' -----------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION HelpCurrentFile ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Delete Current File
>>When a file is drag'n'dropped on to the lower right (blueish) panel, then this program
>> will identify all files in the database with the same MD5 hash, i.e. to a very very high likelihood, identical.
The full file name (path/name/ext) of all of the files (including the drag'n'dropped file) will be displayed
>> in a combo box near the top of the screen, to the right of a text string File(s):.
To the right of this combobox are the buttons Open folder and Delete file.
Pressing the Delete file button causes the file currently selected in the combobox
>> to be removed from the database, from the file system and sent to the recycling bin.
Use with care!
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
FUNCTION HelpTipsNTricks ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Tips and Tricks
>> keeping track
>>If you have lots of files to tag, it is almost guaranteed that you will lose track of which files
>> have been fully tagged, and which not, or which have say all of their who tags but not all of their where tags.
There is a built-in tag group called Tagged, which can only hold the names of the other tag groups.
>> I recommend that you use it, if at all, in the following (positive) way:
Assuming tag groups of say who what where then when you haved applied all of say the who tags
>> that you set the Tagged group for that file to include the tag who.
This will enable you to filter in/out the files that have all of their who tags.
If you decide that no more tagging is needed for a file, then set the Tagged group tag Tagged.
Sorry, that sounds a bit weird, but it works.
Do not use it negatively i.e. to hold the names of unhandled tag groups. Why! Because newly added files
>> default to an empty Tagged group!
>> finding the original folder of an exported file
>>If you want to find the original folder of an exported file, then
>> drag'n'drop the exported file on to the reload button just above the lower right (blueish) panel.
That will cause the original folder to be opened in a file explorer.
Exported files are given unique names of the form:
>>- E
>>- database row identity
- _
>>- original file name & extension
>> Tag group, tag name and free text field name
>>Within its "type" these must be unique.
e.g. a tag name fred can only be used once in say the tag group who but
>> it can also appear once as the name of a tag group or as a tag in another tag group, and once as a free text name.
>> - they are case insensitive
>> - Leading and trailing whitespace (spaces and tabs) will be removed.
>> - Embedded space(s) is allowed.
>> Internal (database names) for Tag groups and free text fields
>> - the column name for a tag group is the tag group followed by Tag e.g. who is whoTag
>> - the column name for a free text field is the free text field name followed by TagTxt e.g. about is aboutTagTxt
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
FUNCTION HelpDelFiles ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Delete Files
>>There is a bulk delete capability based on the file subset function.
The menu option Delete / Delete Files will display a panel with which you can select
>> the file subset to be deleted, and a Delete Files in Subset button to
>> trigger the action.
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
FUNCTION HelpDelExtDups ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Delete External Duplicates
>> The goal is to be able to scan a folder (and its sub-folders) and delete those files that are in
>> the database. Files that are known are deleted (to the recycle bin).
I have images backed-up on to various storage devices.
When an opportunity came to consolidate the various images on to a single storage device I wanted
>> a capability to look at the various storage devices and remove those files already consolidated.
To access the capability use the menu option Delete / Delete External Duplicates
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
FUNCTION HelpFileSubSet (sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>>Create the file subset
>>The file subset is the basis for the following bulk actions:
>> - tagging
>> - exporting
>> - deletion
>>Initially the subset is empty, but files can be added (and removed) on the basis of
>> their tags or of their file system characteristics (i.e. path, name , extension).
>> Since the file subset is only cleared when you press the New list button then
>> it is possible to :
>> - Define the criteria for a file subset
>> - Create that file subset using Apply Filters
>> - Define another set of selection criteria, and implement it,
>> thus refining / extending the list.
>> In the upper half of the panels for Power Tagging , Files to Folder and Delete Files,
>> under the grey row ( Action Tag Group Filter Tag Name ) area there are 8 rows
>> each of which defines selection critera for the inclusion, or removal, of files in a subset of the database.
The Action column defines the main part of the inclusion or removal activity.
The following actions cause files to be added to the subset.
>> Action |
>> Add rows to the file sublist if: |
>> add only
>> |
>> has only got the specified tag in the specified group. (Tags in other groups are allowed.)
>> |
>> add == |
>> has atleast the specified group & tag |
>> add <> |
>> has not got the specified group & ta |
>> add any |
>> has any tag in the specified group |
>> add non |
>> has no tag in the specified group |
>> add == |
>> has any tag with the partial string (Filter column) in the specified group |
>> add <> |
>> has no tag with the partial string (Filter column) in the specified group |
>> tag == |
>> tags in specified group are identical with those of current file (blueish panel) |
>> tag <> |
>> tags in specified group are not identical with those of current file (blueish panel) |
>> tags == |
>> tags in all groups are identical with those of current file (blueish panel) |
>> tags <> |
>> tags in all groups are not identical with those of current file (blueish panel) |
>> duplicate |
>> has a non-unique hash value |
The following actions cause files to be removed from the subset.
>> Action |
>> Remove rows from file sublist if: |
>> remove ==
>> |
>> has atleastthe specified group & tag |
>> remove <> |
>> has not got any tag in the specified group & tag |
>> remove any |
>> has any tag in the specified group |
>> remove non |
>> has no tag in the specified group |
>> remove ==? |
>> has any tag with the partial string (Filter column) in the specified group |
>> remove <>? |
>> has no tag with the partial string (Filter column) in the specified group
>> |
>> -unchanged |
>> remove rows that were unchanged in the last rescan |
>> -new |
>> remove rows that were added in the last rescan |
>> -changed |
>> remove rows that changed in the last rescan |
Rather than create an even larger set of filter actions I have implemented
>> two low level filters:
>> - Insert where
a wrapper for the SQLite statement:
insert into SubList select rowid, * from master where type like 'file' and (
>> XX )
- Delete where
a wrapper for the SQLite statement:
delete from SubList where type like 'file' and (
>> XX )
>>In each case the user provides the XX.
The following table shows examples of XX which could be placed
>> in the edit fields of the Insert where and Delete where low level
>> filter options. But note: it is entirely possible to access tags using low level filters but since the
>> tag delimiter includes a non-printable character then the syntax is a bit complicated. Hopefully the tag related
>> requirements are covered in the two tables above.
>> Where clause |
>> what it selects |
>> path like '%fred%' |
>> path name of row contains the substring fred
>> |
>> name like '%fred%' |
>> file name of row contains the substring fred |
>> ext in ('jpg','bmp') |
>> ext must be either jpg or bmp. Warning in is case sensitive
>> |
>> ext like 'jpg' or ext like 'bmp' |
>> ext must be either jpg or bmp. Note: is case insensitive |
>> size = 0 |
>> file has no contents |
>> size < 1000 and ext like 'jpg' |
>> smallish jpg images |
To force the subset to be empty, click on the New List button.
>>Filter actions will be executed when the Apply Filters button is pressed.
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
' -----------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION HelpPowerTagging ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Power Tagging
>>Power tagging is where you select a subset of the files in the database,
>> and then apply a set of tag operations to those files.
For details on creating the file subset, please refer to the help section File Subset
>>Define the tagging action
>> In the lower half of the screen, under the grey row ( Action Tag Group Filter Tag Name ) area there are 8 rows
>> with which you can define tag operations on the file subset.
Define the tag operations in the usual way (menu Help / Tagging).
Note: that a tag filter is only activated when you press on the appropriate
>> button at the right hand end of the filter row.
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
' -----------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION HelpInherit ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Inherit
>>This is a easy way to copy the tagging information from a reference file
>> to one or more other files.
>> - Drag and drop the reference file to the bottom right panel (blueish).
If that file is an image file, then it will be displayed.
>> - Drag and drop one or more files or folders on to the drop to inherit field
and the reference tags will be applied to the dropped files.
This also copies the file text but not any region(s).
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
FUNCTION HelpSingleFileOptions ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Single File Options
>>A Microsoft Windows installation includes some capabilites to extract some metadata from some
>> file types.
As a convenience, this program can access two of these capabilities and send the
>> found metadata to the display.
>> - SHELL and its GetDetailsOf API can extract metadata from various file types.
>> - Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) can extract metadata but only from image files.
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
' -----------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION HelpTagTextHTML ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Tag Text
>>I have a who group, in which I have tag for a relative, my Great Uncle Bill.
>>I wanted to include in the database some information about Great Uncle Bill
>> without making the tag ridiculously long.
This is where tag text is useful.
For each and every tag you can have a unique text block, that is not associated
>> directly with a file, only with the tag.
>>You can create / modify / delete tag text under the menu option Tools / Tag Management
>>In a side table, where I keep copies of the tag groups and tags there is a free text
>> field, in which the who tag Great Uncle Bill has text like:
DOB: 1896-02-24
DOD: 1976-02-21
Born in ...
>> - It seems to me to be a good place to capture information about the target tag
>> - Specifically for image files, you can define a region on an image that,
>> if clicked upon, when displayed by this program, will display the tag text
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
' -----------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION AboutTheAuthor( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> The author
>> First program written in 1971/72.
Still learning.
Still trying to get things right.
Still here (2023).
In my own words still plodding along.
Hence the web site www.PlodWare.com (actually a sub-domain of www.RipeTech.com).
www.RipeTech.com hosts a collection of things that interest me. Originally
>> created to host my programming efforts around a FORTH like interpretive language.
RipeTech, my abbreviation for Rapid Interactive Programming Environment Technology
>> because that is how I think of FORTH.
www.PlodWare.com a sub-domain of www.RipeTech.com, focussing on stand-alone applications
>> based on my FORTH like interpreter.
No one ever said that it should all make sense.
To quote from the HHGTTG share and enjoy
sob ( HelpTextsob , "ADD" , "ROW", freestring )
END Function
FUNCTION HelpOnline ( sobid )
ShellExecute ( "https://www.RipeTech.com/PWMetaTagger" )
END Function
FUNCTION aboutHTML ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Introduction
>> This program was developed to create and manage metadata for the (~27000)
>> digital images that I (currently) have, so that if and when an image viewer is available
>> that can display embedded metadata, then I shall have the metadata ready to insert in to the
>> images.
>> Although the motivation was metadata for image files, there is nothing to
>> prevent this program handling metadata (i.e. tag groups and tags) for any other type of file.
>> Although metadata fields are defined for image types (e.g. Exif, IPTC, XML)
>> I wanted a flexible and open (i.e. not committed to a specific format) metadata tool that can serve as the basis for future efforts to
>> embed metadata into files.
>> So I developed this program to:
>> -
>>create a database (in SQLite format) containing information about the files under a file system location.
>> - include the files under other file system locations
>> - resynchronise the database with the files under the referenced file system locations
>> - create columns in the database to hold related information. e.g. a who column
>> to hold the name(s) of people in a particular image.
I call such as column a tag group, in this example it is the who tag group.
>> - create a set of text strings, which I call tags, that belong to a
>> given tag group.
>> e.g. for the who tag group there could be the following tags:
>> Mum , Dad , Cousin Fred , best mate
>> -
>>allocate tags to file(s) using drag'n'drop
>> -
>>find the files that have a user defined combination of tags.
>> - bulk add/change/remove tags to those files
>> - export a copy of those files to a folder
>> -
>>archive/backup a copy of the files referenced in the database to a folder (whilst maintaining
>> the orginal folder structure and folder/file naming.
>> -
>>find files that are not in the database but are a duplicate of a
>> file referenced in the database, and delete the external duplicate.
>> -
>>provide a scripting language to support user defined features and interfacing
>> to some third party applications
>> -
>>export the database to Microsoft Excel (if you have it)
>> -
>>export the database to a CSV (comma separated variables) file
>> -
>> provide an Expert Mode giving access to the raw database and a "BASIC like" language
>> with which you can write scripts/macros.
e.g. write a script to extract information from the database and trigger a
>> third party program (exiftool for example) to insert the information into image files!
>> -
>>specifically for the following image file formats there is the ability to define a rectangular region on an
>> image and assign a tag group/tag to that region.
>> - BMP (bitmap)
>> - JPEG / JPG
>> - WMF (metafile)
>> - ICO (icon)
>> - GIF
sob ( HelpTextsob , "ADD" , "ROW", freestring )
END Function
FUNCTION ContactHTML ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Contact
>> E-Mail: George.Salisbury@RipeTech.com
>>(Auch auf Deutsch wenn Sie wollen.)
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
' -----------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION HelpVersion ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Version
>> Application version:
freestring = freestring & " " & AppVersion
Underlying database engine is SQLite version:
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlVersion()
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
FUNCTION HelpUseCases ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Use Cases
>> There are use cases for this program even if you do not apply any tagging.
In a new database, scan the required source folders, do not bother with any tagging:
>>- Back up: save the files to a back up storage device / folder.
>>- Find adds & changes: save the database, do a rescan some time later and the program will identify new and changed files.
>>- Remove empty files: Delete / Delete files use the empty action to find
>>empty (size = 0) files and delete them.
>> - Remove duplicate files: Export / Export to folder use the duplicate
>> action to find duplicate files.
Export the files to a folder.
>> Then drag'n'drop individual files on to the bottom right (blueish) panel,
>> this will cause the duplicate files to be listed in a cobobox at the top of the screen.
>> Select from the combobox the upwanted duplicate(s) and delete them (Delete file
>> button to the right of the combobox.
>> - Locate files: Export / Export to folder use the path, file,
>> and ext actions to filter the database down to the wanted file(s) and export a copy
>> to the export folder.
If you apply tagging then the following use cases are added:
>> - Locate files: Export / Export to folder you have the file-system actions and all of the tag related
>> actions to filter the database down to the wanted file(s) and export a copy
>> to your export folder.
My sister recently asked me for a copy of all image files with her daughter in them.
>> In just a few minutes I had a zip file for my sister with almost 350 pictures.
>> - Who is that: I use the Regions / Rubberbanding tool to define a region (rectangle) over people
>> in image files, and associate the region with a tag (such as a who tag group, with the
>> tag Great Uncle Bill, with tag text holding some details about Great Uncle Bill).
>> When browsing the images, with other people sitting next to me, I can
>> click on a region and provide those people next to me with the name of the person under the region, and
>> if the tag text is populated, information about the person in the region.
>> - What is that: Again using the Regions / Rubberbanding tool.
Define a region (rectangle) over objects in an image: cars, dogs, food (recipe in the tag text?),...
>> - Lest we forget: Use the File text field of a specific file to hold
>> a general statement/description of the file.
e.g. I have a picture showing about half of the landing craft of MV Llangibby Castle on D-Day 1945
>> , the file text for this image is a good place to mention that William Alfred Salisbury (my father) was a
>> Royal Marine on board one of MV Llangibby Castle's landing craft, possibly one of the craft in the image!
Yes I know that regions, file text etc, only make sense to this
>> metadata tagging program, BUT the information is in an open format, and
>> in a standard (SQLite) database.
You can either access the database with some other tool, or write
>> a script, using the Expert Mode to export the wanted content in the format that you
>> want.
Or just export it all to Microsoft Excel (if you have it on the same machine as this program)
>> and write a script in Microsoft VBA, or whatever!
My position, as the author of this program is:
>> The really important issue (especially regarding images) is capturing the metadata
>> in an open, plain text, reusable format.
>>Writing on the back of a paper picture is just not enough, and it damages the photo.
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
FUNCTION cbTechieTalk ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Techie Talk
>>A single (portable) executable file (okay, it does create a small database file in the folder where
>> the executable is located, this database is used to hold configuration data that persists over sessions).
Freeware, closed source.
Only available for Microsoft Windows.
>>This is a tri-language program (4 if you include SQLite).
>>- The application that you see is written in a BASIC like script that has been encoded and embedded in to this executable.
>>- The BASIC script is interpreted at runtime via a FORTH like system into calls to native code.
>>- The native code was compliled from a program written in plain old "C".
>>No MFC or WPF or any other framework was used, GUI management was done at the Windows API (Win32) message level.
Why be awkward, when, with a little effort you can be impossible
The BASIC like environment supports:
>> - DLL access
>> - on-the-fly GUI creation
>> - automation (used to be called OLE Automation, or Object Linking & Embedding)
>> - macros (functions/subroutines)
>> - access to SQLite to create/manage/delete databases and tables
>> - access to SQLite to handle queries and their responses
>> - exchange of information between SQLite queries and "BASIC" statements
>> - a number of built-in demo programs for various capabilites
>> - lots and lots more
>> More about the capabilites of this program is available online at:
>> www.plodware.com (actually a sub-domain of www.ripetech.com)
Application version:
freestring = freestring & " " & AppVersion
Underlying database engine is SQLite version:
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlVersion()
For help with the SQLite syntax please look at the many online sites.
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
FUNCTION HelpFacialRecognition ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Facial Recognition
>> No, this program can not do any facial recognition.
But here is what I did!
By late 2021 I had a amassed a collection of ~27000 pictures.
>> About a third were analogue: 35mm slides, 6x6 slides, 35mm negatives, 6x6 negatives and simple paper pictures
A pitiful small number of the pictures were old paper pictures of family members dating back to about 1908.
I felt motivated to preserve some knowledge (e.g. metadata) of the people and places in those pictures, and I wanted
>> it to be in a computer file, not on the back of the paper picture.
A digital file, such as a database would allow me search, find and display the images and metadata.
The first step was to digitise the analogue images. So I bought:
>> - Epsom V600: flatbed scanner with picture / slide / negative capabilites (35mm and 6x6) er somewhat slowwww,
>> but capable of very high resolution. Disappointing. Sorry, but it was not fun, it arrived with a failure in its lighting system, which was repaired, and then 13 months later failed again!
>> - Kodak Slide N Scan Film and Slide Scanner: a small 35mm slide and film strip scanner, reasonably fast, medium resolution.
>> But it could not handle many of my slides because they where too thick. I solved this my making my own slide holder out of stiff paper
>> and two thin strips of wood! It was fun but limited, I wish I had bought a similar scanner that also had 6x6 capability.
>> - Plustek ePhoto Z300: a quick and easy paper picture scanner. I found it fun to use! And it did what I wanted.
>> With these 3 scanners I was able to digitise all of my analogue images.
Even the panoramic picture from my university days which was too long to scan in one go.
>>So I scanned as much as I could from each end, and then used a freeware program
>> to stitch the two pieces together (I can not remember which program it was, sorry).
Now, there was one issue when digitising the images. Having dust free slides and film strips. It takes time!
My recommendation. Do not clean (yet)!
Scan everything. See which images are worth keeping, and which of these need cleaning.
Those that are interesting, clean them and scan to the highest resolution.
>> Now for the Facial recognition bit.
>> I tried using Microsoft Photos. Let us just say that I failed to achieve my goal!
I then heard that the Picasa program from Google, although no longer supported, has some facial recognition abilities.
Copies of Picasa can still be found in the Internet.
Downloaded it, installed it, ran it.
Within 2 hours I was applying names to facial groups that Picasa had identified.
Then another 2 days to sort out the problem faces (one baby can look a lot like another).
Of the ~27000 files, Picasa provided me with facial recognition on 7300 images.
About 5200 images with a single person
About 2100 images with more than one (identified)person
I then used the Region capabilites of this metadata tagging program and provided names by hand (easy, and with acceptable speed)
About 2300 images with a single person
About 700 images with more than one (identified) person
In total I now have 9500 images where someone is identified.
In some cases Picasa did not identify a face because the face was turned away from the camera, or
>> was partially obsured.
All in all I am well pleased with the result.
Picasa saves, in plain text, facial recognition information in a .picasa.ini file which it writes in to the
>> folder where the image is.
I have about 850 folders with images, so 850 .picasa.ini files.
I wrote a script of less than 300 lines, using the BASIC like language in which this application was written, to
>> scan the .picasa.ini files, create a who tag for each face group(about 200 named face groups) and insert
>> that tag in to the appropriate file's database entry.
>>Summary: facial recognition was much easier than I expected: Now I wonder if other recognition solutions are
>> available (animals, flower,...) i.e. generic objects.
>>The .picasa.ini files include the position of the face on the image.
This was my motivation to implement Regions, see a separate help topic!
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
FUNCTION HelpRegions ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Regions
>> This only applies to individual image files that are drag'n'dropped on to the
>> bottom right panel (blueish).
A region is a rectangular area on a image that is linked to a tag.
If that image is drag'n'dropped on to the
>> bottom right panel (blueish), then the region(s) associated with that image will be displayed
>> on the image (only in the bottom right panel, not actually in the image).
You can then click on a region and the tag information associated with that region
>> will be displayed.
You can define your own regions, and assign each region its own (single) tag. The tag can be in any
>> tag group.
I have some images of my musical instruments, and on some images I have a region
>> with the tag bouzouki (nice for playing Irish folk songs).
To assign a region you must activate the menu option Regions / Rubberbanding.
Draw a rectangle over the region with the mouse, let go, and a tool-page will appear on the
>> left hand side, enabling you to:
>>- assign an existing tag to the region
>>- create a new tag and assign it to the region
>>- delete the region
>>There are three types of region:
>>- with a tag
>>- without a tag
>>- rubberband - not yet turned into a permanent region
>>You can customise the colour of these regions' edges so that you can
>> better identify which regions are which.
This tool-page also allows you to edit the tag text that belongs to a tag that
>> is assigned to a region.
Yes, this could be done under the menu Tools / Tag Management but experience suggests to me
>> that it is useful to have an edit option here as well.
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
FUNCTION myTagGroups ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Tag Groups that I use
>>- who
For image files I use this tag group to hold the names of the people in the image.
>> For scans of documents (e.g. birth certificates, insureance policies...), the name(s) of the
>> document owners.
For other file types (e.g. PDFs, Excel, ... ) , the name(s) of the
>> document owners, or even no tag.
>>- what
For image files I have tags such as landscape, coastal, Buildings and Grounds,
>> scan.
For other file types (e.g. PDFs, Excel, ... ) document, certificate
>>- where
For image files I have tags such as England, Wales, London,
>> Corfe Castle, BRNC many many moons ago I had the honour to graduate from there
For other file types (e.g. PDFs, Excel, ... ) currently no tag.
>>- when
For image files I tag the year in which the picture was taken. In some cases I qualify the date
>> e.g. 1999 Christmas
For other file types (e.g. PDFs, Excel, ... ) the date the document was created.
>>- For Deletion
It only has one tag: yes. I use this to mark a file that I intend, maybe later, to delete.
The following are automatically defined by the application
>>- Tagged
If you have lots of files to tag it is almost guaranteed that you will lose track of which files
>> have been fully tagged, and which not, or which have say all of their who tags
>> but not all of their where tags.
I use this tag group to keep track of which files do not need futher attention:
See Help / Tips'n'Tricks
>>- Rescan State
>> For a new database this internal tag group is automatically
>> set to new for all files.
After a rescan the tag for a file is set as follows:
>> - unchanged file has kept its hash value
>> - changed the file has been modified, so its hash has changed.
>> - new the file was not in the old database
>> Currently I think that I need another tag group, location. Whilst the database knows where the digital file is,
>> it currently does not have any information about the physical location of the referenced analogue object.
i.e. for a scan of a paper picture, where is that paper picture located. Likewise for scans of formal documents!
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
FUNCTION WelcomeMessage ( sobid )
sob ( HelpPageSob ,"SET","SHOW",1)
sob ( HelpTextSOB, "empty" )
>> Welcome
>>There are some on-line help pages for this application, see the menu option
>> Help / Go to online help.
>>There are also some help pages embedded in to this program.
Try the menu Help.
sob ( HelpTextsob, "ADD", "ROW" , freestring )
END Function
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dim escChr = 0x01b
dim defActionComboText = " "
dim defTypeComboText = " "
dim haveRectMeta = 0
dim haveRectPicasa = 0
dim DbName = ""
dim copyTagGroup = ""
dim copyTagName = ""
dim RegionRectWeight , RegionRectShow , reDrawRegionsID
dim ImageLoadedFlag = 0
dim leftRB , topRB , rightRB, bottomRB
dim HaveRubberBandRect
dim FirstFileMenuItem
dim CommonSobTitle
dim CommonSobInfo
dim CommonSobBtn , CommonSobBtnB , CommonSobCombo
dim CommonSobResult
FUNCTION CommonSobClear ( mytitle )
sob ( CommonSobTitle , "SET" , "TITLE" , mytitle)
sob ( CommonSobInfo , "EMPTY" )
sob ( CommonSobResult , "EMPTY" )
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "set" , "show" , 0)
sob ( CommonSobBtnB , "set" , "show" , 0)
sob ( CommonSobCombo , "set" , "show" , 0)
sob ( CommonSobCombo , "EMPTY" )
noErrorReport ("")
dim TransparentRGB = rgb (1,1,1) ' do NOT change this, is hardcodeed in the underlying interpreter!
dim defBtnCol = rgb ( 0xd4, 0xd0, 0xc8 )
dim bgBoxCol = rgb ( 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f )
dim defBoxTxtCol = rgb ( 0xeb, 0xeb, 0xeb )
dim defLabelCol = rgb ( 0xeb, 0xeb, 0xeb )
dim ErrorCol = rgb ( 0xff, 0x60, 0x60 )
dim WarningCol = rgb ( 0xff, 0xbf, 0xbf )
dim bgStatusCol = rgb ( 0xeb, 0xeb, 0xeb )
dim defStatusCol = rgb ( 0x00, 0xff, 0x00 )
dim bgTypeCol = rgb ( 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f )
dim defTypeCol = bgTypeCol
dim altTypeCol = rgb ( 0xff, 0xff, 0xff )
dim defNameCol = rgb ( 0x97, 0xd5, 0xff )
dim altNameCol = rgb ( 0xff, 0xff, 0xff )
dim defTextCol = rgb ( 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f )
dim bgROeditCol = bgStatusCol
dim tagArray , uBoundTagArray
dim tagTxtArray , uBoundTagTxtArray
dim tagFlag, FreeTextFlag
dim SavedTagTypeComboArray ( 128 ) as handle
dim SavedTagTypeComboIndex = 0
dim TagTypeComboArray ( 128 ) as handle
dim TagTypeComboIndex = 0
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION UpdateUsedFileList ()
dim i , fName, pos = 0 , rid
FOR I = 0 to 10
> select txt from parameters where type like 'file' order by val desc limit 1 offset
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "" & i )
fName = db_arg_text ( freestring )
IF ( isFile ( fName ) == 1 ) then
sob ( sob(FirstFileMenuItem,"SIBLING",pos++) , "SET" , "TITLE" , fName )
> select count (*) from parameters where type like 'file'
pos = db_arg_int ( freestring )
i = 11
DO while i < pos
> select rowid from parameters where type like 'file' order by val desc limit 1 offset 11
rid = db_arg_int (freestring)
> delete from parameters where type like 'file' and rowid =
freestring = freestring & rid
i ++
END function
FUNCTION AddFileToUsedList ( useFile, accesstype )
dim fileNbr
fileNbr = db_arg_int ( " select count(*) from parameters where type like 'file' " )
IF fileNbr then
> select max ( val) from parameters where type like 'file'
fileNbr = db_arg_int( freestring ) + 1
fileNbr = 1
END if
> Delete from parameters where type like 'file' and txt like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( useFile )
db_arg_set ( freestring )
> insert into parameters values ('file', '',
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( fileNbr )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( useFile )
>> , '' )
db_arg_set ( freestring )
UpdateUsedFileList ()
END Function
FUNCTION OpenMessage ( )
dim onArea = CommonSobInfo
sob ( onArea , "ADD" , "ROW" , "" & EOL )
sob ( onArea , "ADD" , "ROW" , "You can now start working on the database." & EOL )
sob ( onArea , "ADD" , "ROW" , "e.g." & EOL )
sob ( onArea , "ADD" , "ROW" , " To get details about a file drag and drop a " & EOL )
sob ( onArea , "ADD" , "ROW" , " file on to the blue area." & EOL )
sob ( sobImageHolder , "SET" , "RGB", RGB( 100,200,255) )
' ----------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION deReferenceTagInRegions ( TagGroup , Tagname )
IF ( haveRectMeta ) then
> update Master set RectMeta = replace( RectMeta,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( ")," & TagGroup & TagDelim & Tagname & ";" )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( ")fffffffffffffff;" )
>> )
sql ( freestring )
IF ( haveRectPicasa ) then
> update Master set RectPicasa = replace( RectPicasa ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( ")," & TagGroup & TagDelim & Tagname & ";" )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( ")fffffffffffffff;" )
>> )
sql ( freestring )
END Function
FUNCTION deReferenceTagInRegionsInHash ( hashVal , TagGroup , Tagname )
' remove a tag group/tag name from the RECT columns for a specific HASH value
' we leave the RECT part in the table, and set its group/name part to the default
> update Master set RectMeta = replace( RectMeta,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( ")," & TagGroup & TagDelim & Tagname & ";" )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( ")fffffffffffffff;" )
>> ) where hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( hashVal )
sql ( freestring )
> update Master set RectPicasa = replace( RectPicasa ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( ")," & TagGroup & TagDelim & Tagname & ";" )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( ")fffffffffffffff;" )
>> ) where hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( hashVal )
sql ( freestring )
END Function
FUNCTION ReReferenceTagInRegions ( TagGroup , OldTagname , NewTagname )
> update Master set RectMeta = replace( RectMeta,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( ")," & TagGroup & TagDelim & OldTagname & ";" )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( ")," & TagGroup & TagDelim & NewTagname & ";" )
>> )
sql( freestring )
> update Master set RectPicasa = replace( RectPicasa,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( ")," & OldTagname & ";" )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( ")," & NewTagname & ";" )
>> )
sql( freestring )
END Function
' ----------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION CBUsedFileList ( sobid )
' sobid = selected UsedFileList menu shortcut
' open a previous database using the UsedFileList shortcuts
dim dbFIle = sob ( sobid, "get","title")
currentFile = ""
CommonSobClear ( "Open database from used file list" )
>Open a database file, in memory§
>>Changes are ONLY saved when you explicitly trigger a save.§
sob ( CommonOvl ,"set","show",1)
dim proceed = 1
IF ( proceed ) then
dbopen("memory" ,dbFIle)
ErrorReport ("Open failed on file : " & dbFIle )
sob ( CommonSobResult , "add" , "row" , "Open failed on file : " & EOL & dbFIle & EOL )
proceed = 0
END try
copyTagName = ""
IF ( proceed ) then
proceed = dbValidityCheck ()
IF ( proceed ) then
> select comment from parameters where type like 'file' and txt =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( dbFIle )
currentFile = db_arg_text ( freestring)
AddFileToUsedList ( dbFIle, "rw" )
sob ( statusDBFile, "SET" ,"TITLE" , dbFIle )
IF ( ! isTable ( , "master") ) then
sob ( CommonSobResult , "add" , "row" , "No master table in database" & EOL )
proceed = 0
END if
IF ( proceed ) then
NoErrorReport ("Open OK " )
update master set key = hash || path || name
sob ( CommonSobResult , "add" , "row" , "Database file OK: " & EOL & dbFIle & EOL & EOL )
OnOpenPrepareMasterTagTable (CommonSobResult)
OpenMessage ( )
cbsingleFile ( currentFile )
END function
FUNCTION create_usedFileList ()
FirstFileMenuItem = sob ( myMenuFile , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "0 " )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBUsedFileList")
dim i
FOR I = 1 to 10
sob ( myMenuFile , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" ,"" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBUsedFileList")
END Function
FUNCTION enableUsedFileSelection ( flag )
dim i
FOR I = 0 to 10
SOB (sob(FirstFileMenuItem,"SIBLING",i) , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,flag )
END function
FUNCTION getFirstFileDir ()
dim defDir = sob ( FirstFileMenuItem , "GET" , "TITLE" )
IF ( isFIle ( defDir ) ) then
IF ( defDir ) then
DO WHILE ( right ( defDir , 1 ) <> "\\" )
defDir = right ( defDir , -1 )
getFirstFileDir = defDir
getFirstFileDir = dir
IF ( isFIle ( getFirstFileDir ) == -1 ) then
getFirstFileDir = app@cwd
FileSelDir ( getFirstFileDir)
END function
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION toggleWarnColour ( sobid )
IF ( sob (sobId , "GET", "RGB" ) == WarningCol ) then
sob ( sobId , "SET", "RGB" , RGB ( 0xff ,0,0 ) )
sob ( sobId , "SET", "RGB" , WarningCol )
FUNCTION toggleOKColour ( sobid )
IF ( sob (sobId , "GET", "RGB" ) == bgTypeCol ) then
sob ( sobId , "SET", "RGB" , RGB ( 0 ,0xff ,0 ) )
sob ( sobId , "SET", "RGB" , bgTypeCol )
dim MarkRowid = "0"
FUNCTION CbdeleteFileListDoit ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBopen ) then
sob ( CommonSobResult , "ADD" , "ROW" , "No database is open!" & EOL )
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
EXIT function
SELECT count (*) from temp.SubList where type = 'file'
dim fileCount = qrSingleValue
IF ( ! fileCount ) then
sob ( CommonSobResult , "ADD" , "ROW" , "No files selected!" & EOL )
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
EXIT function
IF ( msgBox ( "Delete the files?" , 0x04 , "WARNING" ) ) THEN
EXIT function
END if
cancelClear ()
cancelText( "DELETE Files" , 1 )
cancelText( "Files to delete: " & FileCount , 2 )
WITHQUERY ( " select path , name , rowid from temp.SubList where type = 'file' ")
DeleteFileNow ( wqtext(1) & wqtext(2) )
> delete from master where path like $pth and name like $nme
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$pth" , sqlString (wqText(1)) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$nme" , sqlString (wqText(2)) )
sql (freestring)
> delete from temp.SubList where rowid = $rid
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$rid" , sqlString (wqText(3)) )
sql (freestring)
IF ( isFile (wqtext(1) & wqtext(2)) ) then
sob ( CommonSobResult , "add" , "row" , "delete file failure: " & EOL & wqtext(1) & wqtext(2) & EOL & dstPoint & EOL )
END try
cancelToggle ()
IF ( fileCount BAND 0x0f ) then
cancelText( "Files to delete: " & FileCount , 2 )
END withquery
sob ( CommonSobResult , "add" , "row" , "Delete finished! " & EOL )
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
FUNCTION CbdeleteFileList ( sobid )
CommonSobClear ( "Delete files" )
> Use this to DELETE the files in the file list§
>> - The files will be sent to the Recycle bin§
>> The files will be deleted from the file system and removed from the database§
sob ( CommonSobInfo , "ADD" , "ROW" , replace ( freestring , EOLdelim , EOL ) )
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "TITLE" , "Delete")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "ON" , "PRESS" , "CbdeleteFileListDoIt")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "rgb" , defBtnCol)
sob ( CommonOvl ,"set","show",1)
END Function
FUNCTION CbExportFileListDoIt ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
exportFilter ( "export" , "" , GetPath & "\\" )
FUNCTION CbReuseTargetFolder ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
exportFilter ( "export" , "" , ExportFolder )
dim TargetFolder , ExportFolder = ""
FUNCTION CbOpenExportFolder (sobid )
sob ( sobid, "set", "show", 0 )
IF ( ! isdbopen ) THEN
ErrorReport("No database open")
EXIT function
ShellExecute ( TargetFolder )
END function
FUNCTION cbExportFileList ( sobid )
CommonSobClear ( "Export files" )
> Use this to export(copy) the files in the file list to a folder§
>> - The files are given a unique name, and placed under the specified folder§
>> - The files will be placed in a single "flat" folder
sob ( CommonSobInfo , "ADD" , "ROW" , replace ( freestring , EOLdelim , EOL ) )
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "TITLE" , "Export")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "ON" , "PRESS", "CbExportFileListDoIt")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "rgb" , defBtnCol)
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "set" , "show",1)
IF ( ExportFolder <> "") then
sob ( CommonSobBtnB , "SET", "TITLE" , "Export to previous folder" )
sob ( CommonSobBtnB , "ON" , "PRESS", "CbReuseTargetFolder")
END if
sob ( CommonOvl , "set" , "show",1)
END Function
FUNCTION FilterOnTagPlus ( TagGroup )
dim FilterTags , uBoundFilterTags , i
> insert into temp.SubList SELECT rowid , * from master where
sql ( "select " & sqlIdentifier ( TagGroup & TagGroupId ) & " from temp.masterfile limit 1" )
set FilterTags = split ( replace ( qrSingleValue , TagDelim , nonPrintableDelim ) , nonPrintableDelim )
uBoundFilterTags = uBOuND ( FilterTags )
IF ( uBoundFilterTags > -1 ) then
FOR i = 0 to uBoundFilterTags
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( TagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "%" & TagDelim & FilterTags(i) & TagDelim & "%" )
>> and
>> 1
END function
FUNCTION FilterOnTagOnly ( TagGroup , TagName)
dim MustHaveTags , uBoundMustHaveTags , i
drop table if exists temp.SubListTemp
create table temp.SubListTemp as select rowid as rid , * from master limit 0
> insert into temp.SubListTemp SELECT rowid , * from master where
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( TagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring("%" & TagDelim & TagName & TagDelim & "%" )
dim tmpStr
> delete from temp.SubListTemp where
tmpStr = " ( (length (§§) - length(replace(§§, § , '' ) ) ) / length (§) ) "
tmpStr = replace ( tmpStr , "§§" , sqlidentifier( TagGroup & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = freestring & " " & replace ( tmpStr , "§" , sqlstring(TagDelim) )
>> > 2
report ( freestring )
insert into temp.SubList select * from temp.SubListTemp
END Function
FUNCTION FilterOnTagIdentical ( TagGroup )
dim MustHaveTags , uBoundMustHaveTags , i
drop table if exists temp.SubListTemp
create table temp.SubListTemp as select rowid as rid , * from master limit 0
> insert into temp.SubListTemp SELECT rowid , * from master where
sql ( "select " & sqlIdentifier ( TagGroup & TagGroupId ) & " from temp.masterfile limit 1" )
set MustHaveTags = split ( replace ( qrSingleValue , TagDelim , nonPrintableDelim ) , nonPrintableDelim )
uBoundMustHaveTags = uBOuND ( MustHaveTags )
IF ( uBoundMustHaveTags > -1 ) then
FOR i = 0 to uBoundMustHaveTags
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( TagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "%" & TagDelim & MustHaveTags(i) & TagDelim & "%" )
>> and
>> 1
dim tmpStr
> delete from temp.SubListTemp where
tmpStr = " not ( ( length (§§) - length(replace(§§, § , '' ) )/ length ( §) ) "
tmpStr = replace ( tmpStr , "§§" , sqlidentifier( TagGroup & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = freestring & " " & replace ( tmpStr , "§" , sqlstring(TagDelim) )
>> = ( select
tmpStr = " ( length (§§) - length(replace(§§, § , '' ) )/ length ( §) ) "
tmpStr = replace ( tmpStr , "§§" , sqlidentifier( TagGroup & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = freestring & " " & replace ( tmpStr , "§" , sqlstring(TagDelim) )
>> from temp.masterFile limit 1 ) )
>> or
>> 0
report ( freestring )
insert into temp.SubList select * from temp.SubListTemp
END Function
FUNCTION FilterOnTagsPlus ( )
dim FilterTags , uBoundFilterTags , i
> insert into temp.SubList SELECT rowid , * from master where
WITHQUERY ( "select distinct ttGroup from tagTable ")
sql ( "select " & sqlIdentifier ( wqText ( 1 ) ) & " from temp.masterfile limit 1" )
set FilterTags = split ( replace ( qrSingleValue , TagDelim , nonPrintableDelim ) , nonPrintableDelim )
uBoundFilterTags = uBOuND ( FilterTags )
IF ( uBoundFilterTags > -1 ) then
FOR i = 0 to uBoundFilterTags
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( wqText ( 1 ) )
>> like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "%" & TagDelim &FilterTags(i) & TagDelim & "%" )
>> and
END withquery
>> 1
END function
FUNCTION FilterOnTagsIdentical ( )
dim MustHaveTags , uBoundMustHaveTags , i
drop table if exists temp.SubListTemp
create table temp.SubListTemp as select rowid as rid , * from master limit 0
> insert into temp.SubListTemp SELECT rowid , * from master where
WITHQUERY ( "select distinct ttGroup from tagTable ")
sql ( "select " & sqlIdentifier ( wqText ( 1 ) ) & " from temp.masterfile limit 1" )
set MustHaveTags = split ( replace ( qrSingleValue , TagDelim , nonPrintableDelim ) , nonPrintableDelim )
uBoundMustHaveTags = uBOuND ( MustHaveTags )
IF ( uBoundMustHaveTags > -1 ) then
FOR i = 0 to uBoundMustHaveTags
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( wqText ( 1 ) )
>> like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "%" & TagDelim & MustHaveTags (i) & TagDelim & "%" )
>> and
END withquery
>> 1
dim tmpStr
> delete from temp.SubListTemp where
WITHQUERY ( "select distinct ttGroup from tagTable ")
tmpStr = " not ( ( length (§§) - length(replace(§§, § , '' ) )/ length ( §) ) "
tmpStr = replace ( tmpStr , "§§" , sqlidentifier(wqtext(1)) )
freestring = freestring & " " & replace ( tmpStr , "§" , sqlstring(TagDelim) )
>> = ( select
tmpStr = " ( length (§§) - length(replace(§§, § , '' ) )/ length ( §) ) "
tmpStr = replace ( tmpStr , "§§" , sqlidentifier(wqtext(1)) )
freestring = freestring & " " & replace ( tmpStr , "§" , sqlstring(TagDelim) )
>> from temp.masterFile limit 1 ) )
>> or
END withquery
>> 0
report ( freestring )
insert into temp.SubList select * from temp.SubListTemp
END Function
FUNCTION exportFilter ( actionTxt , optional tagtype = "" , optional TagName = "" )
dim filecount
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
sob ( CommonSobBtnB ,"set","show",0)
IF ( tagtype == noTag ) then
ErrorReport (" no Tag Group selected" )
EXIT function
IF ( TagName == "" ) then
IF ( actionTxt == noTag ) then
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "new" ) then
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "statistic" ) then
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "export" ) then
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "lock" ) then
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "+duplicate" ) then
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "+empty" ) then
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "Tags ==" ) then
ErrorReport (" no Tag Name selected" )
EXIT function
IF ( actionTxt == "new" ) then
MarkRowid = 0
drop table if exists temp.SubList
create table temp.SubList as select rowid as rid , * from master limit 0
EXIT function
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "none" ) THEN
EXIT function
IF ( ! isDBTable ( "temp", "SubList" ) ) THEN
EXIT function
IF ( actionTxt == "Tags ==" ) then
FilterOnTagsIdentical ()
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "Tags =+" ) then
FilterOnTagsPlus ()
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "Tag ==" ) then
FilterOnTagIdentical (TagType)
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "Tag =+" ) then
FilterOnTagPlus ( TagType)
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "Tag only" ) then
FilterOnTagOnly ( TagType , TagName)
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "add ==" ) then
> insert into temp.SubList SELECT rowid , * from master where
>> $TagType like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( "%" & TagDelim )
>> || $TagName ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( TagDelim & "%" )
>> and type like 'file'
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagType" , sqlIdentifier ( TagType & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagName" , sqlString ( TagName ) )
sql ( freestring )
freestring = ""
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "add <>" ) then
> insert into temp.SubList SELECT rowid , * from master where
>> not ( $TagType like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( "%" & TagDelim )
>> || $TagName ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( TagDelim & "%" )
>> ) and type like 'file'
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagType" , sqlIdentifier ( TagType & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagName" , sqlString ( TagName ) )
sql ( freestring )
freestring = ""
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "add any" ) then
> insert into temp.SubList SELECT rowid , * from master where
>> not ( $TagType is null or $TagType in ( '' ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( TagDelim )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( TagDelim & TagDelim )
>> ) )
>> and type like 'file'
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagType" , sqlIdentifier ( TagType & TagGroupId ) )
sql ( freestring )
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "add ==?" ) then
> insert into temp.SubList SELECT rowid , * from master where
>> $TagType like '%' || $TagName || '%'
>> and type like 'file'
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagType" , sqlIdentifier ( TagType & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagName" , sqlString ( TagName ) )
sql ( freestring )
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "add <>?" ) then
> insert into temp.SubList SELECT rowid , * from master where
>> not $TagType like '%' || $TagName || '%'
>> and type like 'file'
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagType" , sqlIdentifier ( TagType & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagName" , sqlString ( TagName ) )
sql ( freestring )
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "add non" ) then
> insert into temp.SubList SELECT rowid , * from master where
>> ( $TagType is null or $TagType in ( '' ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( TagDelim )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( TagDelim & TagDelim )
>> ) )
>> and type like 'file'
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagType" , sqlIdentifier ( TagType & TagGroupId ) )
sql ( freestring )
freestring = ""
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "remove <>" ) then
> delete from temp.SubList where
>> not $TagType like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "%" & TagDelim )
>> || $TagName ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim & "%" )
>> and rowid > $mark
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagType" , sqlIdentifier ( TagType & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagName" , sqlString ( TagName ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$mark" , cstr(MarkRowid ) )
sql ( freestring )
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "remove ==" ) then
> delete from temp.SubList where
>> $TagType like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "%" & TagDelim )
>> || $TagName ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim & "%" )
>> and rowid > $mark
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagType" , sqlIdentifier ( TagType & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagName" , sqlString ( TagName ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$mark" , cstr(MarkRowid ) )
sql ( freestring )
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "remove non" ) then
> delete from temp.SubList where
>> ( $TagType is null or $TagType in ( '' ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( TagDelim )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( TagDelim & TagDelim )
>> ) )
>> and rowid > $mark
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagType" , sqlIdentifier ( TagType & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagName" , sqlString ( TagName ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$mark" , cstr(MarkRowid ) )
sql ( freestring )
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "remove any" ) then
> delete from temp.SubList where
>> not ( $TagType is null or $TagType in ( '' ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( TagDelim )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( TagDelim & TagDelim )
>> ) )
>> and rowid > $mark
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagType" , sqlIdentifier ( TagType & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagName" , sqlString ( TagName ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$mark" , cstr(MarkRowid ) )
sql ( freestring )
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "remove <>?" ) then
> delete from temp.SubList where
>> not ( $TagType like '%' || $TagName || '%' )
>> and rowid > $mark
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagType" , sqlIdentifier ( TagType & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagName" , sqlString ( TagName ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$mark" , cstr(MarkRowid ) )
sql ( freestring )
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "remove ==?" ) then
> delete from temp.SubList where
>> ( $TagType like '%' || $TagName || '%' )
>> and rowid > $mark
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagType" , sqlIdentifier ( TagType & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagName" , sqlString ( TagName ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$mark" , cstr(MarkRowid ) )
sql ( freestring )
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "export" ) then
dim TargetPath = TagName
IF ( targetPath = "\\" ) then
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "row" , "Cancelled by user" & EOL )
EXIT function
IF ( ! isFile ( targetPath) ) then
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "row" , "Destination folder does not exist: " & EOL & TargetPath & EOL )
EXIT function
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "row" , "Destination folder: " & EOL & TargetPath & EOL )
ExportFolder = TargetPath
dim dstPoint
dim fso = createobject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
IF ( ! fso ) THEN
sob ( CommonSobResult , "Add" , "row", "Could not create the File System Object " & EOL )
EXIT function
cancelClear ()
cancelText( "Exporting Files" , 1 )
SELECT count (*) from temp.SubList where type = 'file'
fileCount = qrSingleValue
sob ( CommonSobResult , "Add" , "row", "Nr files to export: " & fileCount & EOL )
cancelText( "Files to export: " & FileCount , 2 )
fso.DeleteFile ( TargetPath & "E0*" )
END try
WITHQUERY ( " select path , name , rid from temp.SubList where type = 'file' ")
dstPoint = TargetPath & "E" & Right ( "0000000000" & wqtext(3) , 7 ) & "_" & wqtext(2)
fso.copyFile ( wqtext(1) & wqtext(2) , dstPoint )
IF ( isFile (wqtext(1) & wqtext(2)) ) then
report ( "copy file failure: " & EOL & wqtext(1) & wqtext(2) & EOL & dstPoint & EOL )
END try
cancelToggle ()
IF ( fileCount BAND 0x0f ) then
cancelText( "Files to export: " & FileCount , 2 )
END withquery
sob ( CommonSobBtnB , "SET" , "TITLE", "Open Export folder" )
sob ( CommonSobBtnB , "ON" , "PRESS", "CbOpenExportFolder")
TargetFolder = ExportFolder
sob ( CommonSobBtnB ,"set","show",1)
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "statistic" ) then
SELECT count (*) from temp.SubList
exportFilter = qrsingleValue
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "lock" ) then
SELECT max (rowid) from temp.SubList
MarkRowid = qrsingleValue
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "+duplicate" ) then
> insert into temp.SubList SELECT rowid ,* from master where type like 'file' and
>> hash in ( select hash from master group by hash having count (*)> 1 )
sql ( freestring )
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "+empty" ) then
> insert into temp.SubList SELECT rowid ,* from master where type like 'file' and
>> size = 0
sql ( freestring )
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "like" ) then
> insert into temp.SubList SELECT rowid ,* from master where type like 'file' and
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagtype )
>> like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( TagName )
sql ( freestring )
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "-like" ) then
> delete from temp.SubList where type like 'file' and
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagtype )
>> like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( TagName )
sql ( freestring )
IF ( isDBTable ( "temp" , "SubList" ) ) THEN
removeDuplicates ( "temp" , "SubList" )
END if
FUNCTION clearAllFolderTags ()
WITHQUERY ( "select name from temp.masterColumns" )
> update master SET
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier ( wqText(1) )
>> = ""
>> where type = 'folder'
sql ( freestring )
END withquery
END function
FUNCTION normaliseTags ()
WITHQUERY ( "select name from temp.masterColumns" )
> update master SET
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier ( wqText(1) )
>> =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( TagDelim )
>> where type = 'file' and (
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier ( wqText(1) )
>> is NULL
>> or
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier ( wqText(1) )
>> =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( TagDelim & TagDelim)
>> or
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier ( wqText(1) )
>> = ""
>> )
report ( freestring )
END withquery
END function
FUNCTION upDateMaster ()
' delete the ORIGINAL changed file
' Note: changed means that the hash has changed
update master set rescanstate = 'old' where not type like 'folder'
update Master set key = path || name
update temp.changedFiles set key = path || name
delete from master where key in ( select key from temp.changedFiles )
' now we can copy the changed to MASTER
update temp.changedFiles set rescanstate = 'changed' where not type like 'folder'
insert into master select * from temp.changedFiles
' --------------------------
' give NEW files META data from MASTER
' since we are not doing any DROP or CREATE commands, we can use a WITHQUERY
' for each META column, copy the original META data across
WITHQUERY ( "select name from temp.masterColumns" )
> update temp.newFiles SET
>> $col = frmTbl. $col
>> ( select $col , hash from master ) as frmTbl
>> newFiles.hash = frmTbl.hash
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$col" , sqlIdentifier(wqText(1)) )
sql ( freestring )
END withquery
' now we can copy the NEW to MASTER
update temp.newFiles set rescanstate = 'new' where not type like 'folder'
insert into master select * from temp.newFiles
' --------------------------
' NOW and only NOW, we can remove the LOST files from MASTER
' WHY? in case their HASH was also in the NEW files list
' so we needed their META info to copy across!
update temp.lostFiles set key = path || name
update master set key = path || name
delete from master where key in ( select key from temp.lostFiles )
update master set key = hash || path || name
' ----------------------------------------------------------
' functions to manage the set of COMBO boxes
' that offer the user a choice of TagGroup
' ----------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION isTagTypeCombo( sobid )
TagTypeComboArray (TagTypeComboIndex++ ) = sobid
END Function
FUNCTION updateTagTypeCombos ( )
' we have a LIST of all COMBOs that offer the user a choice of
' TagGroup
' this code will update those COMBOs so that they all offer the
' full range of available TAG GROUPS
dim i = 0 , j , sobId
IF ( ! tagFlag ) then
EXIT function
IF ( isDBopen ) then
DO while i < TagTypeComboIndex
sobId = TagTypeComboArray (i)
sob( sobId , "empty" )
sob( sobid , "add" , "row" , NoTag )
FOR j = 0 to uBoundTagArray
sob( sobid , "add" , "row" , right (tagArray(j) , -3))
sob( sobId , "SET", "SELECTION" , "ROW" , 1 )
DO while i < TagTypeComboIndex
sobId = TagTypeComboArray (i)
sob( sobId , "empty" )
sob( sobid , "add" , "row" , NoTag)
END Function
' --------------------------
FUNCTION resetTagBoxes ()
' we have a LIST of all COMBOs that offer the user as choice of
' TagGroup
' this code will update those COMBOs so that they all offer the
' DEFAULT TAG GROUP row = 1 fo the COMBO
dim i = 0
dim sobid
DO while i < TagTypeComboIndex
sobid = TagTypeComboArray (i)
sob ( sobid , "set" , "selection", "row" , 1 )
' --------------------------
' as a CONVENIENCE we can save/restore across a DB save/open
' the state of those COMBO boxes
' that offer the user a choice of TagGroup
' The saving/recovery DB part is found under the functions
' saveEnvironment
' restoreEnvironment
FUNCTION isSavedTagTypeCombo( sobid )
' records the target SOBID as one to be saved/restored
SavedTagTypeComboArray (SavedTagTypeComboIndex++ ) = sobid
END Function
FUNCTION resetSavedBoxes ()
' writes the saved environment back to the various COMBOs..
' hardcoded Screen Object SIBLING sequence
' Action Combo -1
' Tag Group Combo 0
' Filter edit field 1
' Tag Name Combo 2
' Action Button 3
dim i = 0
dim sib , sobid , txt
DO while i < SavedTagTypeComboIndex
sobid = SavedTagTypeComboArray (i)
sib = SOB ( sobid , "sibling" , -1 )
txt = sob ( sib , "set", "title" , "#################" )
sob ( sib , "set" , "selection", "row" , 1 )
txt = sob ( sib , "get", "title" )
sib = SOB ( sobid , "sibling" , 0 )
sob ( sib , "set" , "selection", "row" , 1 )
sib = SOB ( sobid , "sibling" , 1 )
sob ( sib , "empty" )
sib = SOB ( sobid , "sibling" , 2 )
sob ( sib , "empty" )
sib = SOB ( sobid , "sibling" , 3 )
sob ( sib , "set" , "title" , txt )
sob ( sib , "set" , "rgb" , defBtnCol )
' CB_action_select (tbid , 1)
' ----------------------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------
dim defaultText = " "
dim Currenthash = ""
dim CurrentFile = ""
dim CurrentRowid = 0
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION ExtractTags ( frmTbl , frmCol )
' do NOT call from inside a WITHQUERY
' a WITHQUERY blocks the DB from doing a CREATE or a DROP
drop table if exists temp.ExtractTbl
> create temp table ExtractTbl as select $frmCol as haveTag from $frmTbl
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$frmTbl" , sqlIdentifier(frmTbl) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$frmCol" , sqlIdentifier(frmCol))
sql ( freestring )
drop table if exists temp.ResultTbl
> create temp table ResultTbl as
>> with recursive list ( element , remainder ) as
>> (
>> select distinct null as element , haveTag as remainder from ExtractTbl where not ( haveTag = '' or haveTag =
freestring = freestring & " " & SQLstring ( TagDelim)
>> )
'>> WHEN INSTR( remainder, '§' )>0 THEN
>> WHEN INSTR( remainder,
freestring = freestring & " " & SQLstring ( TagDelim)
>> )>0 THEN
' >> SUBSTR( remainder, 0, INSTR( remainder, '§' ) )
>> SUBSTR( remainder, 0, INSTR( remainder,
freestring = freestring & " " & SQLstring ( TagDelim)
>> ) )
>> remainder
>> END AS element,
'>> WHEN INSTR( remainder, '§' )>0 THEN
>> WHEN INSTR( remainder,
freestring = freestring & " " & SQLstring ( TagDelim)
>> ) > 0 then
'>> SUBSTR( remainder, INSTR( remainder, '§' )+1 )
>> SUBSTR( remainder, INSTR( remainder,
freestring = freestring & " " & SQLstring ( TagDelim)
>> ) +
freestring = freestring & " " & length ( TagDelim)
>> )
>> END AS remainder
>> FROM list
>> WHERE remainder IS NOT NULL
>> )
>> SELECT distinct element as haveTag FROM list WHERE element IS NOT NULL and not element = ''
sql ( freestring )
drop table if exists temp.ExtractTbl
END Function
FUNCTION updateFreeTextCombos ( )
dim i
sob ( FreeTextComboSob , "EMPTY")
sob ( FreeTextToolCombo , "EMPTY")
IF ( ! isDBopen ) then FreeTextFlag = 0
IF ( FreeTextFlag ) then
sob ( FreeTextComboSob , "add" , "row" , " all" )
FOR i = 0 to uBoundTagTxtArray
sob ( FreeTextComboSob , "add" , "row" , right(tagTxtArray(i), -1*length(FreeTxtId)) )
sob ( FreeTextToolCombo , "add" , "row" , right(tagTxtArray(i), -1*length(FreeTxtId)) )
sob ( FreeTextToolCombo , "SET" , "Selection", "row", 1 )
IF ( uBoundTagTxtArray == 0 ) then
sob ( FreeTextComboSob , "SET" , "Selection", "row", 2 )
sob ( FreeTextComboSob , "SET" , "Selection", "row", 1 )
sob ( FreeTextComboSob , "add" , "row" , NoTag )
sob ( FreeTextComboSob , "SET" , "Selection", "row", 1 )
sob ( FreeTextToolCombo , "add" , "row" , NoTag )
sob ( FreeTextToolCombo , "SET" , "Selection", "row", 1 )
FUNCTION CreateUsersTagTableAndColumnsList ()
' the idea is that MasterColumns lists the USER defined columns
' and that tagTable lists the USER defined values that
' can be assigned to USER defined columns
' these two tables are created / modified / deleted via the
' menu Tag Tools / Tag Management
' and via the Free Text Fields panel
' and when providing contents for REGIONS
' want to create a table, temp.MasterColumns of the USER defined columns
' i.e. those of the form
' '%tag' and '%TagTxt'
Drop table if exists temp.masterColumns
create temp table masterColumns as select name , 1 as flag from pragma_table_info ( 'master' ) where name like '%tag' or name like '%TagTxt'
' -----------------------------------
' handle the Free text fields
SELECT group_concat ( name) from temp.mastercolumns where name like '%tagTxt' order by name asc
IF ( (qrsingleValue == "") OR (istype(qrsingleValue) == "empty") OR ( qrsingleValue == 0) ) THEN
FreeTextFlag = 0
IF ( sob ( FreeTextPopUpid , "GET" , "CHECK" ) ) then
sob ( FreeTextPopUpid , "SET" , "CHECK" , 0 )
sob ( RegionPopUpid , "SET" , "CHECK" , 1 )
sob ( FreeTextPopUpid , "SET" , "MENU.GREY", 1 )
set TagTxtArray = split ( qrsingleValue , "," )
uBoundTagTxtArray = uBound ( TagTxtArray )
FreeTextFlag = 1
sob ( FreeTextPopUpid , "SET" , "MENU.GREY", 0 )
dim i
updateFreeTextCombos ()
' -----------------------------------
' handle the Tags
SELECT group_concat ( name) from temp.mastercolumns where name like '%tag' order by name asc
IF ( (qrsingleValue == "") OR (istype(qrsingleValue) == "empty") OR ( qrsingleValue == 0) ) THEN
tagFlag = 0
set TagArray = split ( qrsingleValue , "," )
uBoundTagArray = uBound ( TagArray )
tagFlag = 1
drop table if exists tagTable
create table tagTable ( ttGroup , ttName , ttComment )
IF ( tagFlag ) then
FOR i = 0 to uBoundTagArray
ExtractTags ( "master", tagArray (i))
> insert into tagTable select $tagName, haveTag, '' from ResultTbl
freestring = replace ( freestring, "$tagName" , sqlIdentifier ( tagArray (i) ) )
sql (freestring )
insert into tagTable select 'TaggedTag', substr ( name ,1, length(name) - 3 ) , '' from mastercolumns
' remove duplicates
> delete from tagTable
>> WHERE exists (
>> select 1 from tagTable as TT2
>> where tagTable.ttGroup = tt2.ttGroup
>> and tagTable.ttName = tt2.ttName
>> and tagTable.rowid > tt2.rowid
>> )
sql (freestring)
END function
' -----------------------------------------------------
' create a window to contain some SOBs
dim appWindow = sob ("application", "NEW", appName)
' this is IMPORTANT
' always always always place POPUP definitions right after their
' parent WINDOW
dim CopyPastePopUp = sob ( appWindow, "add", "Menu", "popup")
dim OnImagePopUpSimilar = sob ( appWindow, "add", "Menu", "popup")
dim OnImagePopUpGroup = sob ( appWindow, "add", "Menu", "popup")
dim OnImageMngmtPopUp = sob ( appWindow, "add", "Menu", "popup")
' to prevent screen flashing whilst we define all of the SOBS
' hide the application windows
sob ( appWindow,"SET" ,"SHOW",0)
' Define a callback to handle a click on the TOP Right "X"
FUNCTION cbCloseApplication ( sobid )
IF ( isDbOPen ) then
IF ( ! MSGBOX ( "Close without saving database?", 1, "Warning") ) then
CBFileMenuClose (sobid)
END function
sob ( appWindow,"ON","CLICK", "cbCloseApplication")
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim myMenuBar = sob (appWindow , "add" , "menu" , "bar" ) ' add a menu bar myWindow
' -----------------------------------------------------
' add horizonal menus to myMenuBar
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim myMenuFile = sob (myMenuBar , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "File" )
dim OptionsMenu = sob (myMenuBar , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "Options" )
dim myMenuTools = sob (myMenuBar , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "Tag Tools" )
dim myMenuExport = sob (myMenuBar , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "Export" )
dim myMenuImport = sob (myMenuBar , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "Import" )
dim myMenuDelete = sob (myMenuBar , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "Delete" )
' -----------------------------------------------------
' CALLBACK when the OPTIONS menu is ABOUT to be displayed.
' This is the only CALLBACK implemented for a Horizontal MENU
' This is to ensure that the menu option Expert Mode always
' has the correct check state. The Expert window is automatically
' displayed if there is some programming error.
dim ExpertFlag = 0
FUNCTION ClickExpertMode ( sobid )
ExpertFlag = sob( pwsWindow, "GET", "SHOW")
sob(optionsMenuExpert, "SET", "CHECK" ,ExpertFlag)
END function
sob ( OptionsMenu , "ON" , "PRESS" , "ClickExpertMode" )
' --------------
dim haveWIA = 0
dim haveShell = 0
FUNCTION getHaves ( )
haveWIA = 0
haveShell = 0
dim objIF = CreateObject("WIA.ImageFile")
IF ( istype(objIF) == "DISPATCH" ) then haveWIA = 1
dim objV = CreateObject("WIA.Vector")
dim objShell = CreateObject ("Shell.Application")
IF ( istype(objShell) == "DISPATCH") then haveShell = 1
' the termination of a function automatically release the
' locally defined DISPATCHs
getHaves ( )
dim myMenuSingleFile = 0
IF ( haveWIA + haveShell) then
myMenuSingleFile = sob (myMenuBar , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "Single File Options" )
' --------------
dim myMenuImageMngmt = sob (myMenuBar , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "Image Management" )
dim myMenuRegions = sob (myMenuBar , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "Regions" )
dim myMenuHelp = sob (myMenuBar , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "Help" )
dim myMenuAbout = sob (myMenuBar , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "About" )
' -----------------------------------------------------
' add menu items to the FILE menu
' each meni item has 3 parts
' add the item in to its parent menu
' define a call back action for the new item
' link the new item to the call back
' Note: callbacks can be shared with other menu items
' --------------
' -----------------------------------------------------
' #####################################################
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim idMenuFileNew = sob ( myMenuFile , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "New" )
FUNCTION CBFileMenuNewORIG ( sobid )
sob ( CommonSobResult , "empty")
IF ( isDBopen ) then
ErrorReport ( "Database already open!")
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
EXIT function
dim TargetPath = GetPath & "\\"
IF ( targetPath = "\\" ) then
ErrorReport ( "Cancelled by user" )
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
EXIT function
dbopen( "memory" )
IF ( isDBopen ) then
cancelClear ()
cancelText( "Reading in new folder" , 0 )
cancelText( "This can take a short while" , 3 )
cancelText( TargetPath , 1 )
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
' get number of files in the target so that the user can follow the progress of
' the slower dbFileList with checksum generation
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
dbFileList ( , "master", TargetPath , -1 )
SELECT count (*) from master where type like 'file'
cancelText( "Total files " & qrsinglevalue , 2 )
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
' create a table of the target contents
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sob ( CommonSobResult , "ADD" , "ROW", "Start: " & time & EOL )
dbFileList ( , "master", TargetPath , -1 , , "md5" )
sob ( CommonSobResult , "ADD" , "ROW", "WARNING: Action cancelled by User. File scan incomplete." & EOL )
sob ( CommonSobResult , "ADD" , "ROW", "Stop: " & time & EOL )
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
update master set key = hash || path || name
sob ( CommonSobResult , "ADD" , "ROW", "Root folder: " & TargetPath & EOL )
SELECT count (*) from master where type like 'file'
sob ( CommonSobResult , "ADD" , "ROW", "Files read : " & qrsingleValue & EOL )
sob ( CommonSobResult , "ADD" , "ROW", "Next action: " & "Create Tag Group(s) and Tags!"& EOL )
sob ( statusDBFile, "SET" ,"TITLE" , "memory" )
NoErrorReport ("Open OK " )
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
' we need some extra DEFAULT columns that dbFileList does not provide
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
IF ( ! isDBcolumn ( "master", "fsHash" ) ) then
alter table master add column fsHash
update master set fsHash = hash
IF ( allowRectPicasa ) then
alter table master add column RectPicasa text
update master set RectPicasa = ""
END if
IF ( allowRectMeta ) then
alter table master add column RectMeta text
update master set RectMeta = ""
alter table master add column IgnoreFile
update master set IgnoreFile = 0
alter table master add column RescanState
update master set RescanState = "new"
alter table master add column TaggedTag
update master set TaggedTag = ""
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' add the IMAGE related columns
alter table master add column pHash
alter table master add column dHash
alter table master add column ImageGroup
alter table master add column ImageGroupType
alter table master add column ImageNearness
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' the following is SLOW
' get the perceptual hash and difference hash for the image files
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> select count (*) from master where ext in
freestring = freestring & ImageFileExtensions
sql (freestring )
dim imgCnt = qrSingleValue
cancelText( "Get pHash / dHash from: " & imgCnt & " image files" , 1 )
dim pHash = 0 , dHash
> select path||name , fsHash from master where ext in
freestring = freestring & ImageFileExtensions
WITHQUERY (freestring )
phash = canvas("new", "phash.from.file", wqText(1) , byref dHash )
> update master set
>> pHash =
freestring = freestring & " " & pHash
>> , dHash =
freestring = freestring & " " & dHash
>> , ImageGroup = 0 , IgnoreFile = 0 , ImageGroupType = 'unknown' , ImageNearness = '0000'
>> where fsHash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier (wqText (2))
IF ( ! ( imgCnt BAND 0x0f ) ) THEN
cancelText( imgCnt , 2 )
END WithQuery
> update master
>> set
>> ImageGroup = num2Hex(pHash) || num2Hex(dHash)
>> , hash = num2Hex(pHash) || num2Hex(dHash)
>> where
>> not pHash = 0
drop table if exists temp.xHashTbl
MakeBkTree ( )
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sob ( sobid , "SET" , "SHOW", 0 )
sob ( CommonSobBtnB , "SET" , "TITLE", "Open root folder" )
sob ( CommonSobBtnB , "SET" , "SHOW", 1 )
TargetFolder = TargetPath
sob ( CommonSobBtnB , "ON" , "PRESS", "CbOpenExportFolder")
OnOpenPrepareMasterTagTable ( CommonSobBtnB ) ' NEW database
OpenMessage ( )
sob ( CommonSobResult , "ADD" , "ROW", "Open failed on file : " & EOL & dbName & EOL))
ErrorReport ("Open failed on file : " & dbName )
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
END Function
FUNCTION CBFileMenuNew ( sobid )
CommonSobClear ( "Create new database" )
> Use this to select a root folder.§
>> All of the root folder's file & subfolders will be scanned and an entry made in a new database.§
>> The use the menu Tools / Tag management to add new TAG GROUPS.§
>> - each tag group will have its own column in the database§
>> - Typically, for images, I have TAG GROUPS: who , what , when , where§
>> Then add specific tags to the TAG GROUPS. (same menu option) §
>> - e.g. for the WHO tag group: MUM , DAD , King Arthur , Jane Doe (nee Smith), ... §
>> You can add new TAG GROUPS, and TAGs at any time to a database§
>> You can add more folders at any time to a database.
sob ( CommonSobInfo , "ADD" , "ROW" , replace ( freestring , EOLdelim , EOL ) )
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "TITLE" , "Create")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "ON" , "PRESS", "CBFileMenuNewORIG")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "rgb" , rgb(0,255,0) )
sob ( CommonSobBtn ,"set","show",1)
sob ( CommonSobResult , "empty")
sob ( CommonOvl ,"set","show",1)
END Function
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBFileMenuNew")
' -----------------------------------------------------
' #####################################################
' -----------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION restoreEnvironment ()
IF ( ! isDBTable ( , "savedEnv" ) ) then
EXIT function
dim rid , i , sib , sobid , txt , row
i = 0
WITHQUERY ( "select * from savedEnv " )
sobid = SavedTagTypeComboArray(i)
IF ( sobid == wqInt ( 1 ) ) then
' set the filter text
sib = sob ( SavedTagTypeComboArray(i) , "SIBLING" , 1 )
sob ( sib , "Set", "Title" , wqText(4) )
' action
sib = sob ( SavedTagTypeComboArray(i) , "SIBLING" , -1 )
row = wqInt(2)
IF ( ! row ) then row = 1
sob ( sib , "Set", "SELECTION" , "ROW" , row )
sob ( sib , "trigger" )
' group
sib = sob ( SavedTagTypeComboArray(i) , "SIBLING" , 0 )
row = wqInt(3)
IF ( ! row ) then row = 1
sob ( sib , "Set", "SELECTION" , "ROW" , row )
sob ( sib , "trigger" )
i = i + 1
END withQuery
END function
FUNCTION saveEnvironment ()
IF ( ! isDBTable ( , "savedEnv" ) ) then
create table savedEnv ( sobid int , TagAction int , TagGroup int , TagFilter text )
delete from savedEnv
dim txt , i , sib , rid
FOR i = 0 to SavedTagTypeComboIndex - 1
> insert into savedEnv values (
freestring = freestring & " " & SavedTagTypeComboArray(i)
>> ,
sib = sob ( SavedTagTypeComboArray(i) , "SIBLING" , -1 )
rid = sob ( sib , "get", "Selection" , "row" )
freestring = freestring & " " & rid
>> ,
sib = sob ( SavedTagTypeComboArray(i) , "SIBLING" , 0 )
rid = sob ( sib , "get", "Selection" , "row" )
freestring = freestring & " " & rid
>> ,
sib = sob ( SavedTagTypeComboArray(i) , "SIBLING" , 1 )
txt = sob ( sib , "get", "title" )
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString (txt)
>> )
sql ( freestring )
END function
sob ( myMenuFile , "add" , "menu" , "SPACER" )
dim idMenuFileSave = sob ( myMenuFile , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Save" )
FUNCTION CBFileMenuSave ( sobid )
' following is simply to minimise the disk space
update master set key = ''
saveEnvironment ()
dbSave ()
' recover the key contents
update master set key = hash || path || name
END Function
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBFileMenuSave")
dim idMenuFileSaveNClose = sob ( myMenuFile , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Save & Close" )
dim idMenuFileSaveNClosenExit = sob ( myMenuFile , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Save & Close & Exit" )
' -----------------------------------------------------
' #####################################################
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim idMenuFileSaveAs = sob ( myMenuFile , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "SaveAs" )
FUNCTION CBFileMenuSaveAS ( sobid )
' following is simply to minimise the disk space
update master set key = ''
saveEnvironment ()
dim dbFIle , defDir
getFirstFileDir ()
dbFIle = DBSaveAs ( )
IF ( dbFIle == "" ) then
noErrorReport ("SaveAs cancelled" )
IF ( toUpper ( right(dbFIle,4)) == ".DB3" ) then
dbFIle = dbFIle & ".db3"
sob ( statusDBFile, "SET" ,"TITLE" , dbFIle )
noErrorReport ("Saved as " & dbFIle )
AddFileToUsedList ( dbFIle , "rw" )
ErrorReport ("SaveAs failed " & ErrorText(CaughtError) )
END try
' recover the key contents
update master set key = hash || path || name
END Function
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBFileMenuSaveAs")
' -----------------------------------------------------
' #####################################################
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim idMenuFileSaveCopyAs = sob ( myMenuFile , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "SaveCopyAs" )
FUNCTION CBFileMenuSaveCopyAs ( sobid )
' following is simply to minimise the disk space
update master set key = ''
noErrorReport ("Saved copy " & dbSaveCopy ( ,1 ))
ErrorReport ("SaveAs failed " & ErrorText(CaughtError) )
END try
' recover the key contents
update master set key = hash || path || name
END Function
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBFileMenuSaveCopyAs")
' -----------------------------------------------------
' #####################################################
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim idMenuFileOpen =sob ( myMenuFile , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Open" )
FUNCTION dbValidityCheck ()
dbValidityCheck = 0
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
ELSEIF ( ! isDBtable ( , "tagTable" ) ) then
ErrorReport ("Invalid database: No TagTable." )
ELSEIF ( ! isDBcolumn ( "tagTable", "ttComment" ) ) then
ErrorReport ("Invalid TagTable: No TagTable." )
ELSEIF ( ! isDBtable ( , "master" ) ) then
ErrorReport ("Invalid database: No Master table." )
dbValidityCheck = 1
EXIT function
dbclose ()
FUNCTION OnOpenPrepareMasterTagTable ( sobid )
' called when we open a NEW or SAVED database
IF ( isDBtable ( , "tagTable" ) ) then
create temp table TagTableOld as select * from TagTable
exportFolder = ""
IF ( isDBcolumn ( "master", "ImageGroup" ) ) then
update master set Hash = ImageGroup where not ImageGroup = 0
CreateUsersTagTableAndColumnsList ()
IF ( isDBtable ( "temp" , "TagTableOld" ) ) then
> update tagTable
>> set ttComment = frmTbl.ttcomment
>> from ( select * from temp.TagTableOld ) as frmTbl
>> tagTable.ttGroup = frmTbl.ttGroup
>> AND tagTable.ttName = frmTbl.ttName
sql ( freestring )
' resetTagBoxes () ' irrelevant since updateTagTypeCombos does it too
updateTagTypeCombos ( )
haveRectMeta = isDBcolumn ( "master" , "RectMeta" )
haveRectPicasa = isDBcolumn ( "master" , "RectPicasa" )
IF ( ! ( haveRectMeta or haveRectPicasa ) ) then
sob ( copyPopupId , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" , 1 )
sob ( pastePopupId , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" , 1 )
sob ( DeletePopUpid , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" , 1 )
sob ( RegionPopUpid , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" , 1 )
sob ( myMenuRegions , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" , 1 )
sob ( copyPopupId , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" , 0 )
sob ( pastePopupId , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" , 1 )
sob ( DeletePopUpid , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" , 1 )
sob ( RegionPopUpid , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" , 0 )
sob ( myMenuRegions , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" , 0 )
END if
IF ( ! isDBcolumn ( "master" , "RescanState" ) ) then
alter table master add column rescanState
update master set rescanstate = 'new' where not type like 'folder'
SOB (idMenuFileNew , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,1 )
SOB (idMenuFileSave , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,0)
SOB (idMenuFileSaveAs, "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,0 )
SOB (idMenuFileSaveCopyAs, "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,0 )
SOB (idMenuFileOpen , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,1)
enableUsedFileSelection ( 1 )
SOB (idMenuFileClose , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,0 )
SOB (idMenuFileReload , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,0 )
SOB (idMenuFileExit , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,1 )
getrootFolders ( CommonSobResult ,CommonSobCombo )
SELECT count (*) from master where type like 'file'
sob ( CommonSobResult , "add" , "row" , EOL & "Nr of files: " & qrSingleValue & EOL )
SELECT count (*) from temp.masterColumns where name like '%Tag'
sob ( CommonSobResult , "add" , "row" , "Nr of Tag Groups: " & qrSingleValue & EOL )
create temp table tblRectList ( rlSrc , rlTagGroup , rlTagName, rlRect , rlLeft , rlTop, rlRight, rlBottom , rlHit , rlId )
restoreEnvironment ()
END function
FUNCTION cbOpenDBfromFile ( sobid )
dim proceed = 1
sob( CommonSobResult , "empty")
dim dbFIle = selectDBfile( getFirstFileDir () )
IF ( dbFile == "" ) then
sob ( CommonSobResult , "add" , "row" , "cancelled by user" & EOL )
proceed = 0
IF ( proceed ) then
dbopen("memory" ,dbFIle)
ErrorReport ("Open failed on file : " & dbFIle )
sob ( CommonSobResult , "add" , "row" , "Open failed on file : " & EOL & dbFIle & EOL )
proceed = 0
END try
IF ( proceed ) then
proceed = dbValidityCheck ()
IF ( proceed) then
IF ( proceed ) then
AddFileToUsedList ( dbFIle, "rw" )
sob ( statusDBFile, "SET" ,"TITLE" , dbFIle )
IF ( ! isTable ( , "master") ) then
ErrorReport ("No master table in database")
proceed = 0
END if
IF ( proceed ) then
sob ( CommonSobBtn ,"set","show",0)
update master set key = hash || path || name
sob ( CommonSobResult , "add" , "row" , "Database file OK: " & EOL & dbFIle & EOL & EOL )
OnOpenPrepareMasterTagTable (CommonSobResult)
OpenMessage ( )
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
END if
FUNCTION CBFileMenuOpen ( sobid )
CommonSobClear ( "Open database from file" )
>Open a database file, in memory§
>>Changes are ONLY saved when you explicitly trigger a save.§
sob ( CommonSobInfo , "ADD" , "ROW" , replace ( freestring , EOLdelim , EOL ) )
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "TITLE" , "Open")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "ON" , "PRESS", "cbOpenDBfromFile")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "rgb" , defBtnCol)
sob ( CommonSobInfo ,"set","show",1)
sob ( CommonOvl ,"set","show",1)
cbOpenDBfromFile ( CommonSobBtn )
END Function
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBFileMenuOpen")
' -----------------------------------------------------
' #####################################################
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim idMenuFileReload = sob ( myMenuFile , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Reload" )
FUNCTION CBFileMenuReload ( sobid )
CBFileMenuClose ( sobid )
CBUsedFileList ( FirstFileMenuItem )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBFileMenuReload")
' -----------------------------------------------------
' #####################################################
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim idMenuFileClose = sob ( myMenuFile , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Close" )
FUNCTION EmptyThings ()
' sob ( TagRectCombo , "empty")
sob ( TagCommentEdit , "empty")
sob ( CommonSobResult , "empty")
sob ( PathFile , "empty")
sob ( CommonSobInfo , "empty")
sob ( TagInfo , "empty")
sob ( TagTxtField , "empty")
sob ( FreeTextComboSob , "empty")
sob ( TagTxtEdit , "empty")
sob ( FileListSob , "empty")
SetLblRegionRGB ( defBtnCol )
removeAllThumbNails ( )
removeThumbNails ( siImageMngmtMatrix )
CommonSobClear ( "" )
END function
' ---------------------------------------------------
' https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/739/Rendering-GIF-JPEG-Icon-or-Bitmap-Files-with-OleLo
FUNCTION ReleaseImage (sobId)
dim CanvasHandle = SOB( sobId , "GET" , "CANVAS" )
IF ( CanvasHandle ) then
canvas( CanvasHandle , "DELETE" )
sob(sobId ,"SET","IMAGE","" )
ImageLoadedFlag = 0
END Function
FUNCTION AssignImage ( sobid, fname )
ReleaseImage (sobId)
ImageLoadedFlag = 1
IF ( sob ( sobid , "SET", "IMAGE" , fname) ) then
dim w = CANVAS ( "IMAGE.FILE", "GET" , "WIDTH" , fname)
dim h = CANVAS ( "IMAGE.FILE", "GET" , "HEIGHT" , fname)
dim canvId = CANVAS ( "NEW" , "BLANK" , w , h )
canvas ( canvId , "flood", TransparentRGB )
sob ( sobid , "SET", "CANVAS" , canvId)
ImageLoadedFlag = 0
sob ( sobid , "SET", "IMAGE" , "" )
dim canvId = CANVAS ( "NEW" , "BLANK" , 100 , 100 )
canvas ( canvId , "flood", TransparentRGB )
sob ( sobid , "SET", "CANVAS" , canvId)
canvas ( canvid , "icon.ext" , fname )
ImageLoadedFlag = 0
END Function
' ---------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION CBFileMenuClose ( sobid )
IF ( isDBopen ) then
> update parameters set comment =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( CurrentFile )
>> where txt like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( sob(statusDBFile, "GET" ,"TITLE" ) )
db_arg_set ( freestring)
dbClose ()
NoErrorReport ( dbName )
ReleaseImage (sobImageHolder)
NoErrorReport ( "" )
EmptyThings ()
sob ( statusDBFile, "SET" ,"TITLE" , "" )
' resetTagBoxes () ' irrelevant since updateTagTypeCombos does it too
updateTagTypeCombos ( )
updateFreeTextCombos ()
sob ( StatusTxt, "empty")
sob ( StatusTxt, "SET" , "RGB", -1 )
haveRectMeta = 0
haveRectPicasa = 0
DbName = ""
copyTagGroup = ""
copyTagName = ""
ImageLoadedFlag = 0
CommonSobClear ( "" )
SavedTagTypeComboIndex = 0
' ----------------------------------------
' set the GREY state of the menu File items to reflect NO OPEN DB
SOB (idMenuFileNew , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,0 )
SOB (idMenuFileSave , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,1 )
SOB (idMenuFileSaveAs , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,1 )
SOB (idMenuFileSaveCopyAs, "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,1 )
SOB (idMenuFileReload , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,1 )
SOB (idMenuFileOpen , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,0 )
enableUsedFileSelection ( 0 )
SOB (idMenuFileClose , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,1 )
SOB (idMenuFileExit , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,0 )
END Function
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBFileMenuClose")
FUNCTION cbMenuFileSaveNClose ( sobid )
CBFileMenuSave ( sobid )
CBFileMenuClose ( sobid)
END Function
sob ( idMenuFileSaveNClose , "ON" , "CLICK" , "cbMenuFileSaveNClose")
FUNCTION cbMenuFileSaveNClosenExit ( sobid )
CBFileMenuSave ( sobid )
CBFileMenuClose ( sobid)
END Function
sob ( idMenuFileSaveNClosenExit , "ON" , "CLICK" , "cbMenuFileSaveNClosenExit")
' ---------------------------------------------------
dim idMenuFileExit = sob ( myMenuFile , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Exit" )
FUNCTION CBFileMenuExit ( sobid )
' would be better to check if exists a DB
' ask if it should be saved,...
CBFileMenuClose (sobid)
END Function
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBFileMenuExit")
' -----------------------------------------------------
sob ( myMenuFile , "add" , "menu" , "SPACER" )
' -----------------------------------------------------
create_usedFileList ()
SOB (idMenuFileNew , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,0 )
SOB (idMenuFileSave , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,1)
SOB (idMenuFileSaveAs, "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,1 )
SOB (idMenuFileSaveCopyAs, "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,1 )
SOB (idMenuFileOpen , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,0)
enableUsedFileSelection ( 0 )
SOB (idMenuFileClose , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,1 )
SOB (idMenuFileReload , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,1 )
SOB (idMenuFileExit , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" ,0 )
' -----------------------------------------------------
' myMenuRegions
' -----------------------------------------------------
sob ( myMenuRegions , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Visible" )
FUNCTION cbRegionsVisible ( sobid )
sob(sobid, "SET", "CHECK" , ! sob(sobid, "GET", "CHECK" ) )
RegionRectShow = sob(sobid, "GET", "CHECK" )
IF ( ImageLoadedFlag ) then
sob ( reDrawRegionsID , "trigger")
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "cbRegionsVisible" )
sob ( -1 , "TRIGGER")
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim myMenuRegionsRGBn = sob ( myMenuRegions , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "RGB (named)" )
dim RegionRectRGBn
FUNCTION cbRegionsRGBn ( sobid )
sob( sobid , "SET", "CHECKS.OFF" )
sob( sobid , "SET", "CHECK" , 1 )
RegionRectRGBn = sob ( sobid , "get", "data")
IF ( ImageLoadedFlag ) then
sob ( reDrawRegionsID , "trigger")
FUNCTION MakeRegionsRGBn( name , colour )
sob ( myMenuRegionsRGBn , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , name )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "Data" , colour )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "cbRegionsRGBn" )
MakeRegionsRGBn( "Black" , rgb(000,000,000) )
sob ( -1 , "TRIGGER")
MakeRegionsRGBn( "Red" , rgb(255,000,000) )
MakeRegionsRGBn( "Yellow" , rgb(255,255,000) )
MakeRegionsRGBn( "Green" , rgb(000,255,000) )
MakeRegionsRGBn( "Blue" , rgb(000,000,255) )
MakeRegionsRGBn( "White" , rgb(255,255,255) )
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim myMenuRegionsRGBu = sob ( myMenuRegions , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "RGB (unnamed)" )
dim RegionRectRGBu
FUNCTION cbRegionsRGBu ( sobid )
sob( sobid , "SET", "CHECKS.OFF" )
sob( sobid , "SET", "CHECK" , 1 )
RegionRectRGBu = sob ( sobid , "get", "data")
IF ( ImageLoadedFlag ) then
sob ( reDrawRegionsID , "trigger")
FUNCTION MakeRegionsRGBu( name , colour )
sob ( myMenuRegionsRGBu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , name )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "Data" , colour )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "cbRegionsRGBu" )
MakeRegionsRGBn( "Black" , rgb(000,000,000) )
MakeRegionsRGBu( "Red" , rgb(255,000,000) )
MakeRegionsRGBu( "Yellow" , rgb(255,255,000) )
MakeRegionsRGBu( "Green" , rgb(000,255,000) )
MakeRegionsRGBu( "Blue" , rgb(000,000,255) )
sob ( -1 , "TRIGGER")
MakeRegionsRGBu( "White" , rgb(255,255,255) )
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim myMenuRegionsRGBa = sob ( myMenuRegions , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "RGB (active)" )
dim RegionRectRGBa
FUNCTION cbRegionsRGBa ( sobid )
sob( sobid , "SET", "CHECKS.OFF" )
sob( sobid , "SET", "CHECK" , 1 )
RegionRectRGBa = sob ( sobid , "get", "data")
IF ( ImageLoadedFlag ) then
sob ( reDrawRegionsID , "trigger")
FUNCTION MakeRegionsRGBa( name , colour )
sob ( myMenuRegionsRGBa , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , name )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "Data" , colour )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "cbRegionsRGBa" )
MakeRegionsRGBa( "Black" , rgb(000,000,000) )
MakeRegionsRGBa( "Red" , rgb(255,000,000) )
sob ( -1 , "TRIGGER")
MakeRegionsRGBa( "Yellow" , rgb(255,255,000) )
MakeRegionsRGBa( "Green" , rgb(000,255,000) )
MakeRegionsRGBa( "Blue" , rgb(000,000,255) )
MakeRegionsRGBa( "White" , rgb(255,255,255) )
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim myMenuRegionsWeigth = sob ( myMenuRegions , "add" , "menu" , "Horizontal" , "Width" )
FUNCTION cbRegionsWeight ( sobid )
sob( sobid , "SET" , "CHECKS.OFF" )
sob( sobid , "SET" , "CHECK" , 1 )
RegionRectWeight = sob ( sobid , "get", "data")
IF ( ImageLoadedFlag ) then
sob ( reDrawRegionsID , "trigger")
FUNCTION MakeRegionsWeight( weigth )
sob ( myMenuRegionsWeigth , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "" & weigth )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "Data" , weigth )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "cbRegionsWeight" )
MakeRegionsWeight( 1 )
MakeRegionsWeight( 2 )
MakeRegionsWeight( 4 )
MakeRegionsWeight( 8 )
sob ( -1 , "TRIGGER")
MakeRegionsWeight( 16 )
MakeRegionsWeight( 32 )
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim myMenuRegionRubberbanding = sob ( myMenuRegions , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Rubberbanding" )
FUNCTION NoOpPress ( sobid,a,b,c,d )
END function
FUNCTION cbRegionsRubberbanding ( sobid )
dim val = sob( myMenuRegionRubberbanding , "GET", "CHECK" )
IF ( val ) then
' we were rubberbanding
sob( sobid , "SET", "CHECK" , 0 )
sob ( sobImageHolder , "ON" , "RUBBERBAND", "cbImageRubberBand" , "OFF")
' remove rubberbanding Rect from view
IF ( ImageLoadedFlag ) then
sob ( reDrawRegionsID , "trigger")
sob( sobid , "SET", "CHECK" , 1 )
sob ( sobImageHolder , "ON" , "RUBBERBAND", "cbImageRubberBand")
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "cbRegionsRubberbanding" )
' -----------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION sink ()
sob ( HelpFloatOVl , "SET", "SHOW" , 0 )
HelpPageSOB = HelpFixedOVl
HelpTextSob = HelpFixedHTMLSOB
FUNCTION HelpFloat ( sobid )
dim txt
dim chk = ! sob ( sobid, "get","check" )
sob( Fixed2Float, "SET", "CHECK" , chk )
sob( Float2Fixed, "SET", "CHECK" , chk )
txt = sob ( HelpTextSob , "GET", "HTML" , "OUTER" )
sob ( HelpTextSob , "empty")
IF ( chk ) then
sob ( HelpFloatOVl , "SET", "SHOW" , 1 )
HelpPageSOB = HelpFloatOVl
HelpTextSob = HelpFloatHTMLSOB
sob ( HelpFloatOVl , "SET", "SHOW" , 0 )
HelpPageSOB = HelpFixedOVl
HelpTextSob = HelpFixedHTMLSOB
sob ( HelpTextSob , "empty")
sob ( HelpTextSob ,"add","row" , txt )
FUNCTION createHelpMenuContent ( parentMenu )
' -----------------------------------------------------
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical", "Introduction" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "aboutHTML" )
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical", "Tagging" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "HelpTagging" )
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Tag Groups that I use" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "myTagGroups")
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical", "Tag Text" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "HelpTagTextHTML" )
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical", "File Text" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "HelpFreeText" )
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical", "File Subset" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "HelpFileSubSet" )
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical", "Delete External Duplicates" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "HelpDelExtDups" )
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical", "Delete Files" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "HelpDelFiles" )
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical", "Delete Current File" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "HelpCurrentFile" )
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical", "Power Tagging" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "HelpPowerTagging" )
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical", "Inherit" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "HelpInherit" )
IF ( haveWIA + haveShell) then
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical", "Single File Options" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "HelpSingleFileOptions" )
END if
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Facial Recognition" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "HelpFacialRecognition")
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Regions" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "HelpRegions")
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Backup" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "HelpBackUp")
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Expert Mode" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "HelpExpertMode")
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Tips'n'Tricks" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "HelpTipsNTricks")
sob ( parentMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical", "Go to online help" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "HelpOnline" )
END function
dim Fixed2Float = sob ( myMenuHelp , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical", "Float the help panel" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "HelpFloat" )
createHelpMenuContent ( myMenuHelp )
dim Float2Fixed = sob ( HelpMenuHelp , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical", "Float the help panel" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "HelpFloat" )
createHelpMenuContent ( HelpMenuHelp )
' -----------------------------------------------------
sob ( myMenuAbout , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Version" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "HelpVersion")
sob ( myMenuAbout , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Use cases" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "HelpUseCases")
sob ( myMenuAbout , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Techie Talk" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbTechieTalk")
sob ( myMenuAbout , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical", "The author" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "AboutTheAuthor" )
sob ( myMenuAbout , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Contact" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "ContactHTML")
' -----------------------------------------------------
' OptionsMenu
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim optionsMenuExpert = sob ( OptionsMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Expert Mode" )
FUNCTION cbOptionsMenuExpert ( sobid )
ExpertFlag = ! ExpertFlag
sob(sobid, "SET", "CHECK" ,ExpertFlag)
sob ( pwsWindow, "SET", "SHOW", ExpertFlag )
IF ( ExpertFlag ) then
sob ( pwsWindow, "set", "shrink")
end if
END Function
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbOptionsMenuExpert")
' --------------
dim optionsMenuRescan = sob ( OptionsMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Rescan Master" )
FUNCTION cbOptionsMenuRescan ( sobid )
CommonSobClear ( "Rescan the root folders" )
> Use this to rescan the root folder(s) (those previously read via the commands NEW and SCAN NEW FOLDER§
>> Identify changes in terms of: §
>> - new location ( path|filename ) with a new hash§
>> will start with no TAG values§
>> - new location ( path|filename ) with a hash known to the database§
>> will start with the TAG values applicable for that hash§
>> - existing location ( path|filename ) with different hash to that previously held§
>> will continue with its previous TAGs§
>> - existing location ( path|filename ) not found.§
>> will be removed from the database
sob ( CommonSobInfo , "ADD" , "ROW" , replace ( freestring , EOLdelim , EOL ) )
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "TITLE" , "Rescan")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "ON" , "PRESS", "CbRescanDatabase")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "rgb" , defBtnCol)
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "SHOW" , 1)
getrootFolders (CommonSobResult ,CommonSobCombo)
sob ( CommonOvl ,"set","show",1)
END Function
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbOptionsMenuRescan")
' --------------
dim optionsMenuNewScan = sob ( OptionsMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Scan new folder" )
FUNCTION cboptionsMenuNewScan ( sobid )
getrootFolders (CommonSobResult,CommonSobCombo)
CommonSobClear ( "Scan new folder into database" )
> Use this to scan a new root folder(s) and add its contents to the current database§
>> - new location ( path & filename ) with a new hash§
>> will start with no TAG values§
>> - new location ( path & filename ) with a hash known to the database§
>> will start with the TAG values applicable for that hash§
>> §
>> If the new folder structure overlaps a current root folder, then the overlapping area will NOT reread!§
sob ( CommonSobInfo , "ADD" , "ROW" , replace ( freestring , EOLdelim , EOL ) )
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "TITLE" , " Scan ")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "ON" , "PRESS", "CbScanNewFolder")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "rgb" , defBtnCol)
sob ( CommonSobBtn ,"set","show",1)
sob ( CommonOvl ,"set","show",1)
END Function
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbOptionsMenuNewScan")
' --------------
FUNCTION singleFileInfo ( sobid )
SOB ( sobid , "SET" , "CHECKS.OFF" )
sob(sobid, "SET", "CHECK" ,1)
IF ( imageLoadedFlag ) then
sob ( TagInfo , "SET", "SHOW", 0)
DisplayTagsInFile ()
IF ( haveWIA ) then
IF ( sob ( SingleFileMenuWIA , "GET" , "CHECK" ) ) then handleFileWIA ( TagInfo , CurrentFile )
IF ( haveShell ) then
IF ( sob ( SingleFileMenuGetDetailsOf , "GET" , "CHECK" ) ) then handleFileGetDetailsOf ( TagInfo ,CurrentFile )
sob ( TagInfo , "SET", "SHOW", 1)
END if
END Function
IF ( haveWIA + haveShell) then
dim SingleFileMenuNoInfo= sob ( myMenuSingleFile , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "No extra info" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "singleFileInfo")
IF ( haveWIA) then
dim SingleFileMenuWIA= sob ( myMenuSingleFile , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Info from WIA" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "singleFileInfo")
IF ( haveShell) then
dim SingleFileMenuGetDetailsOf= sob ( myMenuSingleFile , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Info from SHELL" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "singleFileInfo")
sob ( -1 , "TRIGGER")
' --------------
dim ImageMngmtDisplayRows = 7
dim ImageMngmtBase
FUNCTION CreateImageMngmtTblGroup ( type )
drop table if exists temp.ImageMngmtTbl
> create temp table ImageMngmtTbl as
>> select rowid as selfA ,* from master
>> ImageGroupType like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( type )
>> AND IgnoreFile = 0
>> AND not pHash = 0
>> group by ImageGroup having count (*) > 1
>> order by size desc
sql ( freestring )
ImageMngmtBase = 0
SELECT count (*) from ImageMngmtTbl
sob ( ImageMngmtOF, "SET" ,"TITLE", cstr( qrSingleValue) )
END function
FUNCTION CreateImageMngmtTbl ( type )
drop table if exists temp.ImageMngmtTbl
> create temp table ImageMngmtTbl as
>> select rowid as selfA , * from master
>> ImageGroupType like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( type )
>> AND IgnoreFile = 0
>> AND not pHash = 0
>> order by size desc
sql ( freestring )
ImageMngmtBase = 0
SELECT count (*) from ImageMngmtTbl
sob ( ImageMngmtOF, "SET" ,"TITLE", cstr( qrSingleValue) )
END function
FUNCTION ImageMngmtDisplay ()
removeThumbNails ( siImageMngmtMatrix )
dim row = 1 , col
dim ImgGroup
dim siTmp
sob ( ImageMngmtFrom, "SET" ,"TITLE", cstr(ImageMngmtBase))
> select path||name , ImageGroup, SelfA, * from ImageMngmtTbl
>> limit
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString (ImageMngmtDisplayRows )
>> offset
freestring = freestring & " " & ImageMngmtBase
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
siTmp = sob ( siImageMngmtMatrix , "CHILD", "HANDLE" , row )
sob ( siTmp ,"SET","IMAGE", wqText(1) )
sob ( siTmp ,"SET","Data", wqInt(3) )
col = 1
> select path||name , ImageGroup, rowid, * from master
>> where
>> ImageGroup like
freestring = freestring & " " & SqlString ( wqText(2) )
>> and NOT rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & wqInt (3)
>> AND IgnoreFile = 0
>> AND not pHash = 0
>> order by size desc
>> limit 5
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
siTmp = sob ( siImageMngmtMatrix , "CHILD", "HANDLE" , row + col )
sob ( siTmp ,"SET","IMAGE", wqText(1) )
sob ( siTmp ,"SET","Data", wqInt(3) )
col = col + 1
END WithQuery
row = row + 5
END withquery
ImageMngmtBase = ImageMngmtBase + ImageMngmtDisplayRows
sob ( ImageMngmtTo, "SET" ,"TITLE", cstr(ImageMngmtBase) )
END function
FUNCTION cbImageMngmtReset( sobid )
ResetImageGroups ()
END function
FUNCTION cbImageMngmtDuplicates( sobid )
sob ( ImageManagementOvl , "SET", "SHOW", 1 )
CreateImageMngmtTblGroup ("duplicate" )
ImageMngmtDisplay ( )
END function
FUNCTION cbImageMngmtDifferent( sobid )
sob ( ImageManagementOvl , "SET", "SHOW", 1 )
CreateImageMngmtTbl ("different" )
ImageMngmtDisplay ()
END function
FUNCTION cbImageMngmtNearidentical( sobid )
sob ( ImageManagementOvl , "SET", "SHOW", 1 )
CreateImageMngmtTblGroup ("Near-Identical" )
ImageMngmtDisplay ()
END function
sob ( myMenuImageMngmt , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Duplicates" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbImageMngmtDuplicates")
sob ( myMenuImageMngmt , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Near-Identical" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbImageMngmtNearidentical")
sob ( myMenuImageMngmt , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Different" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbImageMngmtDifferent")
sob ( myMenuImageMngmt , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Reset" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbImageMngmtReset")
' --------------
dim optionsMenuRemoveExternalDups= sob ( myMenuDelete , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Delete External Duplicates" )
FUNCTION CBoptionsMenuRemoveExternalDups ( sobid )
CommonSobClear ( "Delete known files/hash in external folder" )
>Be warned, this deletes files (to the recycle bin)§
>>It scans a user defined folder structure and DELETES any file whose hash is in the database.§
>> §
>>I use this when I think that the target folder has files that I want to bring (later) in to §
>>the database, and I want to exclude from that folder structure any file that is already known!§
>> §
>>It will NOT delete ANYTHING in the database!§
>>It does NOT bring the not deleted files in to the database, do that using the -Scan new folder- option.
sob ( CommonSobInfo , "ADD" , "ROW" , replace ( freestring , EOLdelim , EOL ) )
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "TITLE" , "Delete")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "ON" , "PRESS", "CbRemoveExternalDuplicates")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "rgb" , defBtnCol)
sob ( CommonSobBtn ,"set","show",1)
sob ( CommonOvl ,"set","show",1)
END Function
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "CBoptionsMenuRemoveExternalDups")
' --------------
dim toolsMenuDelete = sob ( myMenuDelete , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Delete Files" )
FUNCTION cbtoolsMenuDelete ( sobid )
sob ( FileExportOvl , "set" , "show" , 1)
sob ( NbrFilesInFilter , "SET", "TITLE" , "" & exportFilter ( "statistic" , "" , "" ) )
sob ( SubListTitleSob , "set" , "title", "Create a file sublist for deleting from database and disk" )
sob ( BtnExportFiles , "set" , "show" , 0)
sob ( BtnDeleteFiles , "set" , "show" , 1)
sob ( PowerTaggingSob , "set" , "show" , 0)
END Function
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbtoolsMenuDelete")
' --------------
dim optionsMenuRootFolders= sob ( OptionsMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Root Folders" )
FUNCTION CbShowRootFolders ( soibid )
END function
FUNCTION onRootFolderSelection ( sobid , rowid )
IF ( ! isdbopen ) THEN
ErrorReport("No database open")
EXIT function
ShellExecute ( sob ( sobid , "get", "title" ) )
END Function
FUNCTION CBoptionsMenuRootFolders ( sobid )
CommonSobClear ( "Root Folders" )
>select a root folder from the combo box below and the folder will be
>> opened in a file explorer.
sob ( CommonSobInfo , "ADD" , "ROW" , replace ( freestring , EOLdelim , EOL ) )
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "ON" , "PRESS", "CbShowRootFolders")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "rgb" , defBtnCol)
sob ( CommonOvl , "set" , "show",1)
sob ( CommonSobCombo , "set" , "show",1)
sob ( CommonSobCombo , "ON" , "SELECTION" , "onRootFolderSelection")
END Function
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "CBoptionsMenuRootFolders")
' --------------
dim optionsMenuAutoSesion= sob ( OptionsMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Auto reload last session" )
FUNCTION autoStartChk ( )
sob(optionsMenuAutoSesion , "SET", "CHECK" , 0 )
IF ( db_arg_int ( "select count (*) from parameters where type like 'autoStart'" ) ) then
IF ( db_arg_int ( "select val from parameters where type like 'autoStart'" ) ) then
CBUsedFileList ( FirstFileMenuItem )
sob(optionsMenuAutoSesion , "SET", "CHECK" , 1 )
END if
FUNCTION optionsMenuAutoSession ( sobid )
sob(sobid, "SET", "CHECK" , ! sob(sobid, "GET", "CHECK" ) )
dim AutoState = sob(sobid, "GET", "CHECK" )
IF ( ! db_arg_int ( "select count (*) from parameters where type like 'autoStart'" ) ) then
db_arg_set ( "insert into parameters values ('autoStart', '', 0 , '' , '' ) " )
END if
> update parameters set val =
freestring = freestring & " " & AutoState
>> where type like 'autoStart'
db_arg_set ( freestring )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "optionsMenuAutoSession")
' --------------
dim optionsMenuResetFields= sob ( OptionsMenu , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Reset all fields" )
FUNCTION cboptionsMenuResetFields ( sobid )
resetSavedBoxes ()
sob ( CommonOvl ,"set","show",1)
CommonSobClear ( "" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cboptionsMenuResetFields")
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim toolsMenuTagManage = sob ( myMenuTools , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Tag Management" )
FUNCTION cbtoolsMenuTagManage ( sobid )
sob ( TagManageOvl ,"set","show",1)
END Function
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbtoolsMenuTagManage")
' --------------
dim toolsMenuTagFilesB= sob ( myMenuTools , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "File Tagging" )
FUNCTION cbtoolsMenuTagFilesB ( sobid )
sob ( FileTaggingOvl , "set", "show" , 1)
END Function
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbtoolsMenuTagFilesB")
' --------------
dim toolsMenuTagPower= sob ( myMenuTools , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Power Tagging" )
FUNCTION cbtoolsMenuTagPower ( sobid )
sob ( FileExportOvl , "set" , "show" , 1)
sob ( SubListTitleSob , "set" , "title", "Create a file sublist for Power Tagging" )
sob ( NbrFilesInFilter , "SET", "TITLE" , "" & exportFilter ( "statistic" , "" , "" ) )
sob ( PowerTaggingSob , "set" , "show" , 1)
sob ( BtnExportFiles , "set" , "show" , 0)
sob ( BtnDeleteFiles , "set" , "show" , 0)
END Function
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbtoolsMenuTagPower")
' --------------
FUNCTION cbImportMenuExcel ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
CommonSobClear ( "Import database from Excel" )
>Recreate a database from a previous saved Excel file.§
>>You will be asked for a file name, from which the databse will be recreated.§
sob ( CommonSobBtn ,"set","show",1)
sob ( CommonSobInfo , "ADD" , "ROW" , replace ( freestring , EOLdelim , EOL ) )
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "TITLE" , "Import")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "ON" , "PRESS", "CbImportMasterToExcel")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "rgb" , defBtnCol)
sob ( CommonOvl ,"set","show",1)
END Function
IF ( XLallowed ) then
dim ImportMenuExcel= sob ( myMenuImport , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Database from Excel" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbImportMenuExcel")
' --------------
' --------------
FUNCTION cbImportMenuCSV ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
CommonSobClear ( "Import database from CSV" )
>Import a copy of the database master table to CSV
>>It actually try to read in two CSV files: one for the MASTER table, and one for the Tag table.§
>> (When you provided a name for the CVS export, it MUST end in .csv §
>> So if you provided the name xyz.csv then that will be used for the MASTER table§
>> And xyzTT.csv will be used for the Tag Table.)§
>>The Tag Table is only needed to provide the free text associated with the individual tags.§
>>Should the Tag Table be lost, then the fundamental tagging capability is NOT affected.§
sob ( CommonSobInfo , "ADD" , "ROW" , replace ( freestring , EOLdelim , EOL ) )
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "TITLE" , "Import")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "ON" , "PRESS", "CbImportMasterToCSV")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "rgb" , defBtnCol)
sob ( CommonOvl ,"set","show",1)
END Function
dim ImportMenuCSV= sob ( myMenuImport , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Database from CSV" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbImportMenuCSV")
' --------------
' --------------
FUNCTION cbExportMenuExcel ( sobid )
CommonSobClear ( "Export database to Excel" )
>Export a copy of the database master table to Excel§
>>It does NOT create an EXCEL compatible file, it "talks" to Excel and gets Excel to create the file.§
>>If Excel is not running, it will be started.§
>>If Excel is already running, then the exported data will be placed in a NEW workbook§
>>You will be asked for a file name under which the workbook will be saved.§
IF ( xlactive ) then
>>Excel is already running§
>>Excel will be started if/when you press the export button§
sob ( CommonSobBtn ,"set","show",1)
sob ( CommonSobInfo , "ADD" , "ROW" , replace ( freestring , EOLdelim , EOL ) )
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "TITLE" , "Export")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "ON" , "PRESS", "CbExportMasterToExcel")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "rgb" , defBtnCol)
sob ( CommonOvl ,"set","show",1)
END Function
IF ( XLallowed ) then
dim ExportMenuExcel= sob ( myMenuExport , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Database to Excel" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbExportMenuExcel")
' --------------
' --------------
' --------------
FUNCTION cbExportMenuCSV ( sobid )
CommonSobClear ( "Export database to CSV" )
>Export a copy of the database master table to CSV
>>It actually creates two CSV files: one for the MASTER table, and one for the Tag table.§
>>When you provide a name for the CVS export, it MUST end in .csv §
>>So if you provide the name xyz.csv then that will be used for the MASTER table§
>>And xyzTT.csv will be used for the Tag Table§
>>The Tag Table is only needed to provide the free text associated with the individual tags.§
>>Should the Tag Table be lost, then the fundamental tagging capability is NOT affected.§
sob ( CommonSobInfo , "ADD" , "ROW" , replace ( freestring , EOLdelim , EOL ) )
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "set" , "show" , 1 )
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "TITLE" , "Export")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "ON" , "PRESS", "CbExportMasterToCSV")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "rgb" , defBtnCol)
sob ( CommonOvl ,"set","show",1)
END Function
dim ExportMenuCSV= sob ( myMenuExport , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Database to CSV" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbExportMenuCSV")
' --------------
dim myMenuBackup = sob (myMenuExport , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Database to Backup" )
FUNCTION cbExportMenuBackup ( sobid )
CommonSobClear ( "Back up whole database" )
>Back-up the FILES referenced in the database:
>> you specify a destination folder.§
>> Then the folders & files held in the database will be COPIED to that destination.§
>> §
>> If the destination already has the same folder structure then any files therein §
>> will be DELETED if they are not also in the database.§
>> §
>> If the destination has folders not in the database folder structure then they §
>> will be DELETED .§
>> §
>> If the destination already has a folder/file that is in the database, AND they have §
>> the same checksum, the destination will not be overwritten.§
>> The backup is therefore an INCREMENTAL backup (for performance reasons),.§
sob ( CommonSobInfo , "ADD" , "ROW" , replace ( freestring , EOLdelim , EOL ) )
sob ( CommonSobBtn ,"set","show",1)
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "TITLE" , "Backup")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "ON" , "PRESS", "CbBackUpDatabase")
sob ( CommonSobBtn , "SET" , "rgb" , defBtnCol)
sob ( CommonOvl ,"set","show",1)
END Function
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbExportMenuBackup")
' --------------
sob ( myMenuExport , "add" , "menu" , "SPACER" )
' --------------
dim toolsMenuDBExportExcel= sob ( myMenuExport , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Sublist to Excel" )
FUNCTION cbtoolsMenuDBExportExcel ( sobid )
sob ( FileExportOvl , "set" , "show" , 1)
sob ( NbrFilesInFilter , "SET", "TITLE" , "" & exportFilter ( "statistic" , "" , "" ) )
sob ( SubListTitleSob, "set" , "title", "Create a file sublist for Excel" )
sob ( BtnExportFiles , "set", "Title" , "Export sublist" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "PRESS" , "cbExportFileListToExcel")
sob ( BtnExportFiles , "set" , "show" , 1 )
sob ( BtnDeleteFiles , "set" , "show" , 0 )
sob ( PowerTaggingSob , "set" , "show" , 0 )
END Function
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbtoolsMenuDBExportExcel")
' --------------
dim toolsMenuDBExport= sob ( myMenuExport , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Sublist to CSV" )
FUNCTION cbtoolsMenuDBExportCSV ( sobid )
sob ( FileExportOvl , "set" , "show" , 1)
sob ( NbrFilesInFilter , "SET", "TITLE" , "" & exportFilter ( "statistic" , "" , "" ) )
sob ( SubListTitleSob, "set" , "title", "Create a file sublist for CSV" )
sob ( BtnExportFiles , "set", "Title" , "Export sublist" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "PRESS" , "CbExportSubListToCSV")
sob ( BtnExportFiles , "set" , "show" , 1 )
sob ( BtnDeleteFiles , "set" , "show" , 0 )
sob ( PowerTaggingSob , "set" , "show" , 0 )
END Function
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbtoolsMenuDBExportCSV")
' --------------
dim toolsMenuExportSubLIst= sob ( myMenuExport , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "SubList to Backup" )
FUNCTION cbtoolsMenuExportSubList ( sobid )
sob ( FileExportOvl , "set" , "show" , 1)
sob ( NbrFilesInFilter , "SET" , "TITLE" , "" & exportFilter ( "statistic" , "" , "" ) )
sob ( SubListTitleSob , "set" , "title", "Create a backup of the files in a file sublist" )
sob ( BtnExportFiles , "set", "Title" , "Backup sublist" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "PRESS" , "CbBackUpSubList")
sob ( BtnExportFiles , "set" , "show" , 1)
sob ( BtnDeleteFiles , "set" , "show" , 0)
sob ( PowerTaggingSob , "set" , "show" , 0)
END Function
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbtoolsMenuExportSubList")
' --------------
sob ( myMenuExport , "add" , "menu" , "SPACER" )
' --------------
dim toolsMenuExport= sob ( myMenuExport , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Sublist to flat folder" )
FUNCTION cbtoolsMenuExport ( sobid )
sob ( FileExportOvl , "set" , "show" , 1)
sob ( NbrFilesInFilter , "SET" , "TITLE" , "" & exportFilter ( "statistic" , "" , "" ) )
sob ( SubListTitleSob , "set" , "title", "Create a file sublist to export files to a flat folder" )
sob ( BtnExportFiles , "set", "Title" , "Export files" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "PRESS" , "cbExportFileList")
sob ( BtnExportFiles , "set" , "show" , 1)
sob ( BtnDeleteFiles , "set" , "show" , 0)
sob ( PowerTaggingSob , "set" , "show" , 0)
END Function
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbtoolsMenuExport")
' --------------
' --------------
FUNCTION IsPPTAvailable ( )
' return 0 = no PowerPoint
' 1 = have PPT but no trusted access
' -1 = have PPT AND trusted access
IsPPTAvailable = 0
set IsPPTAvailable = createObject ("powerPoint.application")
IF ( istype ( IsPPTAvailable) == "DISPATCH" ) then
' test for access to PPT Trusted mode
set IsPPTAvailable = -1
sob ( myMenuExport , "add" , "menu" , "SPACER" )
sob ( myMenuExport , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "PowerPoint, with trusted access" )
sob ( myMenuExport , "add" , "menu" , "SPACER" )
sob ( myMenuExport , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "PowerPoint, no trusted access" )
END function
' --------------
if ( IsPPTAvailable() ) then
sob ( myMenuExport , "add" , "menu" , "Vertical" , "Sublist to Thumbnails" )
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbtoolsMenuDBExportThumbnails")
end if
FUNCTION ExportThumbNails ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDbOpen ) then
ErrorReport("no database open")
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
EXIT function
END if
dim baseFolder = GetPath & "\\"
' start PPT
dim myPPt = CreateObject( "powerpoint.application" )
IF ( ! myPPt ) THEN
Message ="Could not create object"
' myPPt.visible = 0 ' does not work in later versions of PowerPoint / Excel..., only .visible = 1
dim TargetPPt = "Images.ppt"
dim myPres , presPath
myPres = myPPt.presentations.add(true)
dim row = 0 , col = 0 , imgNbr = 1
dim atPage = 1
dim oPic, myTxtBox , iName
' we are going to place the thumbnails in a grid/matrix
' default: 8 across by 5 down
SELECT count (*) from SubList where EXT in ( 'jpg' , 'jpeg' )
dim nbrImages = qrSingleValue
dim matrixAcross
dim matrixDown
IF ( nbrImages < 5 ) then
matrixAcross = 2
matrixDown = 2
ELSEIF ( nbrImages < 10 ) then
matrixAcross = 3
matrixDown = 3
ELSEIF ( nbrImages < 17 ) then
matrixAcross = 4
matrixDown = 4
ELSEIF ( nbrImages < 26 ) then
matrixAcross = 5
matrixDown = 5
matrixAcross = 8
matrixDown = 5
END if
' to get the size of a given grid cell, create a blank slide now
' and use its size as the reference.
' We will also use this slide as the first thumbnail slide.
dim mySlide = myPres.slides.add (atPage,12) ' 12 = blank slide
dim cellwidth = myPres.PageSetup.SlideWidth / matrixAcross
dim cellheight = ( myPres.PageSetup.SlideHeight - 20) / matrixDown
' I wanted the images to have some whitespace between them
' so each image is slightly smaller than the size of a grid cell.
dim imagewidth = myPres.PageSetup.SlideWidth / (matrixAcross +1)
dim imageheight = myPres.PageSetup.SlideHeight / (matrixDown+1)
dim objWIA = CreateObject("WIA.ImageFile")
dim objIP = CreateObject("WIA.ImageProcess")
objIP.Filters.Add ( objIP.FilterInfos("Scale").FilterID )
' max size of resized image = 300*300 pixels which is < 10 k bytes
objIP.Filters(1).Properties("MaximumWidth").value = 300
objIP.Filters(1).Properties("MaximumHeight").value = 300
dim offsetHeight = (cellheight - imageheight) / 1
dim offsetWidth = (cellWidth - imagewidth ) / 2
myTxtBox = mySlide.Shapes.AddTextbox( 1 , offsetWidth , cellheight * matrixDown , cellwidth*matrixAcross ,offsetHeight )
myTxtBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Text (baseFolder)
myTxtBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
canceltext ( nbrImages , 1 )
> select path , name , rid from SubList where ext in
freestring = freestring & ImageFileExtensions
>> order by name asc
WITHQUERY (freestring )
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
IF ! ( imgNbr rem 10 ) then
canceltext ( nbrImages - imgNbr , 2 )
END if
IF ( col == matrixAcross ) then
row = row + 1
IF ( row == matrixDown ) then
row = 0
atPage = atPage + 1
mySlide = myPres.slides.add (atPage,12) ' 12 = blank slide
myTxtBox = mySlide.Shapes.AddTextbox( 1 , offsetWidth , cellheight * matrixDown , cellwidth*matrixAcross ,offsetHeight )
myTxtBox.TextFrame .TextRange.Text (baseFolder)
myTxtBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
END if
col = 0
deletefile (baseFolder & "pptimg.jpg" )
END try
objWIA.LoadFile ( wqtext(1) & wqtext(2) )
myTxtBox = mySlide.Shapes.AddTextbox( 1 , cellwidth * col , cellheight * row , cellwidth ,offsetHeight )
iName ="E" & Right ( "0000000000" & wqtext(3) , 7 ) & "_" & wqtext(2)
myTxtBox.TextFrame .TextRange.Text (iName)
myTxtBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
objWIA = objIP.Apply(objWIA)
objWIA.SaveFile ( baseFolder & "pptimg.jpg" )
oPic = mySlide.Shapes.AddPicture(baseFolder & "pptimg.jpg", False, True, offsetWidth + (cellwidth * col ), offsetHeight + (cellheight * row) )
oPic.LockAspectRatio = -1
IF ( ( oPic.rotation = 90 ) or ( oPic.Rotation = 270 ) ) then
IF opic.height > imageWidth then
opic.height = imagewidth
if ( opic.width > imageHeight) then opic.width = imageHeight
opic.left = opic.left - imagewidth
opic.left = offsetWidth + (cellwidth * col )
opic.width = imageheight
opic.left = opic.left - cellwidth
if ( opic.height > imageWidth) then opic.height = imageWidth
opic.left = opic.left + imagewidth
ELSEIF ( oPic.rotation = 180 ) then
IF opic.height > opic.width then
opic.height = imageheight
if ( opic.width > imageWidth ) then opic.width = imageWidth
opic.width = imagewidth
if ( opic.height > imageheight ) then opic.height = imageheight
opic.top = offsetHeight + (cellheight * row)
opic.left = offsetWidth + (cellwidth * col )
IF opic.height > imageheight then
opic.height = imageheight
if ( opic.width > imageWidth ) then opic.width = imageWidth
opic.width = imagewidth
if ( opic.height > imageheight ) then opic.height = imageheight
opic.top = offsetHeight + (cellheight * row)
opic.left = offsetWidth + (cellwidth * col )
END if
col = col + 1
imgNbr = imgNbr + 1
END withQuery
deletefile (baseFolder & "pptimg.jpg" )
END try
myPres.saveas ( baseFolder & "ThumbNails.ppt")
END Function
FUNCTION cbtoolsMenuDBExportThumbnails ( sobid )
sob ( FileExportOvl , "set" , "show" , 1)
sob ( NbrFilesInFilter , "SET", "TITLE" , "" & exportFilter ( "statistic" , "" , "" ) )
sob ( SubListTitleSob, "set" , "title", "Create a file sublist for Thumbnails" )
sob ( BtnExportFiles , "set", "Title" , "Export Thumbnails" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "PRESS" , "ExportThumbNails")
sob ( BtnExportFiles , "set" , "show" , 1 )
sob ( BtnDeleteFiles , "set" , "show" , 0 )
sob ( PowerTaggingSob , "set" , "show" , 0 )
END Function
sob ( -1 ,"ON","CLICK", "cbtoolsMenuDBExportThumbnails")
' --------------
FUNCTION cbExportFileListToExcel ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
dim ExlFile
sob ( CommonSobResult, "empty" )
dim InitialExcelState
IF ( isTable ( , "master") ) then
SetFileFilter ( "EXCEL Files(*.xlsx)\0*.xl*\0All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0" )
ExlFile = getFile
cancelClear ()
cancelText( "Export a sublist to Excel" , 0 )
cancelText( "Creating link to Excel" , 1 )
cancelText( " " , 3 )
InitialExcelState = xlActive
IF ( ! xlRunning ) then
xlopen ()
dim myWb = exl.Workbooks.Add
cancelText( "Exporting SubList table, should be less than 60 seconds" , 1 )
exl.ActiveSheet.name ="SubList"
qrWriteToXL ( "select * from SubList")
cancelText( "Formating SubList table, should be less than 60 seconds" , 1 )
xlTableFormat ()
' -----------------------------------------------------------
cancelText( "Creating Admin sheet" , 1 )
exl.worksheets.add().name = "Admin"
exl.cells(1,1).value = "Content:"
exl.Cells(2,1).value = "Source:"
exl.Cells(3,1).value = "Generated:"
exl.cells(1,2).value = "SubList table"
exl.Cells(2,2).value = sob ( statusDBFile, "GET" ,"TITLE" )
exl.Cells(3,2).value = "'" & date & " " & time
exl.Cells(9,1).value = "Generated using " & appName & " " & AppVersion
exl.Cells(10,1).value = "Freeware, no installation, single file, < 5 Mbyte"
exl.Cells(11,1).value = "www.PlodWare.com"
exl.Cells(9,1).font.size = 8
exl.Cells(10,1).font.size = 8
exl.Cells(11,1).font.size = 8
exl.cells.VerticalAlignment = -4108
' -----------------------------------------------------------
cancelText( "Saving workbook to file" ,1 )
exl.Application.DisplayAlerts = 0
exl.ActiveWorkBook.saveas ( ExlFile , 50 )
' 50 = xlExcel12 (Excel Binary Workbook in 2007-2013 with or without macro's, xlsb)
' 51 = xlOpenXMLWorkbook (without macro's in 2007-2013, xlsx)
' 52 = xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled (with or without macro's in 2007-2013, xlsm)
' 56 = xlExcel8 (97-2003 format in Excel 2007-2013, xls)
' ActiveWorkBook.close
exl.Application.DisplayAlerts = 1
IF ( ! InitialExcelState ) then
set exl = nothing
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "ROW" , "Database saved to: " & EOL & ExlFile )
sob ( CommonSobResult, "SET" , "TITLE" , "No open database" )
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
END function
FUNCTION onPushOpenFolder ( sobid )
dim filename = sob ( FileListSob , "get", "title")
if ( filename == "" ) then
exit function
' FileName field starts with "Internal" if file is in datatase
currentFile = left ( filename, -10 )
IF ( left ( filename , 2 ) == "In" ) then
> SELECT path from master where path ||name like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( currentFile)
sql(freestring )
ShellExecute ( qrSingleValue)
SELECT path from temp.inputFile
ShellExecute ( qrSingleValue)
END if
END function
' -----------------------------------------------------
' define the AREAs on the display
dim applicationArea = sob(appWindow,"ADD", "CONTAINER","COLUMN.W")
dim tmpSob, InsertWhere , DeleteWhere , InsertDeleteWhereSob
tmpSob = sob ( applicationArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "LABEL" , "DB File " )
dim statusDBFile = sob(-1,"add","EDIT" , " " )
sob ( statusDBFile , "SET" ,"rw" , 0 )
tmpSob = sob ( applicationArea , "add" , "container" , "row" )
sob ( tmpSob , "ADD" , "LABEL" , "File(s): " )
dim FileListSob = sob ( tmpSob , "add", "COMBO" ,"dropdown", " " )
sob ( FileListSob , "set" , "stretch" , 1 )
sob ( tmpSob , "ADD" , "Button" , "push" , "Open folder" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "onPushOpenFolder" )
sob ( tmpSob , "ADD" , "Button" , "push" , "Delete file" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "onPushOfferFileDelete" )
' dim mainArea= sob(applicationArea,"ADD", "CONTAINER","ROW.H")
dim mainArea= sob ( applicationArea ,"ADD", "CONTAINER","PANEL.v", " " ,1 )
dim mainLP = sob( mainArea, "GET","PANEL.F")
dim mainRP = sob( mainArea, "GET","PANEL.S")
sob ( mainRP ,"ADD", "CONTAINER","PANEL.h", " " ,1 )
dim upperP = sob( -1, "GET","PANEL.F")
dim lowerP = sob( -1, "GET","PANEL.S")
sob ( lowerP,"ADD", "CONTAINER","PANEL.v", " " , 1 )
dim lowMidArea = sob( -1, "GET","PANEL.F")
dim lowRightArea = sob( -1, "GET","PANEL.S")
' -----------------------------------------------------
' now assign CONTENT to these areas
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim TagToolsOverlay = sob ( mainLP, "ADD", "container", "OVERLAY")
' each direct child of an OVERLAY container overlaps one another
dim TagManageOvl = sob ( TagToolsOverlay ,"ADD", "container", "COLUMN.w")
dim FileExportOvl = sob ( TagToolsOverlay ,"ADD", "container", "COLUMN.w")
dim FileTaggingOvl = sob ( TagToolsOverlay ,"ADD", "container", "COLUMN")
dim CommonOvl = sob ( TagToolsOverlay ,"ADD", "container", "COLUMN")
dim HelpFixedOvl = sob ( TagToolsOverlay ,"ADD", "container", "COLUMN")
dim RemoveExternalDupsOvl = sob ( TagToolsOverlay ,"ADD", "container", "COLUMN")
dim RescanDatabaseOvl = sob ( TagToolsOverlay ,"ADD", "container", "COLUMN")
dim ScanNewFolderOvl = sob ( TagToolsOverlay ,"ADD", "container", "COLUMN")
dim DeleteOvl = sob ( TagToolsOverlay ,"ADD", "container", "COLUMN")
dim ExportOvl = sob ( TagToolsOverlay ,"ADD", "container", "COLUMN")
dim TagCommentOvl = sob ( TagToolsOverlay ,"ADD", "container", "COLUMN")
dim RubberBandOvl = sob ( TagToolsOverlay ,"ADD", "container", "COLUMN")
dim ImageGroupOvl = sob ( TagToolsOverlay ,"ADD", "container", "COLUMN")
dim ImageManagementOvl = sob ( TagToolsOverlay ,"ADD", "container", "COLUMN")
dim TagTxtOvl = sob ( TagToolsOverlay ,"ADD", "container", "COLUMN")
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim TagToolsArea = sob ( TagManageOvl , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W" )
dim ExtensionArea = sob ( TagToolsArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W" )
dim TagGroupContent = sob ( TagToolsArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W" )
dim TagTxtContent = sob ( TagToolsArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W" )
dim TagFtxtContent = sob ( TagToolsArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W" )
' -----------------------------------------------------
' populate: StatusArea
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim StatusArea = sob ( upperP , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "COLUMN.W" )
sob ("RGB","DEFAULT")
dim StatusCols = sob ( StatusArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "COLUMN.W" )
sob ( StatusCols , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW" )
sob ( -1,"add","LABEL" , "Status " )
dim StatusTxt = sob(-1,"add","LABEL" , " " )
FUNCTION ErrorReport ( txt )
sob (StatusTxt,"SET" ,"TITLE" , "ERROR: " & txt & EOL )
IF ( sob (StatusTxt,"GET", "RGB" ) = ErrorCol ) then
sob (StatusTxt,"SET", "RGB" , WarningCol )
sob (StatusTxt,"SET", "RGB" , ErrorCol )
END Function
FUNCTION NoErrorReport ( txt)
sob (StatusTxt, "SET" , "TITLE" , txt & EOL )
sob (StatusTxt, "SET" , "RGB" , defStatusCol )
END Function
dim FileInfoSob = sob ( StatusArea , "add" , "container" , "column.h" )
' tmpSob = sob ( FileInfoSob , "add" , "container" , "row" )
' sob ( tmpSob , "ADD" , "LABEL" , "Hash " )
' dim hashSob = sob ( tmpSob , "ADD" , "LABEL" , " " )
dim PathFile = sob(StatusArea,"add","Edit.rows" , " ", 5 )
FUNCTION mcPathFile ( sobid, clickValue )
report ( "click " & clickvalue )
END function
' sob ( pathFile, "on" , "MOUSECLICKS" , "mcPathFile" )
' -----------------------------------------------------
' populate: Tag Group Tools
' -----------------------------------------------------
sob ("RGB","DEFAULT")
FUNCTION UpdateTagNameList ( sobid , TagType )
sob( sobid , "empty" )
> select ttName from tagTable where ttGroup like $tag order by ttName asc
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$tag" , sqlstring ( TagType & TagGroupId) )
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
sob( TagNameComboSOB , "add" , "row" , wqText(1) )
END withQuery
sob( sobid , "SET", "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
> select ttComment from tagTable where ttGroup like $tag order by ttName asc limit 1
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$tag" , sqlstring ( TagType & TagGroupId) )
sql (freestring)
IF ( istype ( qrSingleValue) == "string" ) then
sob( TagTxtField , "SeT", "TITLE", qrSingleValue )
sob( TagTxtField , "SeT", "TITLE", "" )
FUNCTION onTagGroupComboSel ( sobid , rowid )
dim useRGB
dim selTxt = sob ( sobid, "GET", "TITLE")
sob ( TagGroupDoItSOB , "SET", "RGB" , defBtnCol )
sob ( TagNameDoItSOB , "SET", "RGB" , defBtnCol )
sob ( TagTextDoItSOB , "SET", "RGB" , defBtnCol )
IF ( selTxt == NoTag ) then
sob ( TagNameComboSob , "set", "title" , "" )
sob ( TagTxtField , "set", "title" , "" )
sob ( TagNameNewNameSOB , "set", "title" , "" )
UpdateTagNameList ( TagNameComboSob , selTxt )
dim actionTxt = sob ( TagGroupActionComboSob, "GET", "TITLE")
IF ( actionTxt <> noTag ) then
sob ( TagGroupDoItSOB , "SET", "RGB" , rgb ( 0,255,0) )
actionTxt = sob ( TagNameActionComboSob, "GET", "TITLE")
IF ( actionTxt <> noTag ) then
sob ( TagNameDoItSOB , "SET", "RGB" , rgb ( 0,255,0) )
sob ( TagNameNewNameSOB ,"SET", "RGB" , -1 )
IF ( actionTxt <> "delete" ) theN
sob ( TagNameNewNameSOB ,"SET", "RGB" , rgb ( 0x0ff, 0xa0, 0xa0 ) )
actionTxt = sob ( TagTextActionComboSob, "GET", "TITLE")
IF ( actionTxt <> noTag ) then
sob ( TagTextDoItSOB , "SET", "RGB" , rgb ( 0,255,0) )
onEditedTagNameFilter ( TagNameFilterSOB , " " )
IF ( sob ( TagNameActionComboSOB , "GET", "TITLE") == "derive") then
sob ( TagNameNewNameSOB , "set", "title" , sob( TagNameComboSOB , "GET", "title") )
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION cbSelectFreeTextToolAction ( sobid, rowid )
dim actionTxt = sob ( sobid , "GET", "TITLE" )
dim TextTxt = sob ( FreeTextToolCombo , "GET", "TITLE")
Sob ( FreeTextToolDoItSob , "SET", "TITLE" , actionTxt )
IF ( TextTxt == noTag ) then
sob ( FreeTextToolDoItSob , "SET", "RGB" , defbtnCol )
sob ( FreeTextToolDoItSob , "SET", "RGB" , rgb ( 0 , 255,0) )
END if
FUNCTION cbFreeTextToolDoIt ( sobid )
dim actionTxt = sob ( sobid , "GET", "TITLE" )
dim newCol
CASE noTag
EXIT function
CASE "new"
' use SQLite TRIM function to remove spaces and tabs
> select trim (
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier ( sob ( FreeTextToolEditSob , "GET", "TITLE") )
>> , char(9) || ' ' )
sql ( freestring )
newCol = qrSingleValue & FreeTxtId
> select count (*) from pragma_table_info ( 'master' ) where name like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier ( newCol )
sql ( freestring )
IF ( qrSingleValue == 0 ) then
> alter table master add column
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier (newCol )
sql ( freestring )
> update master set
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier (newCol )
>> = ''
sql ( freestring )
ToggleWarnColour ( sobid )
EXIT function
CASE "delete"
> alter table master drop column
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier ( sob ( FreeTextToolCombo , "GET", "TITLE") & FreeTxtId )
sql ( freestring )
CASE else
ToggleWarnColour ( sobid )
EXIT function
CreateUsersTagTableAndColumnsList ()
ToggleOKColour ( sobid )
tmpSob = sob ( TagGroupContent , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W")
sob ( tmpSob ,"add","LABEL" , "Free Text Tool" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , 0x0ff00 )
tmpSob = sob ( tmpSob , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "ROW")
sob ( tmpSob , "add" , "COMBO" , "DROPDOWN" , " " )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "ROW" , noTag )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "ROW" , "New" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "ROW" , "Delete" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "SELECTION" , "ROW" , 1 )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "SELECTION" , "cbSelectFreeTextToolAction" )
dim FreeTextToolCombo = sob ( tmpSob , "add" , "COMBO" , "DROPDOWN", defTypeComboText )
sob ( -1, "set", "stretch", 1 )
dim FreeTextToolDoItSob = sob ( tmpSob , "add" , "BUTTON" , "PUSH", noTag )
sob ( -1 , "set" , "title" , noTag )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "press" , "cbFreeTextToolDoIt")
' --------------------
sob ( TagGroupContent , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW.h" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "LABEL" , "New " )
dim FreeTextToolEditSob = sob ( -1 , "add","edit" , " " )
sob ( -1 , "empty")
' -------------------------------
sob( TagGroupContent ,"add" ,"LABEL" , "Tag Group Tools" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , rgb ( 0 , 255 , 0 ) )
' -------------------------------
dim TagGroupToolsAreaTop = sob ( TagGroupContent , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW.h" )
dim TagGroupToolsArea = sob ( TagGroupToolsAreaTop , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "COLUMN.hw" )
sob ( -1 , "SET", "STRETCH" , 1 )
' -------------------------------
sob ( TagGroupToolsArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW.h" )
sob ( -1,"add","LABEL", "Tag Group" )
dim TagGroupComboSob = sob(-1,"add","COMBO" , "dropdown" , " " )
sob ( TagGroupComboSob , "ON", "SELECTION" , "onTagGroupComboSel")
' to automatically populate with Tag Group changes
isTagTypeCombo ( TagGroupComboSob )
FUNCTION OnTagGroupActionComboSelect ( sobid , rowid)
dim useRGB = defBtnCol
sob ( TagNameDoItSOB ,"SET", "rgb" , useRGB )
sob ( TagNameNewNameSOB ,"SET", "RGB" , -1 )
dim actionTxt = sob ( TagGroupActionComboSob , "GET", "TITLE" )
sob ( TagGroupDoItSob , "set", "title" , actionTxt )
IF ( sob ( TagGroupComboSob , "GET", "TITLE" ) == noTag ) then
EXIT function
IF ( actionTxt <> noTag ) then
sob ( TagTextDoItSob ,"SET", "rgb" , rgb ( 0,255,0) )
IF ( actionTxt <> "delete" ) theN
sob ( TagNameNewNameSOB ,"SET", "RGB" , rgb ( 0x0ff, 0xa0, 0xa0 ) )
sob ( TagNameNewNameSOB ,"SET", "RGB" , -1 )
END Function
' -------------------------------
sob ( TagGroupToolsArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW.h" )
sob ( -1,"add","LABEL", "Action " )
dim TagGroupActionComboSob = sob(-1,"add","COMBO" , "dropdown" , defActionComboText )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , NoTag )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "new" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "replace" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "delete" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "move" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "SELECTION", "row" , 1 )
sob ( TagGroupActionComboSob , "ON" , "SELECTION" , "OnTagGroupActionComboSelect" )
' -------------------------------
sob ( TagGroupToolsArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW.h" )
sob(-1,"add","LABEL", "New " )
dim TagGroupNewNameSOB = sob(-1,"add","edit" , " " )
sob (-1, "empty")
' -------------------------------
sob ( TagGroupToolsAreaTop , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "COLUMN" )
dim TagGroupDoItSob = sob(-1,"add","BUTTON","PUSH", NoTag )
' -----------------------------------------------------
' populate: Tag Name Tools
' -----------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION updateNewTagNameField ()
dim actionTxt = sob ( TagNameActionComboSOB , "GET", "TITLE" )
sob ( TagNameDoItSOB ,"SET", "TITLE" , actionTxt )
IF ( sob ( TagGroupComboSob , "GET", "TITLE" ) == noTag ) then
EXIT function
sob ( TagNameDoItSOB ,"SET", "RGB" , rgb (0,255,0) )
IF ( actionTxt == noTag ) then
sob ( TagNameDoItSOB ,"SET", "RGB" , defbtnCol )
sob ( TagNameDoItSOB ,"SET", "RGB" , rgb (0,255,0) )
IF ( actionTxt == "derive" ) then
sob ( TagNameNewNameSOB , "set", "title" , sob( TagNameComboSOB , "GET", "title") )
END Function
FUNCTION onEditTagNameFilter ( sobid , editChr )
IF ( editChr == escChr) then
sob( sobid , "EMPTY")
sob( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 1) , "EMPTY")
FUNCTION onEditedTagNameFilter ( sobid , editChr )
' for every character entered in to the filter box
' trigger an update of the related tag Txt combo
sob( TagTxtField , "SEt", "TITLE", "" )
IF ( editChr == escChr) then
sob( sobid , "EMPTY")
sob( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 1) , "EMPTY")
dim useGroupCombo = TagGroupComboSob
dim useTextCombo = TagNameComboSob
' set the filter's COMBO to be empty
sob ( useTextCombo ,"empty")
' get the TagType
dim TagGroup = sob( useGroupCombo, "GET" , "TITLE" )
dim filterTxt = sob(sobid,"GET","TITLE")
' do not include any special (non-printable) character in the filter text
IF ( editChr < 0x020 ) then
ELSEIF ( editChr > 0x7e ) then
filterTxt = filterTxt & chr(editChr)
IF ( isDBopen ) then
' find the matching TAG txts (yes allow > 1 )
> select ttname from tagTable where ttGroup like $Type and ttName like '%' || $txt || '%' order by ttName asc
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$Type" , sqlIdentifier ( TagGroup & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$txt" , sqlString ( filterTxt ) )
WITHQUERY (freestring)
' place the tag txts in the filter's COMBO
sob ( useTextCombo, "add", "row" , wqText(1))
END withquery
END if
' default is to select the first txt in the combo
sob( useTextCombo , "SET", "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
dim tagName = sob ( useTextCombo , "GET", "TITLE")
IF ( sob ( TagNameActionComboSOB , "GET", "TITLE") == "derive") then
sob ( TagNameNewNameSOB , "set", "title" , Tagname )
ELSEIF ( sob ( TagNameActionComboSOB , "GET", "TITLE") == NoTag) then
' sob ( TagNameNewNameSOB , "set", "title" , "" )
> select ttComment from tagTable where ttGroup like $tag and ttName like $name
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$tag" , sqlstring ( TagGroup & TagGroupId) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$name" , sqlstring ( tagName ) )
sql ( freestring )
IF ( isType ( qrsinglevalue) == "String") then
sob( TagTxtField , "SEt", "TITLE", qrSingleValue )
' updateNewTagNameField ()
sob ( TagTxtContent ,"add" , "SPACE" , 0 , 10 )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , 0x0ffffff )
sob ( TagTxtContent ,"add" , "LABEL" , "Tag Name Tools" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , rgb ( 0 , 255 , 0 ) )
dim TagNameAreaTOP = sob ( TagTxtContent , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW.h" )
dim TagNameArea = sob ( TagNameAreaTOP , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "COLUMN.HW" )
sob ( -1 , "SET", "STRETCH" , 1 )
sob ( TagNameArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW.h" )
sob ( -1 , "add" ,"LABEL", "Filter " )
dim TagNameFilterSOB = sob (-1 , "Add" , "edit" , " " )
sob (-1 , "empty")
sob (-1 , "ON","EDIT" , "onEditTagNameFilter" )
sob (-1 , "ON","EDITED" , "onEditedTagNameFilter" )
sob ( TagNameArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW.h" )
sob ( -1,"add","LABEL", "Tag Name " )
dim TagNameComboSob = sob(-1,"add","COMBO" , "dropdown" , " " )
FUNCTION TagNameComboSelect ( sobid , rowid )
updateNewTagNameField ()
END Function
sob ( TagNameComboSob , "ON" , "SELECTION" , "TagNameComboSelect" )
sob ( TagNameArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW.h" )
sob(-1,"add","LABEL", "Action " )
dim TagNameActionComboSOB = sob(-1,"add","COMBO" , "dropdown" , " " )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , NoTag )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "new" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "derive" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "rename" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "delete" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "move" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "SELECTION", "ROW" , 1)
sob ( TagNameArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW" )
sob(-1,"add","LABEL", "New " )
dim TagNameNewNameSOB = sob(-1,"add","edit" , " " )
sob (-1, "empty")
FUNCTION OnTagNameActionComboSelect ( sobid , rowid )
updateNewTagNameField ()
END Function
sob ( TagNameActionComboSOB , "ON" , "SELECTION" , "OnTagNameActionComboSelect" )
dim TagNameDoItSOB = sob ( TagNameAreaTOP ,"add","BUTTON","PUSH", NoTag )
' -----------------------------------------------------
' populate: Tag Text Tools
' -----------------------------------------------------
sob( TagFtxtContent ,"add" ,"SPACE" , 0 , 10 )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , 0x0ffffff )
sob( TagFtxtContent ,"add","LABEL" , "Tag Text Tools" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , rgb ( 0 , 255 , 0 ) )
dim TagTextAreaTop = sob ( TagFtxtContent , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW" )
dim TagTextArea = sob ( TagTextAreaTop , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "COLUMN.HW" )
sob ( -1 , "SET", "STRETCH" , 1 )
sob ( TagTextArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW.h" )
sob(-1,"add","LABEL", "Action " )
FUNCTION onTagTextActionComboSob ( sobid , rowid )
dim actionTxt = sob ( TagTextActionComboSob , "get", "title")
sob ( TagTextDoItSOB , "set", "title" , actionTxt)
IF ( sob ( TagGroupComboSob , "get", "title") == NoTag ) then
EXIT function
END if
IF ( actionTxt == notag ) then
sob ( TagTextDoItSOB , "set", "rgb" , defBtnCol )
sob ( TagTextDoItSOB , "set", "rgb" , rgb(0,255,0) )
END if
END function
FUNCTION onTagTextDoit ( sobid )
IF ( ( sob(sobid,"GET" , "TITLE" ) == NoTag ) or ( sob(sobid,"GET" , "TITLE" ) == "" ) ) then
EXIT function
IF ( ! isDBopen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
dim tagType = sob ( TagGroupComboSob , "GET" , "TITLE" )
dim tagName = sob ( TagNameComboSob , "GET" , "TITLE" )
dim tagComment = sob ( TagTxtField , "GET" , "TITLE" )
dim actionTxt = sob ( TagTextActionComboSob , "GET" , "TITLE" )
IF ( actionTxt == "show" ) then
> select ttComment from tagTable WHERE ttGroup like $tagType and ttName like $tagTxt
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$tagType" , sqlString ( tagType & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$tagTxt" , sqlString ( tagName ) )
sql ( freestring )
sob ( PathFile , "SET" , "TITLE" , qrSingleValue )
IF ( actionTxt == "clear" ) then
tagComment = ""
sob ( TagTxtField , "empty" )
> UPDATE tagTable SET ttComment = $ftxt WHERE ttGroup like $tagType and ttName like $tagTxt
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$ftxt" , sqlString ( tagComment ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$tagType" , sqlString ( tagType & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$tagTxt" , sqlString ( tagName ) )
sql ( freestring )
toggleWarnColour ( TagTextDoItSOB )
FUNCTION onTagfTxtSelect ( sobid, rowid )
dim actionTxt = sob( sobid, "GET", "ROW", rowid )
sob ( TagTextDoItSOB , "SET", "TITLE" , actionTxt )
IF ( actionTxt == NoTag ) then
sob ( TagTextDoItSOB , "SET", "RGB" , defTextCol )
sob ( TagTextDoItSOB , "SET", "RGB" , RGB ( 0xff ,0,0 ) )
END if
END function
dim TagTextActionComboSob = sob(-1,"add","COMBO" , "dropdown" , " " )
sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "ROW" , NoTag )
' sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "ROW" ,"show" )
sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "ROW" ,"edit" )
sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "ROW" ,"clear" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "SELECTION", "ROW" , 1)
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "SELECTION", "onTagTextActionComboSob")
' ------------------
sob ( TagTextAreaTop , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW" )
dim TagTextDoItSOB = sob ( -1 ,"add","BUTTON","PUSH", NoTag )
sob ( -1 , "on" , "press" , "OnTagTextDoit")
sob ( TagFtxtContent , "ADD", "SPACE", 0,10)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , 0x0ffffff )
' sob ( TagTextArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW" )
dim TagTxtField = sob (TagFtxtContent, "ADD" , "Edit.rows", " " , 3 )
' -----------------------------------------------------
' populate: upper right
' -----------------------------------------------------
' -----------------------------------------------------
' IMAGE things
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim XY = 5
dim maxThumbNailIndex = 8
dim i
' -----------------------------------------------------
' -----------------------------------------------------
' sob ( ImageManagementOvl , "SET", "SHOW", 1 )
dim ImageMngmtArea = sob ( ImageManagementOvl , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W" )
dim ImageMngmtInfo = sob ( ImageMngmtArea, "ADD", "LABEL", "" )
tmpSob= sob ( ImageMngmtArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "row.W" )
' -------------------------------------------------
sob ( tmpSob , "ADD", "BUTTON" , "PUSH" , "<<-" )
FUNCTION startImageMngnt ( sobid )
ImageMngmtBase = 0
ImageMngmtDisplay ()
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "click" , "startImageMngnt" )
' -------------------------------------------------
sob ( tmpSob , "ADD", "BUTTON" , "PUSH" , "<--" )
FUNCTION prevImageMngnt ( sobid )
ImageMngmtBase = ImageMngmtBase - ImageMngmtDisplayRows - ImageMngmtDisplayRows
ImageMngmtDisplay ()
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "click" , "prevImageMngnt" )
' -------------------------------------------------
sob ( tmpSob , "ADD", "LABEL" , "from" )
sob ( -1 , "set" , "rgb" , -1 )
dim ImageMngmtFrom = sob ( tmpSob , "ADD", "LABEL" , " " )
sob ( tmpSob , "ADD", "LABEL" , "to" )
sob ( -1 , "set" , "rgb" , -1 )
dim ImageMngmtTo = sob ( tmpSob , "ADD", "LABEL" , " " )
sob ( tmpSob , "ADD", "LABEL" , "of" )
sob ( -1 , "set" , "rgb" , -1 )
dim ImageMngmtOf = sob ( tmpSob , "ADD", "LABEL" , " " )
' -------------------------------------------------
sob ( tmpSob , "ADD", "BUTTON" , "PUSH" , "-->" )
FUNCTION nextImageMngnt ( sobid )
ImageMngmtDisplay ()
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "click" , "nextImageMngnt" )
' -------------------------------------------------
sob ( tmpSob , "ADD", "BUTTON" , "PUSH" , "->>" )
FUNCTION EndImageMngnt ( sobid )
SELECT max(rowid) from ImageMngmtTbl
ImageMngmtBase = qrSingleValue - ImageMngmtDisplayRows
ImageMngmtDisplay ()
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "click" , "EndImageMngnt" )
' -------------------------------------------------
' sob ( -1 , "SET", "STRETCH" , 0 )
dim scrolledImageMngmt = sob ( ImageMngmtArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "BOX.SCROLLED", " ",20)
dim siImageMngmtMatrix = sob ( scrolledImageMngmt, "ADD", "CONTAINER", "matrix.c" , 5)
FUNCTION cbOnImageMngmtThumbnail ( sobid )
report ( sob(sobid, "get", "data"))
> select path from Master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & sob(sobid, "get", "data")
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
ShellExecute ( wqText(1 ) )
END withquery
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' apply a POPUP menu to the Image Management
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION CBpopupImageMngmtOpenFolder ( sobid )
dim rid = sob(siTriggeringThumbNail, "get", "data")
if ( ! rid ) then exit function
> select path from Master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & rid
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
ShellExecute ( wqText(1 ) )
END withquery
sob (OnImageMngmtPopUp , "add", "menu","Vertical", "Open Folder")
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBpopupImageMngmtOpenFolder")
' -------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION CBpopupImageMngmtDetails ( sobid )
dim ridA = sob(siTriggeringThumbNail, "get", "data")
dim SizeA, FileA , pHash , dHash
> select path ||name , pHash , dHash , size from master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & ridA
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
FileA = wqtext(1)
SizeA = wqInt (4)
END withquery
dim txt = ""
IF ( ! isFile ( FileA ) ) then
txt = " File does not exist " & FileA
sob ( ImageMngmtInfo , "SET" , "TITLE", txt )
EXIT function
END if
sob (TagInfo, "empty")
dim tmptxt
tmptxt = right("000000" & ridA,6)
txt = txt & tmptxt
tmptxt = right( "00000" & CANVAS ( "IMAGE.FILE", "GET" , "WIDTH" , FileA ) , 5 )
txt = txt & tmptxt
tmptxt = right( "00000" & CANVAS ( "IMAGE.FILE", "GET" , "HEIGHT" , FileA ) , 5 )
txt = txt & "/" & tmptxt
txt = txt & " " & FileA
sob ( ImageMngmtInfo , "SET" , "TITLE", txt )
dim sipmatrix = SOB ( siTriggeringThumbNail ,"GET" , "PARENT" )
' dim ChildCnt = SOB ( sipmatrix , "CHILD" , "COUNT" )
dim colNbr = SOB ( siTriggeringThumbNail , "GET" , "COLUMN.NUMBER" )
dim Col00 = sob ( siTriggeringThumbNail , "SIBLING", -1*(colNbr-1) )
dim RoC = sob ( sipmatrix , "GET", "DIMENSION")
dim i
dim tmpSob , rid
sob (TagInfo,"add", "row" , "row: " & EOL )
sob (TagInfo,"add", "row" , "rowid width height" & EOL )
for i = 1 to abs(RoC)
tmpSob = sob ( Col00 , "SIBLING", i - 1 )
rid = sob ( tmpSob , "get", "data")
If ( rid ) then
> select path ||name , num2Hex( pHash ) , num2Hex( dHash ) , size from master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & rid
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
FileA = wqtext(1)
pHash = wqText(2)
dHash = wqText(3)
END withquery
tmptxt = right("000000" & rid ,6)
sob (TagInfo,"add", "row" , tmptxt & " " )
tmptxt = right( "00000" & CANVAS ( "IMAGE.FILE", "GET" , "WIDTH" , FileA ) , 5 )
sob (TagInfo,"add", "row" , tmptxt )
sob (TagInfo,"add", "row" , " " )
tmptxt = right( "00000" & CANVAS ( "IMAGE.FILE", "GET" , "HEIGHT" , FileA ) , 5 )
sob (TagInfo,"add", "row" , tmptxt )
sob (TagInfo,"add", "row" , " " & pHash )
sob (TagInfo,"add", "row" , " " & dHash )
sob (TagInfo,"add", "row" , tmptxt & EOL )
end if
next i
END function
sob (OnImageMngmtPopUp , "add", "menu","Vertical", "Details")
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBpopupImageMngmtDetails")
' -------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION CBpopupImageToTagger ( sobid )
dim rid = sob(siTriggeringThumbNail, "get", "data")
> select path||name from Master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & rid
SilentSQL ( freestring )
cbSingleFile ( qrSingleValue )
sob (OnImageMngmtPopUp , "add", "menu","Vertical", "To Tagger")
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBpopupImageToTagger")
' -------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION CBpopupImageIgnore ( sobid )
dim rid = sob(siTriggeringThumbNail, "get", "data")
> Update Master
>> set IgnoreFile = 1
>> where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & rid
SilentSQL ( freestring )
> delete from ImageMngmtTbl
>> where SelfA =
freestring = freestring & " " & rid
SilentSQL ( freestring )
ImageMngmtBase = ImageMngmtBase - ImageMngmtDisplayRows
ImageMngmtDisplay ()
sob (OnImageMngmtPopUp , "add", "menu","Vertical", "Ignore Image")
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBpopupImageIgnore")
' -------------------------------------------------
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION cbImageMngmtMOUSECLICKS ( sobid, clickId )
' right mouse button clickid = 7
if ( clickid <> 7 ) then exit function
dim ridA = sob ( sobid , "GET" , "DATA" )
if ( ! ridA ) then exit function
siTriggeringThumbNail = sobid
sob(OnImageMngmtPopUp,"SET","POSITION", sob ( appWindow , "get" , "cursor.x" ), sob ( appWindow , "get" , "cursor.y" ) )
sob ( OnImageMngmtPopUp , "SET", "SHOW" , 1 )
END function
FOR i = 1 to 35
tmpSob = sob (siImageMngmtMatrix , "ADD","image.holder",0 ,50,75 )
sob ( tmpSob , "ON" , "click" , "cbOnImageMngmtThumbnail" )
sob ( tmpSob , "ON" , "MOUSECLICKS", "cbImageMngmtMOUSECLICKS")
' sob( ImageMngmtArea ,"add" ,"SPACE" , 0 , 10 )
' sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , 0x0ffffff )
' -----------------------------------------------------
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim ImageGroupArea = sob ( ImageGroupOvl , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W" )
dim myConA = sob ( ImageGroupArea, "ADD", "CONTAINER", "column.w")
SOB ( "OVERRIDE" , "STYLE" , 0x052000300) ' force style of next LABEL to be left justified
dim RefInfo = sob ( myConA , "ADD", "LABEL" , " ")
SOB ( "OVERRIDE" , "STYLE" , 0x052000300) ' force style of next LABEL to be left justified
dim TarInfo = sob ( myConA , "ADD", "LABEL" , " ")
dim ImageGroupWH = sob ( myConA , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "COLUMN.HW", " ",10)
' ---------------------------
FUNCTION cbOnThumbNail ( sobid )
if ( ! sob ( sobid, "get" , "data") ) then exit function
dim fName
> select path||name from master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & sob ( sobid, "get" , "data")
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
fName = wqText(1)
END withquery
cbSingleFile ( fName )
END function
dim siTriggeringThumbNail
' ---------------------------------------------
sob (OnImagePopUpSimilar , "add", "menu","Vertical", "Open Folder")
FUNCTION CBpopupOpenFolder ( sobId )
> select path from Master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & sob ( siTriggeringThumbNail , "GET", "DATA")
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
ShellExecute ( wqText(1 ) )
END withquery
END function
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBpopupOpenFolder")
sob (OnImagePopUpGroup , "add", "menu","Vertical", "Open Folder")
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBpopupOpenFolder")
' ---------------------------------------------
sob (OnImagePopUpGroup , "add", "menu","Vertical", "Remove from Image Group")
FUNCTION CBpopupRemoveFromGroup ( sobId )
dim xSelf = sob ( siTriggeringThumbNail , "GET", "DATA")
dim zSelf = sob ( siGroup00 , "GET", "DATA")
removeImageXfromGroupZ ( xSelf, zSelf )
' ----------------------------------------------------
removeAllThumbNails ( )
GetCopies ( zSelf )
END function
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBpopupRemoveFromGroup")
' ---------------------------------------------
' ---------------------------------------------
sob (OnImagePopUpSimilar , "add", "menu","Vertical", "Add to Image Group")
FUNCTION CBpopupAddToGroup ( sobId )
' get the GROUP of the reference thumbnail
dim ImageGroup
dim PromotedRowid = sob ( siTriggeringThumbNail , "GET", "DATA")
> select hash from master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & PromotedRowid
SilentSQL (freestring )
dim PromotedHash = qrSingleValue
' ------------------------------------------------------------------
> select ImageGroup from master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & sob ( siGroup00 , "GET", "DATA")
WITHQUERY (freestring )
ImageGroup = wqText(1)
END withquery
' ------------------------------------------------------------------
> update master set ImageGroup =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString(ImageGroup)
>> , ImageGroupType = 'near-identical'
>> where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & PromotedRowid
SilentSQL (freestring )
' by ADDING this IMAGE to a group we might have promoted a single member to a GROUP
IF ( ! sob ( sob ( siGroup00 , "SIBLING", 1) , "GET", "DATA" ) ) then
> update master set ImageGroup = num2hex(phash) || num2hex(dHash)
>> , ImageGroupType = "unknown"
>> where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & sob ( siGroup00 , "GET", "DATA")
SilentSQL (freestring )
END if
WITHQUERY ( "select * from temp.masterColumns ")
> update
>> master
>> SET
>> $col = ( select $col from Master where hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( CurrentHash)
>> )
>> hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( PromotedHash)
sql (replace ( freestring , "$col", sqlIdentifier ( wqtext(1) ) ) )
END WithQuery
removeAllThumbNails ( )
GetCopies ( currentRowid )
END function
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBpopupAddToGroup")
' ---------------------------------------------
FUNCTION cbImageGroupMOUSECLICKS ( sobid, clickId )
' right mouse button clickid = 7
if ( clickid <> 7 ) then exit function
if ( ! sob ( sobid , "GET" , "DATA" ) ) then exit function
dim ridA = sob ( siGroup00, "get" , "data")
dim txt = ""
dim distance
dim FileA , pHashA , dHashA , CanvasA
dim FileB , pHashB , dHashB , CanvasB
> select path ||name , pHash , dHash from master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & ridA
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
FileA = wqtext(1)
pHashA = wqInt(2)
dHashA = wqInt(3)
END withquery
dim ridB = cint(sob ( sobid , "GET" , "DATA" ))
> select path||name , pHash , dHash from master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & ridB
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
FileB = wqtext(1)
pHashB = wqInt(2)
dHashB = wqInt(3)
END withquery
IF ( ! isFile ( FileB ) ) then
txt = " File does not exist " & FileB
sob ( TarInfo , "SET" , "TITLE", txt )
EXIT function
END if
txt = right("000000" & ridB,6)
txt = txt & " pHD=" & right( "00" & popCount ( pHashA bxor pHashB ) , 2 )
txt = txt & " dHD=" & right( "00" & popCount ( dHashA bxor dHashB ) , 2 )
txt = txt & " " & right( "00000" & CANVAS ( "IMAGE.FILE", "GET" , "WIDTH" , FileB ) , 5 )
txt = txt & "/" & right( "00000" & CANVAS ( "IMAGE.FILE", "GET" , "height" , FileB ) , 5 )
txt = txt & " " & FileB
sob ( TarInfo , "SET" , "TITLE", txt )
siTriggeringThumbNail = sobid
sob(OnImagePopUpSimilar,"SET","POSITION", sob ( appWindow , "get" , "cursor.x" ), sob ( appWindow , "get" , "cursor.y" ) )
IF ( ( siGroup00 < siMatrix00) and ( sobid < siMatrix00 ) ) then
ELSEIF ( ( siGroup00 < siMatrix00) ) then
ELSEIF ( ( siMatrix00 < siGroup00 ) and ( sobid < siGroup00 ) ) then
END function
dim siImageGroup = sob ( ImageGroupWH, "ADD", "CONTAINER", "matrix.c" , 3)
' ---------------------------
FUNCTION onFileDrop ( sobid )
IF ( GetDropCount > 1 ) then
EXIT function
END if
dim rid = 0
> select rowid as selfA , * from MASTER where (path||name) like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( getDropData ( 1 ) )
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
rid = wqInt(1 )
END withquery
IF ( rid == 0 ) then
EXIT function
dim i , siTmp
dim freeCell = -1
' ------------------------------------------
' find empty cell in matrix of POTENTIAL matches
FOR i = 0 to maxThumbNailIndex
siTmp = sob ( siMatrix00 , "SIBLING", i )
IF ( ! sob ( siTmp ,"GET","data" ) ) then
freeCell = siTmp
sob ( freeCell ,"set" , "image" , getDropData ( 1 ) )
sob ( siTmp ,"SET","data" , rid )
CreateTargetReport ( siTmp )
END function
dim siImageMatrix = sob ( ImageGroupWH, "ADD", "CONTAINER", "matrix.c" , 3)
dim siMatrix00 = sob (siImageMatrix , "ADD","image.holder",0 ,XY,XY )
sob ( siMatrix00 , "ON" , "MOUSECLICKS", "cbImageGroupMOUSECLICKS")
sob ( siMatrix00 , "ON" , "click" , "cbOnThumbNail" )
' sob ( siMatrix00 , "ON" , "DROP.FILE", "onFileDropXX")
sob ( siMatrix00 ,"SET","data" , 0 )
FOR i = 1 to maxThumbNailIndex
tmpSob = sob (siImageMatrix , "ADD","image.holder",0 ,XY,XY )
sob ( tmpSob , "ON" , "click" , "cbOnThumbNail" )
sob ( tmpSob , "ON" , "MOUSECLICKS", "cbImageGroupMOUSECLICKS")
' sob ( tmpSob , "ON" , "DROP.FILE", "onFileDrop")
sob ( tmpSob ,"SET","data" , 0 )
' ---------------------------
sob ( siImageGroup , "ON" , "DROP.FILE", "onFileDrop")
dim siGroup00 = sob (siImageGroup , "ADD","image.holder",0 ,XY,XY )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "MOUSECLICKS", "cbImageGroupMOUSECLICKS")
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "click" , "cbOnThumbNail" )
FOR i = 1 to maxThumbNailIndex
tmpSob = sob (siImageGroup , "ADD","image.holder",0 ,XY,XY )
sob ( tmpSob , "ON" , "click" , "cbOnThumbNail" )
sob ( tmpSob , "ON" , "MOUSECLICKS", "cbImageGroupMOUSECLICKS")
' ---------------------------
FUNCTION ResetImageGroups ()
drop table if exists temp.matches
cancelText( "Create temporary table for image comparisons" , 1 )
> create temp table matches as
>> select rowid as selfA
>> , path as PathA , name as NameA
>> , size
>> , "" as PathB , "" as NameB , 0 as selfB
>> , pHash as xHash , 99 as xHamming
>> , 99 as pHamming , 99 as dHamming
>> , pHash as pHashA , dHash as dHashA
>> , 0 as pHashB , 0 as dHashB
>> , ImageNearness , 0 as Nbr
>> , (num2hex(phash) || num2hex(dHash)) as ImageGroup
>> , 'unknown' as ImageGroupType
>> from
>> master
>> where
>> IgnoreFile = 0
>> and ext in
freestring = freestring & " " & ImageFileExtensions
' ------------------------------------------------------------------
' now update the MATCHES table for each ROWID
' BUT note that we exclude from the results it's selfA
' SO ImageNearness talks about its neighbours excluding itself! IMPORTANT
cancelText( "Run images through BK-Tree:about 1 second per 1000 images" , 1 )
' this cost virtual nothing < 1 second
drop table if exists temp.xHashTbl
MakeBkTree ( )
> update matches set ImageNearness =
>> eval (' select substr ( "0000" || count(*) , -4 ) , substr ( "0000" || min (distance), -4 ) , link from xHashTbl ( ' || xHash || ',
freestring = freestring & " " & maxHD
>> ) where not link = ' || selfa || '
>> order by distance asc limit 1' )
> update
>> matches
>> set
>> SelfB = cast(substr ( ImageNearness, -1*(length(ImageNearness) - 10 ) )as int )
>> , xHamming = cast(substr ( ImageNearness,6,4) as int )
>> , nbr = cast(substr ( ImageNearness,1,4) as int )
>> not ImageNearness is null
> update
>> matches
>> set
>> pHashB = frmTbl.pHash
>> , dHashB = frmTbl.dHash
>> ( select rowid, * from master where IgnoreFile = 0 ) as frmTbl
>> matches.selfB = frmTbl.rowid
> update
>> matches
>> set
>> pHamming = popcount ( XOR ( pHashA , pHashB) )
>> , dHamming = popcount ( XOR ( dHashA , dHashB) )
>> selfb > 0
' ------------------------------------------------------------------
' has NO neighbours within a pHash distance of maxHD
> update
>> matches
>> set
>> ImageGroupType = 'unique'
>> selfB = 0
' ------------------------------------------------------------------
' has neighbours with a pHash distance of 0 , so are identical/duplicates
' but be careful: we might have
' root image + a duplicate + near-identicals
' or
' root image + a duplicate + 0 or more duplicates + 0 or more near-identicals
' SO only call it a duplicate if pHash distance = 0 AND NBR = 1
> update
>> matches
>> set
>> ImageGroupType = 'duplicatE'
>> selfB > 0 and xHamming = 0 and dHamming = 0 and nbr = 1
' ------------------------------------------------------------------
> update
>> matches
>> SET
>> Imagegroup = frmTbl.Imagegroup
>> , ImageGroupType = 'near-identicaL'
>> ( select pHashA , ImageGroup from matches where selfB > 0 and xHamming = 0 and dHamming between 1 and 17 and nbr = 1 ) as frmTbl
>> matches.pHashA = frmTbl.pHashA
>> and matches.selfB > 0 and matches.xHamming = 0 and matches.dHamming between 1 and 17 and matches.nbr = 1
silentSQL ( freestring)
' ------------------------------------------------------------------
' even if the pHash is low, if the dHamming is > 18 then it is highly likely to be DIFFERENT
' note: only doing this if NBR = 1
> update
>> matches
>> set
>> ImageGroupType = 'different'
>> selfB > 0 and dHamming > 18 and nbr = 1
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' handle the NEAR-IDENTICALs , first do the easy case NBR = 1
cancelText( "Simple near-identical" , 1 )
> update
>> matches
>> SET
>> Imagegroup = frmtbl.ImageGroup
>> , ImageGroupType = 'near-Identical'
>> ( select selfA , selfB , ImageGroup from matches where NBR = 1 AND ImageGroupType ='unknown' ) as frmTbl
>> matches.selfA in ( frmTbl.selfA , frmTbl.selfB )
>> AND matches. ImageGroupType ='unknown'
sql ( freestring )
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' handle the NEAR-IDENTICALs , do the COMPLEX case NBR > 2
cancelText( "Complex near-identical" , 1 )
dim selfA , pHashA , dHashA , ImgGroup , selfB , pHashB , dHashB
dim pHamming , dHamming
SilentSQL ("drop table if exists temp.singleImageGroup ")
SilentSQL (" create temp table singleImageGroup ( selfB, pHashB, pHamming, dHashB, dHashA , dHamming ) ")
> select selfA, pHashA , dHashA , Imagegroup from matches where ImageGroupType ='unknown'
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
selfA = wqInt (1)
pHashA = wqInt (2)
dhashA = wqInt (3)
ImgGroup = wqtext(4)
' get neighbours of target based on pHash
SilentSQL (" delete from singleImageGroup ")
> insert into singleImageGroup
>> select link , metric , distance,0,0,0 from xHashTbl (
freestring = freestring & " " & pHashA
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & 12 ' pHD
>> ) WHERE not link =
freestring = freestring & " " & selfa
> update singleImageGroup set
>> dHashB = ( select dHash from master where rowid = singleImageGroup.selfB)
>> , dHashA =
freestring = freestring & " " & dHashA
sql(freestring )
SilentSQL (" update singleImageGroup set dHamming = popcount ( xor ( dHashA , dHashb ) )")
SilentSQL (" delete from singleImageGroup where dHamming > 17 ")
> select selfb from singleImageGroup limit 1
WITHQUERY ( freestring)
> update matches set ImageGroup =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString(ImgGroup )
>> , ImageGroupType = 'near-iDentical'
>> selfA in (
freestring = freestring & " " & selfA
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & wqInt(1)
>> )
>> AND ImageGroupType ='unknown'
END withquery
END withquery
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' anything still not handled is because it has a neighbour with acceptable pHash
' BUT its dHamming distance is too big
> update matches
>> set ImageGroupType = 'diFferent'
>> where ImageGroupType ='unknown'
SilentSQL( freestring)
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> master
>> SET
>> ImageNearness = frmTbl.ImageNearness
>> , ImageGroup = frmTbl.ImageGroup
>> , ImageGroupType = frmTbl.ImageGroupType
>> ( select * from matches ) as frmTbl
>> master.rowid = frmTbl.selfa
sql ( freestring )
END function
' -----------------------------------------------------
' populate: upper right
' -----------------------------------------------------
sob ("RGB","DEFAULT")
FUNCTION extensionCheck ( haveExt )
extensionCheck = 0
dim i
IF ( extArray(0) == "*" ) then
extensionCheck = 1
EXIT function
END if
FOR i = 0 to uBound ( extArray )
IF ( haveExt == extArray(i) ) then
END function
FUNCTION onExtensionSelectEdited ( sobid, txt )
dim extList = txt
extList = toLower ( extList )
extList = replace ( extList, " " , "" )
set extArray = split ( extList , ",")
FUNCTION onExtensionSelect ( sobid, rowid )
dim extList = sob(sobid,"GET","ROW" , rowid)
extList = toLower ( extList )
extList = replace ( extList, " " , "" )
set extArray = split ( extList , ",")
dim extArray = split ("*", ",")
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sob ("RGB","DEFAULT")
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION populateCombo ( sobId , typeTag )
sob( soBid, "empty")
IF ( isDBopen ) then
> select ttname from tagTable where ttGroup like $tag order by ttname asc
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$tag" , sqlstring ( typeTag) )
WITHQUERY (freestring)
sob ( sobid, "add", "row" , wqText(1))
END withquery
sob( sobid , "SET", "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
freestring = ""
FUNCTION populateActionCombo (sobId)
' these are the actions that can be applied to
' to the database
sob( sobid , "add" , "row" , NoTag )
sob( sobid , "add" , "row" , "add" )
sob( sobid , "add" , "row" , "replace" )
sob( sobid , "add" , "row" , "remove" )
sob( sobid , "add" , "row" , "remove ALL" )
sob( sobid , "SET", "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
' -----------------------------------------------------
' populate: lower middle
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim TagInfoCol = sob ( lowMidArea, "ADD" ,"CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W" )
dim TagInfo = sob(TagInfoCol ,"add","Edit.rows" , " ", 2)
font("SET" ,"FaceName" , "Courier New" )
dim myFont = Font("CREATE")
sob ( TagInfo , "SET", "FONT" , myFont )
' -----------------------------------------------------
' populate: lower right
' -----------------------------------------------------
' -----------------------------------------------------
' File Text
' -----------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION makeExternalFileList ( UpOrDown )
' lazy way to get PATH
' because we give it a FULL path/file name then dbFileList
' returns only 1 entry
dbFileList ( "temp" , "externalFolder", currentFile)
' now use the PATH to get a full list of the FOLDER & sub folders
select path from temp.externalFolder
dbFileList ( "temp" , "externalFolder", qrSingleValue)
> select rowid from externalFolder where path||name =
freestring = freestring & sqlString ( currentFile )
sql ( freestring )
dim rowid = qrSingleValue
if ( UpOrDown ) then
> select (path || name ) from externalFolder where type like 'file' and rowid >
freestring = freestring & " " & rowid
>> order by rowid asc limit 1
sql ( freestring )
if ( istype ( qrSinglevalue) == "EMPTY" ) then
> select (path || name ) from externalFolder where type like 'file'
>> order by rowid asc limit 1
sql ( freestring )
makeExternalFileList = qrSinglevalue
> select (path || name ) from externalFolder where type like 'file' and rowid <
freestring = freestring & " " & rowid
>> order by rowid desc limit 1
sql ( freestring )
if ( istype ( qrSinglevalue) == "EMPTY" ) then
> select (path || name ) from externalFolder where type like 'file'
>> order by rowid desc limit 1
sql ( freestring )
makeExternalFileList = qrSinglevalue
END Function
FUNCTION cbOnPressPlus ( sobId )
IF ( currentFile = "" ) then
EXIT function
END if
dim filename = sob ( FileListSob , "get", "title")
if ( filename == "" ) then
exit function
IF ( left ( filename , 2 ) == "Ex" ) then
' the currentFile is not in the DB
' so assume is in an external
cbSingleFile ( makeExternalFileList ( 1 ) )
exit function
> select rowid from master where (path || name ) like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( currentFile)
sql ( freestring )
dim rowid = qrSingleValue
> select (path || name ) from master where type like 'file' and rowid >
freestring = freestring & " " & rowid
>> order by rowid asc limit 1
sql ( freestring )
cbSingleFile ( qrSingleValue)
END Function
FUNCTION cbOnPressReload ( sobid )
IF ( currentFile = "" ) then
EXIT function
END if
cbSingleFile ( currentFile)
END Function
FUNCTION cbOnPressMinus ( sobId )
IF ( currentFile = "" ) then
EXIT function
END if
dim filename = sob ( FileListSob , "get", "title")
if ( filename == "" ) then
exit function
currentFile = left ( filename, -10 )
IF ( left ( filename , 2 ) == "Ex" ) then
' the currentFile is not in the DB
' so assume is in an external
cbSingleFile ( makeExternalFileList ( 0 ) )
exit function
> select rowid from master where (path || name ) like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( currentFile)
sql ( freestring )
IF ( istype ( qrSinglevalue) == "EMPTY" ) then
> select rowid from master where hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( currentHash)
sql ( freestring )
IF ( istype ( qrSinglevalue) == "EMPTY" ) then
EXIT function
END if
dim rowid = qrSingleValue
' > select (path || name ) from master where type like 'file' and rowid < ## order by rowid desc limit 1
> select (path || name ) from master where type like 'file' and rowid <
freestring = freestring & " " & rowid
>> order by rowid desc limit 1
sql ( freestring )
cbSingleFile ( qrSingleValue)
END Function
' -----------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION CreateRectInfoFrom ( ColName , lTagDelim )
dim loopflag, Rect, name , hit
dim rLeft , rTop , rRight , rBottom
IF ( ! isDBcolumn ( "master", ColName) ) then
' sob (TagRect,"add", "row" ,"fail 1 " & " " & colName & EOL )
EXIT function
END if
' ------------------------------------------------------
' get the Faces=rect64(.... text
> select
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( ColName )
>> from master where hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( CurrentHash )
>> limit 1
sql = freestring
dim LookIn = qrSingleValue
IF ( LookIn = "" ) then
' sob (TagRect,"add", "row" ,"DB failure: " & freestring & EOL )
EXIT function
END if
' ------------------------------------------------------
' get the Faces=rect64(.... text
' report ( "look in " & LookIn )
dim pos , TagGroup = ""
LOOPFLAG = inStr ( Lookin , "rect64(" , 0)
DO while loopFlag
LOOPFLAG = inStr ( Lookin , "rect64(" , 0)
Lookin = left ( lookin , -1* ( loopflag + length("rect64(") - 1 ) )
Rect = left ( Lookin , inStr ( Lookin , ")" , 0) - 1 )
LookIn = left ( LookIn , -1 * (Length(Rect)+2) )
LOOPFLAG = inStr ( Lookin , ";rect" , 0)
IF ( loopFlag ) then
Name = left ( Lookin , loopFlag )
name = right( Lookin , -1)
' Convert a RECT string into Pixel locations of the Left,Top and Right,Bottom coordinates
rBottom = CNumeric ( "0x0" & right ( Rect , 4 ) )
rRight = CNumeric ( "0x0" & left ( right( Rect , 8 ) , 4 ) )
rTop = CNumeric ( "0x0" & left ( right( Rect , 12 ) , 4 ) )
rLeft = CNumeric ( "0x0" & right ( Rect , -12 ) )
rRight = ( 100 * rRight ) / 0x010000
rBottom = ( 100 * rBottom ) / 0x010000
rLeft = ( 100 * rLeft ) / 0x010000
rTop = ( 100 * rTop ) / 0x010000
DO while ( right(name,1) == ";")
name = right(name,-1)
DO while ( left(name,1) == ";")
name = left(name,-1)
name = trim ( name )
TagGroup = ""
IF ( lTagDelim == "" ) then
TagGroup ="Who"
' report ( "zz " & length(lTagDelim) & " " & name )
IF ( pos := instr ( name , lTagDelim ) ) then
' expect a leading delim
' report ( "BB " & length(lTagDelim) & " " & name )
pos := instr ( name , lTagDelim )
' report ( "CC " & pos & " " & name )
TagGroup = left ( name , pos - 1 )
name = left ( name , -1 * (pos + length(lTagDelim ) - 1) )
' report ( "DD " & name & " " & length(name)& " " & length(TagGroup) )
END if
END if
> insert into tblRectList values (
freestring = freestring & sqlString ( ColName ) & " , " ' rlSrc
freestring = freestring & sqlString ( TagGroup) & " , " ' rlTagGroup
freestring = freestring & sqlString ( name ) & " , " ' rlTagName
freestring = freestring & sqlString ( rect ) & " , " ' rlRect
freestring = freestring & rLeft & " , " ' rlLeft
freestring = freestring & rTop & " , " ' rlTop
freestring = freestring & rRight & " , " ' rlRight
freestring = freestring & rBottom & " , " ' rlBottom
freestring = freestring & 0 & " , " ' rlHit
freestring = freestring & 0 & " ) " ' rlId
sql ( freestring )
END function
FUNCTION cbImageHitStatus ( PerCentX , PerCentY )
' does this X,Y (as percentages) lie inside a REGION
' we want to set the HIT status per REGION to 1 , else 0
' default HIT status to 0 = X,Y not in a REGION
update temp.tblRectList set rlHit = 0
' now find the HIT(s)
> update temp.tblRectList set rlHit = 1 where
>> not rlLeft >
freestring = freestring & PerCentx
>> and not rlRight <
freestring = freestring & PerCentx
>> and not rlTop >
freestring = freestring & PerCentY
>> and not rlBottom <
freestring = freestring & PerCentY
sql (freestring )
' if we have a HIT on a region, and the region is in RectMeta AND RectPicasa then
' reset the RectPicas to no hit. So RectMeta has priority
> update temp.tblRectList set rlHit = 0 where rlSrc like 'RectPicasa' and rlRect In
>> ( select rlRect from temp.tblRectList where not rlHit = 0 and rlSrc like 'RectMeta' )
sql ( freestring )
FUNCTION cbSelectOneRect ( sobid , rowid )
' input parameter rowid tells us which row of the COMBO has been selected
' can NOT use the row's text because it might not be unique
' The COMBO WAS populated in sequence !
IF ( ! imageLoadedFlag ) then
EXIT function
sob ( TagCommentEdit , "empty")
' we are assuming that there is atleast 1 HIT
' and that this Function would not otherwise have been called
dim HitTagGroup, HitTagName , HitRect , HitComment
> select rlTagGroup , rlTagName , rlRect from tblRectList where not rlHit = 0 order by rowid asc limit 1 offset
freestring = freestring & " " & (rowid-1)
WITHQUERY ( freestring)
' careful, use like and not = because we have not strictly ensured the Tag Group case !
HitTagGroup = wqText(1)
HitTagName = wqText(2)
HitRect = wqText(3)
> select ttComment from tagTable where ttGroup like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( HitTagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> and ttName like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( HitTagName )
sql ( freestring )
sob (TagCommentEdit,"add", "row" , qrSingleValue & EOL )
sob (TagCommentEdit,"set", "row" , "top" , 0 )
sob ( lblRegionUpdateComment , "SET" , "TITLE" , "" )
sob ( lblRegionUpdateComment , "SET", "RGB", defBoxTxtCol )
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' show all Rects in their default RGB
fncShowRegions ()
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' now set the HOT Rectangle to have the appropriate RGB
dim CanvasHandle = SOB( sobImageHolder , "GET" , "CANVAS" )
canvas( CanvasHandle , "SET" , "pen", "rgb", RegionRectRGBa)
canvas( CanvasHandle , "SET" , "pen", "width", 16)
dim imW = canvas ( CanvasHandle , "get" , "width" )
dim imH = canvas ( CanvasHandle , "get" , "height" )
displayRect ( CAnvasHandle , HitRect , imw , imh )
END function
FUNCTION fnOfferRectChoice ()
' we are assuming that this function was called with atleast one HIT RECT
IF ( HaveRubberBandRect ) then
EXIT function
END if
' for now set all REGION labels to green
SetLblRegionRGB ( rgb(0,255,0) )
' add each HIT RECT to the COMBO
dim hitCount = 0
WITHQUERY ( "select rlTagName from tblRectList where not rlHit = 0 order by rowid asc ")
sob ( TagRectCombo , "add" , "row" , wqText(1) )
hitCount = hitCount + 1
END withQuery
IF ( hitCount == 0 ) then
ELSEIF ( hitCount == 1 ) then
sob ( lblRegionSelection ,"set", "title" , "Comment associated with a region" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , 0x0ff00 )
sob ( lblRegionSelection ,"set", "title" , "Multiple Regions (select one)" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , 0x0ff )
END if
' select, and trigger the FIRST hit item
sob( TagRectCombo , "SET", "SELECTION" , "ROW" , 1 )
sob( TagRectCombo , "TRIGGER" )
cbSelectOneRect ( TagRectCombo , 1 )
END function
FUNCTION displayRect ( CanvasHandle , Rect , imw , imh )
dim RectY , RectX , RectYY , RectXX
RectYY = CNumeric ( "0x0" & right ( Rect , 4 ) )
RectXX = CNumeric ( "0x0" & left ( right( Rect , 8 ) , 4 ) )
RectY = CNumeric ( "0x0" & left ( right( Rect , 12 ) , 4 ) )
RectX = CNumeric ( "0x0" & right ( Rect , -12 ) )
RectX = cint ( ( RectX * imW ) / 0x010000 )
RectY = cint ( ( RectY * imH ) / 0x010000 )
RectXX = cint ( ( RectXX * imW ) / 0x010000 - RectX)
RectYY = cint ( ( RectYY * imH ) / 0x010000 - RectY)
canvas ( CanvasHandle ,"RECTANGLE" , RectX , RectY , RectXX, RectYY)
FUNCTION fncShowRegions ()
IF ( ! imageLoadedFlag ) then
EXIT function
' erase any RECT on the image (including any rubberband)
dim CanvasHandle = SOB( sobImageHolder , "GET" , "CANVAS" )
IF ( CanvasHandle ) then
canvas ( CanvasHandle , "FLOOD" , TransparentRGB )
END if
' obey user selection menu option
IF ( ! RegionRectShow ) then
EXIT function
dim Rect
dim imW = canvas ( CanvasHandle , "get" , "width" )
dim imH = canvas ( CanvasHandle , "get" , "height" )
canvas ( CanvasHandle , "SET", "BRUSH", "GLASS")
canvas ( CanvasHandle , "SET", "PEN", "width" , RegionRectWeight)
canvas ( CanvasHandle , "SET", "pen", "style", 0) ' solid line
' ---------------------------------------------------------
' draw RECTs which have a TAG i.e. not the default tag
canvas ( CanvasHandle ,"SET", "PEN", "RGB" , RegionRectRGBn)
WITHQUERY ( "select rlRect from tblRectList where not rlTagName like '%fffffffffffffff%' " )
Rect = wqText(1)
displayRect ( CaNvasHandle , Rect , imW , imH )
END WithQuery
' ---------------------------------------------------------
' draw RECTs which have no TAG i.e. the default tag
' except the current selected Rect
canvas ( CanvasHandle ,"SET", "PEN", "RGB" , RegionRectRGBu )
WITHQUERY ( "select rlRect from tblRectList where rlTagName like '%fffffffffffffff%' " )
Rect = wqText(1)
> select count (*) from tblRectList where not rlTagName like '%fffffffffffffff%' and rlRect =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( Rect )
sql(freestring )
IF ( qrSingleValue == 0 ) then
displayRect ( CanVasHandle , Rect, imW , imH )
END if
END WithQuery
END Function
FUNCTION cbImageRubberBand ( sobid , xTL , yTL , xBR , yBR )
' xTL , yTL , xBR , yBR are screen co-ordinates
' and NOT CANVAS co-ordinates
' report ( xTL & " " & yTL & " " & xBR & " " & yBR )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function<
END if
IF ( ! imageLoadedFlag ) then
EXIT function
' remove any previous Rubberband Rect
' and show RECTs in their default RGB
fncShowRegions ()
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
' display the new RubberBand Rect
dim CanvasHandle = SOB( sobImageHolder , "GET" , "CANVAS" )
dim Rect
dim RectY , RectX , RectYY , RectXX
dim sobW = sob ( sobImageHolder , "image" , "width" )
dim sobH = sob ( sobImageHolder , "image" , "height" )
IF ( xBR > sobW ) then
xBR = sobW
END if
IF ( yBr > sobH ) then
yBr = sobH
END if
dim imW = canvas ( CanvasHandle , "get" , "width" )
dim imH = canvas ( CanvasHandle , "get" , "height" )
RectX = cint ( ( xTL * imW) / sobW )
RectY = cint ( ( yTL * imH) / sobH )
RectXX = cint ( ( xBR * imW) / sobW ) - RectX
RectYY = cint ( ( yBR * imH) / sobH ) - RectY
leftRB = RectX
topRB = RectY
rightRB = RectXX
bottomRB = RectYY
sob ( RubberBandEdit , "add" , "row" , leftRB & " " & topRB & " " & rightRB & " " & bottomRB & EOL )
canvas ( CanvasHandle ,"SET", "BRUSH", "GLASS")
canvas ( CanvasHandle ,"SET", "PEN", "width" , RegionRectWeight)
canvas ( CanvasHandle ,"SET", "PEN", "RGB" , 0x0ff)
canvas ( CanvasHandle ,"RECTANGLE" , RectX , RectY , RectXX, RectYY)
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
' need the Tag Comment Overlay page to be visible to allow us
' to assign a tag group / tag name to the rubberband RECT
sob ( TagCommentOvl , "set" , "show" , 1)
HaveRubberBandRect = 1
sob (TagRectCombo , "EMPTY")
sob (TagCommentEdit,"empty")
SetLblRegionRGB ( rgb(0,255,0) )
FUNCTION CreateRectInfo ()
' empty the table that will hold all of the rect64 information
delete from temp.tblRectList
if ( haveRectMeta ) then CreateRectInfoFrom ( "RectMeta" , tagDelim )
if ( haveRectPicasa ) then CreateRectInfoFrom ( "RectPicasa" , "" )
END function
FUNCTION cbImagePress ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
IF ( ! imageLoadedFlag ) then
EXIT function
HaveRubberBandRect = 0
fncShowRegions ()
dim imW = sob ( sobid , "image" , "width" )
dim imH = sob ( sobid , "image" , "height" )
dim posX = sob ( sobid , "get" , "cursor.x" )
dim posY = sob ( sobid , "get" , "cursor.y" )
dim PerCentX = ( posX * 100) / imW
dim PerCentY = ( posY * 100) / imH
' only need PerCentX and PerCentY to go on
sob (TagCommentEdit,"empty")
' sob ( TagCommentOvl , "set" , "show" , 1)
cbImageHitStatus ( PerCentX , PerCentY )
sob ( TagRectCombo , "EMPTY")
SELECT count (*) from tblRectList where not rlHit = 0
IF ( qrSingleValue ) then
sob ( TagCommentOvl , "set" , "show" , 1)
fnOfferRectChoice ()
SetLblRegionRGB ( defBtnCol )
dim ImagePanelSob = sob ( lowRightArea ,"ADD" ,"CONTAINER" , "column.w")
dim ImagePanelRow = sob ( ImagePanelSob,"ADD" ,"CONTAINER" , "row")
dim inheritSob = sob ( ImagePanelRow , "ADD" , "Button" , "push" , "drop to inherit")
FUNCTION onInheritDrop ( sobid )
dim fileCount
IF ( sob(sobid,"GET" , "TITLE" ) == NoTag ) then
EXIT function
IF ( ! isDBopen ) then
sob( PathFile , "ADD" , "ROW" , "No Database Selected." & chr(0x0a) )
EXIT function
dim actionType , TagType , TagTxt
CreateDoppedFileList ()
dim i , hasHash , inDir , hasExt
SELECT count (*) from temp.bulk where type like 'file'
fileCount = qrSingleValue
cancelText( "Tagging in progress" , 1 )
cancelText( "This can take a short while" , 3 )
cancelText( "Files to process: " & FileCount , 2 )
WITHQUERY ( "select * from temp.masterColumns ")
> update
>> master
>> SET
>> $col = frmTbl.$col
>> ( select $col from temp.masterFIle ) as frmTbl
>> master.hash in ( select hash from temp.bulk)
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$col", sqlIdentifier ( wqtext(1) ) )
sql (freestring )
END WithQuery
toggleWarnColour ( sobid )
END function
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "DROP.FILE", "onInheritDrop")
' ------------------------------------
FUNCTION CBdropFileMenuReload ( sobid )
IF ( ! imageLoadedFlag ) then
EXIT function
END if
dim i
cbSingleFile ( "" )
noErrorReport ("")
IF ( GetDropCount > 1 ) then
ErrorReport("Only one drop file allowed" )
EXIT function
END if
dim pathName = getDropData ( 1 )
' extract the filename.ext
dim fileName = left ( pathName , -1 * (InStrRev ( pathName , "\\" ) ) )
' remove leading E
IF ( left( filename,1) <> "E" ) then
ErrorReport ("Dropped file not previously exported" )
EXIT function
END if
filename = left( filename,-1)
' extract the rowid
dim rid = left ( filename , InStr ( filename , "_" ) -1 )
filename = left ( filename , -1 * ( InStr ( filename , "_" ) ))
>select name from master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & rid
sql(freestring )
IF ( istype ( qrsingleValue) == "String" ) then
IF ( qrsingleValue == filename ) then
>select path from master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & rid
sql(freestring )
ShellExecute ( qrSingleValue)
>select path||name from master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & rid
sql(freestring )
cbSingleFile ( qrSingleValue)
EXIT function
ErrorReport ( "Dropped file not in database" )
dim PlusMinusRow = sob ( ImagePanelRow , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW" )
sob ( PlusMinusRow , "ADD", "SPACE" , 10,0 )
sob ( -1 , "SET" ,"RGB" , -1 )
sob ( PlusMinusRow, "ADD", "BUTTON" , "PUSH" , "<--" )
sob( -1 , "ON", "PRESS" , "cbOnPressMinus" )
sob ( PlusMinusRow, "ADD", "BUTTON" , "PUSH" , "reload" )
sob ( -1 , "ON", "PRESS" , "cbOnPressReload" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "Stretch" , 1 )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "drop.file" , "CBdropFileMenuReload")
sob ( PlusMinusRow, "ADD", "BUTTON" , "PUSH" , "-->" )
sob ( -1 , "ON", "PRESS" , "cbOnPressPlus" )
sob ( PlusMinusRow , "ADD", "SPACE" , 10,0 )
sob ( -1 , "SET" ,"RGB" , -1 )
' ------------------------------------
FUNCTION CBpopupCopy ( sobid )
SELECT rlTagGroup from tblRectList where not rlHit = 0
copyTagGroup = qrSingleValue
SELECT rlTagName from tblRectList where not rlHit = 0
copyTagName = qrSingleValue
END Function
FUNCTION CBpopupPaste ( sobid )
' update the current REGION with the tag group/tag name
' that we COPIED from an earlier REGION
dim oldTagGroup , oldTagName , thisRect
> SELECT rlTagGroup , rlTagName , rlRect from tblRectList where not rlHit = 0
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
oldTagGroup = wqText(1)
oldTagName = wqText(2)
thisRect = wqText(3)
dim oldEntry = "rect64(" & thisRect & ")," & oldTagGroup & TagDelim & oldTagName & ";"
dim newEntry = "rect64(" & thisRect & ")," & copyTagGroup & TagDelim & copyTagName & ";"
IF ( haveRectMeta ) then
> update Master set RectMeta = replace(RectMeta,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( ":" & oldEntry)
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( newEntry )
>> ) where hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( currentHash )
sql ( freestring )
> update Master set RectMeta = replace(RectMeta,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( oldEntry)
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( newEntry )
>> ) where hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( currentHash )
sql ( freestring )
oldEntry = "rect64(" & thisRect & ")," & oldTagName & ";"
newEntry = "rect64(" & thisRect & ")," & copyTagName & ";"
END if
IF ( haveRectPicasa ) then
> update Master set RectPicasa = replace(RectPicasa ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( ":" & oldEntry)
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( newEntry )
>> ) where hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( currentHash )
sql ( freestring )
> update Master set RectPicasa = replace(RectPicasa ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( oldEntry)
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( newEntry )
>> ) where hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( currentHash )
sql ( freestring )
END if
END Function
' --------------------
'dim CopyPastePopUp = sob ( ImageWindowSOB, "add", "Menu", "popup")
dim CopyPopUpid = sob (CopyPastePopUp , "add", "menu","Vertical", "Copy Tag")
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBpopupCopy")
dim PastePopUpid = sob (CopyPastePopUp , "add", "menu","Vertical", "Paste Tag")
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "CBpopupPaste")
dim DeletePopUpid = sob (CopyPastePopUp , "add", "menu","Vertical", "Delete Region")
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "cbDeleteRegion")
' --------------------
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Image Grouping
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION CreateSimilarImagesTable ( rid )
' rid = the ROWID into Master of the reference Image
' ------------------------------------------
' we need the HASH value for this image
dim referenceHash
> select pHash from Master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & rid
WITHQUERY (freestring )
referencehash = wqText(1)
' ------------------------------------------
SilentSQL ("drop table if exists temp.links")
' ------------------------------------------
' create a table of LINKS to the IMAGES that are to be considered
' as being identical/near-identical to the referenceHash
' note: this uses the BK-TREE implementation
> create temp table links as
>> select link from xHashTbl (
freestring = freestring & " " & referenceHash
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & maxHD
>> ) where distance > -1
SilentSQL (freestring)
' -----------------------------------------
SilentSQL ("drop table if exists temp.MatchesSimilarTbl")
> create temp table MatchesSimilarTbl as
>> select rowid as selfA , * from Master
>> where
>> rowid in (select link from temp.links)
>> and IgnoreFile = 0
>> and not ImageGroupType like 'different'
SilentSQL (freestring)
' -----------------------------------------
' do not need links table any more
SilentSQL ("drop table if exists temp.links")
' ------------------------------------------
FUNCTION CreateImageGroupTable ( rid )
' rid = the ROWID into Master of the reference Image
' ------------------------------------------
' we need the ImageGroupTbl for this image
dim referenceImageGroup
> select ImageGroup from Master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & rid
WITHQUERY (freestring )
referenceImageGroup = wqText(1)
' ------------------------------------------
SilentSQL ("drop table if exists temp.ImageGroupTbl")
' ------------------------------------------
' create a table of the IMAGES that have the same ImageGroup
> create temp table ImageGroupTbl as
>> select rowid as selfA , * from master
>> where
>> IgnoreFile = 0
>> and ImageGroup =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( referenceImageGroup )
SilentSQL (freestring)
FUNCTION removeImageXfromGroupZ ( xSelf, zSelf )
CreateImageGroupTable ( zSelf )
' ------------------------------------------
' is there a group to be SPLIT a group
dim cnt
> select count(distinct ( phash || dhash ) ) from ImageGroupTbl
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
cnt = wqInt(1)
END withquery
IF ( cnt < 2 ) then
' no group
EXIT function
END if
' ------------------------------------------
' are we removing the owning IMAGE
' the owning image has the pHash / dHash values that
' defined the Imagegroup value
dim xImageGroup , zImageGroup
> select imageGroup from ImageGroupTbl where selfA =
freestring = freestring & " " & zSelf
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
zImageGroup = wqText(1)
END withquery
> select num2hex(phash) || num2hex(dHash) from ImageGroupTbl where selfA =
freestring = freestring & " " & xSelf
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
xImageGroup = wqText(1)
END withquery
IF ( zImageGroup == xImageGroup ) then
' is the owning Image
' so must change the ImageGroup to another value
> select num2hex(phash) || num2hex(dHash) from ImageGroupTbl
>> where not (num2hex(phash) || num2hex(dHash)) like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString( zImageGroup )
>> limit 1
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
zImageGroup = wqText(1)
END withquery
> update ImageGroupTbl set ImageGroup =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString( zImageGroup )
> select count(* ) from ImageGroupTbl
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
cnt = wqInt(1)
END withquery
IF ( cnt < 3 ) then
> update ImageGroupTbl set ImageGroupType = 'unknown'
silentSQL ( freestring )
END if
' mark the IMAGE that has been split-off as being on its own
' i.e. unknown, and with its own ImageGroup value
> update master set hash = ( phash || dhash )
>> where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & xSelf
silentSQL ( freestring )
> update ImageGroupTbl set ImageGroupType = 'unknown'
>> , ImageGroup =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( xImageGroup )
>> where selfA =
freestring = freestring & " " & xSelf
silentSQL ( freestring )
' update MASTER with info for all the IMAGES in the ImageGroupTbl
> update Master
>> SET
>> ImageGroup = frmTbl.ImageGroup
>> , ImageGroupType = frmTbl.ImageGroupType
>> (select selfa , ImageGroup , ImageGroupType from ImageGroupTbl ) as frmTbl
>> Master.rowid = frmTbl.selfA
FUNCTION CreateTargetReport ( sobid )
dim ridA = sob ( siGroup00, "get" , "data")
dim txt = ""
dim FileA , pHashA , dHashA
dim FileB , pHashB , dHashB
> select path||name , pHash , dHash from master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & ridA
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
FileA = wqtext(1)
pHashA = wqInt(2)
dHashA = wqInt(3)
END withquery
dim ridB = cint(sob ( sobid , "GET" , "DATA" ))
> select path||name , pHash , dHash from master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & ridB
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
FileB = wqtext(1)
pHashB = wqInt(2)
dHashB = wqInt(3)
END withquery
IF ( ! isFile ( FileB ) ) then
txt = " File does not exist " & FileB
sob ( TarInfo , "SET" , "TITLE", txt )
EXIT function
END if
txt = right("000000" & ridB,6)
txt = txt & " pHD=" & right( "00" & popCount ( pHashA bxor pHashB ) , 2 )
txt = txt & " dHD=" & right( "00" & popCount ( dHashA bxor dHashB ) , 2 )
txt = txt & " " & right( "00000" & CANVAS ( "IMAGE.FILE", "GET" , "WIDTH" , FileB ) , 5 )
txt = txt & "/" & right( "00000" & CANVAS ( "IMAGE.FILE", "GET" , "height" , FileB ) , 5 )
txt = txt & " " & FileB
sob ( TarInfo , "SET" , "TITLE", txt )
END function
FUNCTION removeThumbNails ( siMatrix )
' input parameter is the SOB ID of the target MATRIX
dim ChildCnt = SOB ( siMatrix , "CHILD" , "COUNT" )
dim i
dim siTmp , ThumbnailId
FOR i = 1 to ChildCnt
siTmp = sob ( siMatrix , "child", "handle" , i )
IF ( sob ( siTmp ,"GET","data" ) ) then
sob( siTmp, "set" , "image" , "")
ThumbnailId = sob( siTmp, "get" , "canvas" )
IF ( ThumbnailId ) then
canvas( ThumbnailId , "DELETE" )
sob ( siTmp ,"SET","data" , 0 )
END function
FUNCTION removeAllThumbNails ( )
sob (RefInfo , "SET", "TITLE" , "" )
sob (TarInfo , "SET", "TITLE" , "" )
removeThumbNails ( siImageGroup )
removeThumbNails ( siImageMatrix )
END Function
FUNCTION ImageCnts ( rid )
' ------------------------------------------
' create a table of images where
sob ( StatusTxt , "EMPTY" )
' ImageGroup value is the same as the reference image
CreateImageGroupTable ( rid )
' pHash / dHash values are "near-enough"
CreateSimilarImagesTable ( rid )
' ------------------------------------------
SELECT count (*) from ImageGroupTbl
dim igCnt = qrSingleValue
SELECT count (*) from MatchesSimilarTbl where not selfa in ( select selfa from ImageGroupTbl )
dim msCnt = qrSingleValue
sob ( StatusTxt , "SET", "TITLE" , "*identical* images= " & igCnt & " *similar*= " & msCnt & " " & sob ( StatusTxt , "gET", "TITLE" ) )
END Function
FUNCTION getCopies ( rid )
' based on the specified rid
' get its xHash
' then get all xHashes within a Hamming distance of maxHD
' there are 2 reason to treat an images as identical/near-identical to the reference image
' 1)
' it's pHash / dHash are "near-enough"
' 2)
' an image has been given the same ImageGroup value as the reference image
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' first we tidy up from any previous display!
dim gridIndex = 0
dim matrixIndex = 0
dim siTmp
dim CanvasHandle
dim i , zFile
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Because this function is called from different places it
' is possible that the reference image is
' logically removed
' or physically removed i.e. no longer in the file system
' sob ( siGroup00 ,"SET","data" , rid )
> select path||name , IgnoreFile from Master where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & rid
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
zFile = wqText(1)
i = wqInt (2)
END withquery
IF ( i ) then
' logically removed
sob ( RefInfo , "SET", "TITLE" , "Logically removed " & zFile )
' EXIT function
END if
IF (! isFile ( zFile) ) then
' physically removed
sob ( RefInfo , "SET", "TITLE" , "Physically removed " & zFile )
' EXIT function
END if
' ------------------------------------------
' create a table of images whose
' ImageGroup value is the same as the reference image
CreateImageGroupTable ( rid )
' pHash / dHash values are "near-enough"
CreateSimilarImagesTable ( rid )
' ------------------------------------------
' now handle the reference image
' display it
dim xHash , ImageGroup
dim txt = right("000000" & rid ,6) & " "
> select path|| name , pHash , ImageGroup from ImageGroupTbl where selfa =
freestring = freestring & " " & rid
WITHQUERY (freestring )
zFile = wqtext(1)
xhash = wqtext(2)
ImageGroup = wqText(3)
sob ( siGroup00 ,"SET","data" , rid )
IF ( isFile ( zFile ) ) then
sob ( siGroup00 ,"SET","IMAGE", zFile )
txt = txt & " " & right( "00000" & CANVAS ( "IMAGE.FILE", "GET" , "WIDTH" , zFile ) , 5 )
txt = txt & "/" & right( "00000" & CANVAS ( "IMAGE.FILE", "GET" , "height" , zFile ) , 5 )
txt = txt & " " & zFile
txt = txt & " File does not exist " & zFile
END if
sob ( RefInfo , "SET", "TITLE" , txt )
END withquery
' ------------------------------------------
' any IMAGEs in the ImageGroupTbl should not be handled as a POTENTIAL matches
> delete from MatchesSimilarTbl where selfA in ( select selfA from ImageGroupTbl )
SilentSQL (freestring )
' ------------------------------------------
' do not want to handle the REFERENCE IMAGE again, so remove it
> delete from ImageGroupTbl where selfA =
freestring = freestring & " " & rid
SilentSQL (freestring )
' ------------------------------------------
' any IMAGE still in the MatchesSimilarTbl can be displayed
matrixIndex = 0
> select path||name , selfA from MatchesSimilarTbl limit
freestring = freestring & " " & ( maxThumbNailIndex )
WITHQUERY (freestring )
siTmp = sob ( siMatrix00 , "SIBLING", matrixIndex )
sob(siTmp ,"SET","data" , wqInt(2) )
IF ( isFile ( wqtext(1) ) ) then
sob(siTmp ,"SET","IMAGE", wqtext(1))
matrixIndex = matrixIndex + 1
END withquery
' ------------------------------------------
' any IMAGE still in the ImageGroupTbl can be displayed
gridIndex = 1
> select path||name , selfA from ImageGroupTbl
>> limit
freestring = freestring & " " & ( maxThumbNailIndex + 1)
WITHQUERY (freestring )
siTmp = sob ( siGroup00 , "SIBLING", gridIndex )
gridIndex = gridIndex + 1
sob(siTmp ,"SET","data" , wqInt(2) )
IF ( isFile ( wqtext(1) ) ) then
sob(siTmp ,"SET","IMAGE", wqtext(1))
END withquery
' ------------------------------------------
IF ( ( MatrixIndex == 1 ) and ( gridIndex == 1 ) ) then
CreateTargetReport ( sob ( siMatrix00 , "SIBLING", 0 ) )
ELSEIF ( ( MatrixIndex == 0 ) and ( gridIndex == 2 ) ) then
CreateTargetReport ( sob ( siGroup00 , "SIBLING", 1 ) )
END if
' ImageCnts ( rid )
END function
FUNCTION MakeBkTree ( )
' it sees that a calls to DBsave and DBSaveAs cause
' the VIRTUAL tables that were previously existant to be
' emptied.
' But the TABLE name remains known.
' So need some code to check whether the BKTree is really present !
dim flag = 0
> select tbl_name from sqlite_temp_master where tbl_name like 'xHashTbl'
WITHQUERY (freestring)
> select count (*) from xHashTbl
WITHQUERY (freestring)
flag = qrsingleValue
END withquery
END withquery
IF ( flag ) then
EXIT function
END if
drop table if exists xHashTbl
create virtual table temp.xHashTbl using bk64tree
> insert into xHashTbl (metric , link) select phash , rowid from master
>> where
>> IgnoreFile = 0
>> and not phash is NULL
>> and ext in
freestring = freestring & " " & ImageFileExtensions
sql( freestring)
END Function
FUNCTION cbImageGroupTools ( sobid )
sob ( ImageGroupOvl , "set", "show", 1 )
MakeBkTree ()
getCopies ( CurrentRowid )
END Function
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' End of Image Grouping
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION selectToolPage ( )
' dependent on the popup Check flags
' decide which tool page should be displayed
IF ( currenthash == "" ) then
EXIT function
END if
dim rid
> select rowid from master where hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString (currenthash)
>> limit 1
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
rid = wqInt ( 1 )
END withquery
ImageCnts ( rid )
IF ( sob ( RegionPopUpid , "get", "check" ) ) then
sob ( TagCommentOvl , "set" , "show" , 1)
ELSEIF ( sob ( TaggingPopUpid , "get", "check" ) ) then
cbtoolsMenuTagFilesB ( TaggingPopUpid )
ELSEIF ( sob ( FreeTextPopUpid , "get", "check" ) ) then
cbFreeTextTools ( FreeTextPopUpid )
ELSEIF ( sob ( ImageGroupPopUpid , "get", "check" ) ) then
cbImageGroupTools ( ImageGroupPopUpid )
END if
' --------------------
FUNCTION cbPopupToolSelect ( sobid )
sob ( sobid , "set", "checks.off" )
sob ( sobid , "set", "check" , 1 )
selectToolPage ()
END function
' --------------------
dim RegionPopUpid = sob (CopyPastePopUp , "add", "menu","Vertical", "Region Tools")
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "cbPopupToolSelect")
' --------------------
dim TaggingPopUpid = sob (CopyPastePopUp , "add", "menu","Vertical", "Tagging Tools")
sob ( -1 , "set" , "check" , 1 )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "cbPopupToolSelect")
' --------------------
dim FreeTextPopUpid = sob (CopyPastePopUp , "add", "menu","Vertical", "Free Text Tools")
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "cbPopupToolSelect")
' --------------------
dim ImageGroupPopUpid = sob (CopyPastePopUp , "add", "menu","Vertical", "Image Grouping")
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "CLICK" , "cbPopupToolSelect")
' --------------------
FUNCTION cbImageMOUSECLICKS ( sobid, clickId )
' right mouse button clickid = 7
if ( clickid <> 7 ) then exit function
IF ( ! ImageLoadedFlag ) then
EXIT function
END if
' treat as a left mouse button
cbImagePress ( sobid )
' --------------------
' decide which popup menu options are relevant
SELECT count (*) from tblRectList where not rlHit = 0
IF ( qrSingleValue ) then
IF ( copyTagName == "" ) then
sob ( PastePopUpid , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" , 1 )
sob ( PastePopUpid , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" , 0 )
END if
sob ( CopyPopUpid , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" , 0 )
sob ( DeletePopUpid , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" , 0 )
sob ( CopyPopUpid , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" , 1 )
sob ( PastePopUpid , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" , 1 )
sob ( DeletePopUpid , "SET" , "MENU.GREY" , 1 )
' --------------------
sob(CopyPastePopUp,"SET","POSITION", sob ( appWindow , "get" , "cursor.x" ), sob ( appWindow , "get" , "cursor.y" ) )
END function
' image takes size of SOB
' minimum SOB size 10 x 10 Pixels
dim sobImageHolder = sob (ImagePanelSob , "ADD","image.holder",0 ,10,10 )
dim sobImageHolderFixed = sobImageHolder
sob ( sobImageHolder , "ON" , "PRESS", "cbImagePress")
sob ( sobImageHolder , "ON" , "MOUSECLICKS", "cbImageMOUSECLICKS")
sob ( sobImageHolder , "SET" , "RGB", RGB( 175 , 225, 255) )
' -----------------------------------------------------
sob ("RGB","DEFAULT")
' -----------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION getFileHash ( fullName )
getFilehash = 0
IF ( isFile ( fullName ) == 1 ) then
getFilehash = HashFile ( "MD5", fullName )
' -------------------------------------------------------
' tag boxes
' -------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION CB_FIND_tag ( sobID ,editChr )
' based on the txt in a filter box ( sobid )
' look for matching tag txts in the appropriate tag column
' set the filter's COMBO to be empty
dim FilterCombo = sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 1)
sob ( FilterCombo,"empty")
' get sobId for the related COMBO that defines the TAG Group
dim typeSobComo = sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", -1)
' get the TagType
dim typeTag = sob( typeSobComo, "GET" , "TITLE" )
dim filterTxt = sob(sobid,"GET","TITLE")
' do not include any special (non-printable) character in the filter text
IF ( editChr < 0x020 ) then
ELSEIF ( editChr > 0x7e ) then
filterTxt = filterTxt & chr(editChr)
IF ( isDBopen ) then
' find the matching TAG txts (yes allow > 1 )
> select ttName from tagTable where ttGroup like $Type and ttName like '%' || $txt || '%' order by ttName asc
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$Type" , sqlIdentifier ( typeTag & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$txt" , sqlString ( filterTxt ) )
WITHQUERY (freestring)
' place the tag txts in the filter's COMBO
sob ( FilterCombo, "add", "row" , wqText(1))
END withquery
END if
' default is to select the first txt in the combo
sob( FilterCombo , "SET", "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
END Function
FUNCTION onEditFilter ( sobid , editChr )
IF ( editChr == escChr) then
sob( sobid , "EMPTY")
sob( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 1) , "EMPTY")
FUNCTION CB_action_select ( sobid , row )
dim actionBtnId = sob(sobid,"GET","UNK")
dim ActionTxt = sob(sobid,"GET","TITLE")
sob ( actionBtnId , "SET" , "TITLE" ,ActionTxt)
IF ( ActionTxt == NoTag ) then
sob( actionBtnId, "SET" , "RGB" , defBoxTxtCol)
sob( actionBtnId, "SET" , "RGB" , 0x0ff ) ' red
' -------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION updateSingleFile ( onhash, actionType, tagGroup , tagTxt )
IF ( actionType == "remove ALL" ) then
> update master SET
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim )
>> WHERE hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( onHash )
sql ( freestring )
EXIT function
IF ( tagTxt == "" ) then
EXIT function
END if
IF ( actionType == "add" ) then
> UPDATE master SET
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( tagTxt & tagDelim )
>> where
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> NOT LIKE '%' ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( tagDelim & tagTxt & tagDelim)
>> || '%' AND
>> hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( onHash )
sql ( freestring )
ELSEIF ( actionType == "replace" ) then
' remove any Region reference for this Tag group
> select ttName from tagTable where ttGroup like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagGroup )
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
deReferenceTagInRegions ( TagGroup , wqText(1) )
END withquery
> UPDATE master SET
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( tagDelim & tagTxt & tagDelim)
>> where
>> hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( onHash )
sql ( freestring )
ELSEIF ( actionType == "remove" ) then
> UPDATE master SET
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> = replace (
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim & tagTxt & TagDelim )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim )
>> ) WHERE
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> LIKE '%' ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim & tagTxt & TagDelim )
>> || '%' and
>> hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( onHash )
sql ( freestring )
' but the TAG could also be in RectMeta
deReferenceTagInRegionsInHash ( onHash , tagGroup , tagTxt )
ELSE ' treat as NoTag
END function
FUNCTION cbBulkActionSelect ( sobid , rowid )
dim actionTxt = sob( sobid, "GET" , "TITLE" )
dim ActionTagGroup= sob( sob(sobid,"sibling",1) , "GET" , "TITLE" )
IF ( ( actionTxt == noTag ) or ( ActionTagGroup == noTag ) ) then
sob ( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 4 ) , "SET" ,"RGB", defLabelCol )
sob ( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 4 ) , "SET" ,"TITLE", NoTag )
sob ( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 3 ) , "empty" )
sob ( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 4 ) , "SET" ,"RGB", 0x0ff )
sob ( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 4 ) , "SET" ,"TITLE", actionTxt )
FUNCTION cbBulkDoOnePress ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
dim actionType , TagType , TagTxt
dim BaseSob = sob( sobid ,"SIBLING", -4 )
actionType = sob( BaseSob , "GET" , "TITLE" )
TagType = sob( sob( BaseSob ,"SIBLING", 1 ), "GET" , "TITLE" )
TagTxt = sob( sob( BaseSob ,"SIBLING", 3 ), "GET" , "TITLE" )
updateSingleFile ( currenthash, actionType, TagType , TagTxt )
toggleWarnColour ( sobid )
DisplayTagsInFile ()
END function
FUNCTION cbBulkDoOneDrop ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
dim fileCount
IF ( sob(sobid,"GET" , "TITLE" ) == NoTag ) then
EXIT function
IF ( ! isDBopen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
dim actionType , TagType , TagTxt
dim BaseSob = sob( sobid ,"SIBLING", -4 )
actionType = sob( BaseSob , "GET" , "TITLE" )
TagType = sob( sob( BaseSob ,"SIBLING", 1 ), "GET" , "TITLE" )
TagTxt = sob( sob( BaseSob ,"SIBLING", 3 ), "GET" , "TITLE" )
CreateDroppedFileList ()
dim i , hasHash , inDir , hasExt
SELECT count (*) from temp.bulk where type like 'file'
fileCount = qrSingleValue
cancelText( "Tagging in progress" , 1 )
cancelText( "This can take a short while" , 3 )
cancelText( "Files to process: " & FileCount , 2 )
WITHQUERY ( "select hash , ( path|| name ) , ext from temp.bulk where type like 'file' ")
IF ( extensionCheck ( wqText(3) ) ) then
sob( PathFile , "ADD" , "ROW" , wqText(2) & EOL )
updateSingleFile ( wqText(1) , actionType, TagType , TagTxt )
cancelToggle ()
IF ( fileCount BAND 0x0f ) then
cancelText( "Files to process: " & FileCount , 2 )
END WithQuery
toggleWarnColour ( sobid )
FUNCTION cbBulkDoAllPress ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
cbBulkActionOnHash ( CurrentHash )
cbSingleFile ( CurrentFile )
END function
FUNCTION cbBulkDoAllDrop ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
dim fileCount
IF ( sob(sobid,"GET" , "TITLE" ) == NoTag ) then
EXIT function
IF ( ! isDBopen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
CreateDroppedFileList ()
dim i , hasHash , inDir , hasExt
SELECT count (*) from temp.bulk where type like 'file'
fileCount = qrSingleValue
cancelText( "Tagging in progress" , 1 )
cancelText( "This can take a short while" , 3 )
cancelText( "Files to process: " & FileCount , 2 )
WITHQUERY ( "select hash , ( path|| name ) , ext from temp.bulk where type like 'file' ")
IF ( extensionCheck ( wqText(3) ) ) then
sob( PathFile , "ADD" , "ROW" , wqText(2) & EOL )
cbBulkActionOnHash ( hasHash )
cancelToggle ()
IF ( fileCount BAND 0x0f ) then
cancelText( "Files to process: " & FileCount , 2 )
END WithQuery
toggleWarnColour ( sobid )
' -------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION cbDoBlock ( sobid , hasHash)
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
dim blockOfRows = sob ( sobid, "get", "unk" ) ' a COLUMN CONTAINER
dim rowNbr = 1
dim HandledCnt = 0
dim actionType , TagType , TagTxt
dim ColID
dim rowID = sob ( blockOfRows , "GET" , "handle" , 0 , rowNbr )
DO while ( rowid )
ColID = sob ( rowid , "GET" ,"handle" , 0 , 1 )
actionType = sob( sob ( colID , "SIBLING", 0 ) , "GET", "TITLE" )
TagType = sob( sob ( colID , "SIBLING", 1 ) , "GET", "TITLE" )
TagTxt = sob( sob ( colID , "SIBLING", 3 ) , "GET", "TITLE" )
IF ( actionType == noTag ) then
ELSEIF ( TagType == noTag ) then
HandledCnt = HandledCnt + 1
updateSingleFile ( hasHash, actionType, TagType , TagTxt )
rowID = sob ( blockOfRows , "GET" , "handle" , 0 , rowNbr )
' want HANDLE of the DO button
if ( HandledCnt ) then toggleWarnColour ( sobid )
END function
FUNCTION cbDoBlockOnPress ( sobid )
cbDoBlock ( sobid , currentHash)
DisplayTagsInFile ()
FUNCTION CreateDroppedFileList ( )
dim i , inDir
drop table if exists temp.bulkSum
cancelClear ()
cancelText( "Identifing target files" , 1 )
cancelText( "This can take a short while" , 3 )
FOR i = 1 to GetDropCount
IF ( isFile ( getDropData ( i ) ) == 1 ) then
dbFileList ( "temp", "inputBulkFile" , getDropData ( i ) , , "*","md5")
ELSEIF ( isFile ( getDropData ( i ) ) == -1 ) then
inDir= getDropData ( i ) & "\\"
dbFileList ( "temp", "inputBulkFile" , inDir, -1 , ,"MD5" )
IF ( i == 1 ) then
alter table temp.inputBulkFile rename to bulkSum
insert into temp.bulkSum select * from temp.inputBulkFile
cancelToggle ()
delete from temp.bulkSum where not type like 'file'
drop table if exists temp.Bulk
create temp table bulk as select * from master where fsHash in ( select hash from bulkSum )
FUNCTION cbDoBlockOnDrop ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
dim fileCount
IF ( sob(sobid,"GET" , "TITLE" ) == NoTag ) then
EXIT function
IF ( ! isDBopen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
CreateDroppedFileList ()
dim i , hasHash , inDir , hasExt
SELECT count (*) from temp.bulk where type like 'file'
fileCount = qrSingleValue
cancelText( "Tagging in progress" , 1 )
cancelText( "This can take a short while" , 3 )
cancelText( "Files to process: " & FileCount , 2 )
WITHQUERY ( "select hash , ( path|| name ) , ext from temp.bulk where type like 'file' ")
IF ( extensionCheck ( wqText(3) ) ) then
sob( PathFile , "ADD" , "ROW" , wqText(2) & EOL )
cbDoBlock ( sobid , wqText(1) )
cancelToggle ()
IF ( fileCount BAND 0x0f ) then
cancelText( "Files to process: " & FileCount , 2 )
END WithQuery
toggleWarnColour ( sobid )
FUNCTION makeOneofBlockOfRows (sobidParent)
dim thisRowSob = sob ( sobidParent , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "ROW" )
sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "COMBO" , "dropDown" , defActionComboText )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , NoTag )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "add" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "replace" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "remove" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "remove all" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "SELECTION" , "cbBulkActionSelect" )
dim comboSOb = sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "COMBO" , "dropdown" , defTypeComboText )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , NoTag )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "SELECTION" , "cbFilterTagSelect" )
' to automatically populate with Tag Group changes
isTagTypeCombo ( comboSOb )
isSavedTagTypeCombo (comboSOb )
sob ( thisRowSob , "Add" , "edit" , " " )
sob ( -1 , "empty" )
sob ( -1 , "ON","EDIT" , "onEditFile " )
sob ( -1 , "ON","EDITED" , "onEditedFile" )
sob ( -1 , "ON","ENTER", "CB_FIND_tag")
sob ( -1 , "add","COMBO" , "dropdown" , defaultText )
sob ( -1 , "empty")
sob ( -1 , "set" ,"stretch" , 1 )
sob ( thisRowSob , "add" , "Button" , "PUSH", " " )
sob ( -1 , "set" , "title" , noTag )
sob ( -1 , "ON", "CLICK", "cbBulkDoOnePress")
sob ( -1 , "ON", "DROP.FILE", "cbBulkDoOneDrop")
FUNCTION makeBlockOfRows ( sobid , nbrRows , BlkId)
dim blockRow = sob ( sobid , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW.h")
dim actionBtn = sob ( blockRow , "add" , "Button" , "PUSH", " " )
sob ( actionBtn , "ON" , "PRESS", "cbDoBlockOnPress")
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "DROP.FILE", "cbDoBlockOnDrop")
sob ( -1 , "set" , "title" , "Do (" & BlkId & ")" )
dim BlockOfRows = sob ( blockRow , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "COLUMN.w")
dim i
FOR i = 1 to nbrRows
makeOneofBlockOfRows (BlockOfRows )
sob ( actionBtn , "set" , "unk" , BlockOfRows )
sob ( sobid , "add" , "space" , 0,4 )
FUNCTION makeBlocksB ( )
dim BlockOfRows = sob ( FileTaggingOvl , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "COLUMN.w")
sob ( -1 , "ADD", "LABEL" ,"File Tagging" )
sob ( -1 , "SET", "RGB" , -1 )
sob ( BlockOfRows , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "ROW")
sob ( -1 , "add", "LABEL" , " Action Tag Group Filter Tag Name " )
sob ( -1 , "add", "LABEL" , " " )
dim scrolledSob = sob ( BlockOfRows , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "BOX.SCROLLED", " ",10)
dim rowHolder = sob ( scrolledSob , "ADD", "CONTAINER" , "COLUMN.W")
makeBlockOfRows ( rowHolder , 6 , "A" )
makeBlockOfRows ( rowHolder , 6 , "B" )
makeBlockOfRows ( rowHolder , 6 , "C" )
makeBlockOfRows ( rowHolder , 6 , "D" )
makeBlockOfRows ( rowHolder , 6 , "E" )
makeBlockOfRows ( rowHolder , 6 , "F" )
makeBlockOfRows ( rowHolder , 6 , "G" )
makeBlockOfRows ( rowHolder , 6 , "H" )
END function
makeBlocksb ()
' -------------------------------------------------------
' FileExportOvl
FUNCTION onEditFile ( sobid , editChr )
IF ( editChr == escChr) then
sob( sobid , "EMPTY")
sob( sob(sobid , "SIBLING", 1) , "EMPTY")
FUNCTION updateSpecificTagNameCombo ( sobid , typeTag ,FilterTxt )
dim cnt = 0
sob( sobid , "empty" )
IF ( isDBopen ) then
EXIT function
' find the matching TAG txts (yes allow > 1 )
> select ttName from tagTable where ttGroup like $Type and ttName like '%' || $txt || '%' order by ttname asc
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$Type" , sqlIdentifier ( typeTag & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$txt" , sqlString ( filterTxt ) )
WITHQUERY (freestring)
' place the tag txts in the filter's COMBO
sob ( sobid, "add", "row" , wqText(1))
END withquery
IF ( cnt == 0 ) then
> select ttName from tagTable where ttGroup like $Type order by ttName asc
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$Type" , sqlIdentifier ( typeTag & TagGroupId ) )
WITHQUERY (freestring)
' place the tag txts in the filter's COMBO
sob ( sobid, "add", "row" , wqText(1))
END withquery
END if
' default is to select the first txt in the combo
sob( sobid , "SET", "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
FUNCTION GetFilteredChoice ( sobid )
dim TagGroupSob = sobid
dim FilterSob = sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 1 )
dim TagListSob = sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 2 )
dim TagGroup = sob( TagGroupSob ,"GET" , "TITLE" )
dim filterTxt = sob( FilterSob ,"GET" , "TITLE" )
sob ( TagListSob , "empty")
IF ( isDBopen ) then
' find the matching TAG txts (yes allow > 1 )
> select ttName from tagTable where ttGroup like $Type and ttName like '%' || $txt || '%' order by ttname asc
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$Type" , sqlIdentifier ( TagGroup & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$txt" , sqlString ( filterTxt ) )
WITHQUERY (freestring)
' place the tag txts in the filter's COMBO
sob ( TagListSob, "add", "row" , wqText(1))
END withquery
END if
' default is to select the first ttName in the combo
sob( TagListSob , "SET", "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
FUNCTION onEditedFile ( sobid , editChr )
' for every character entered in to the filter box
' trigger an update of the related tag Txt combo
IF ( editChr == escChr) then
sob( sobid , "EMPTY")
sob( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 1) , "EMPTY")
IF ( editChr > 0x01f ) then
dim useTypeCombo = sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", -1 )
dim useTxtCombo = sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 1 )
' set the filter's COMBO to be empty
sob ( useTxtCombo ,"empty")
' get the TagType
dim typeTag = sob( useTypeCombo, "GET" , "TITLE" )
dim filterTxt = sob(sobid,"GET","TITLE")
' do not include any special (non-printable) character in the filter text
IF ( editChr < 0x020 ) then
ELSEIF ( editChr > 0x7e ) then
filterTxt = filterTxt & chr(editChr)
IF ( isDBopen ) then
' find the matching TAG txts (yes allow > 1 )
> select ttName from tagTable where ttGroup like $Type and ttName like '%' || $txt || '%' order by ttname asc
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$Type" , sqlIdentifier ( typeTag & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$txt" , sqlString ( filterTxt ) )
WITHQUERY (freestring)
' place the tag txts in the filter's COMBO
sob ( useTxtCombo, "add", "row" , wqText(1))
END withquery
END if
' default is to select the first ttName in the combo
sob( useTxtCombo , "SET", "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
updateNewTagNameField ()
FUNCTION cbExportActionSelect ( sobid , rowid )
dim TagAction = sob ( sobid , "GET", "TITLE")
dim TagGroup = sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 1 )
dim TagFilter = sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 2 )
dim Tagname = sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 3 )
IF ( instr ( Tagaction , "path" ) ) Then
ELSEIF ( instr ( Tagaction , "file" )) Then
ELSEIF ( instr ( Tagaction , "ext" ) )Then
ELSEIF ( instr ( Tagaction , "lock" ) )Then
ELSEIF ( instr ( Tagaction , "+duplicate" ) )Then
ELSEIF ( instr ( Tagaction , "+empty" ) )Then
' is a TAG action
EXIT function
' is a file system action
sob ( TagGroup , "set" , "SELECTION" , "ROW" , 1 )
sob ( TagName , "empty" )
END function
FUNCTION cbFilterTagSelect ( sobid, rowid )
dim TagGroup = sob ( sobid , "GET", "TITLE")
dim TagTxt = sob ( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 1 ) , "GET", "TITLE")
dim ActionTxt = sob ( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", -1 ) , "GET", "TITLE")
sob ( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 2 ) , "empty" )
IF ( ( actionTxt == noTag ) or ( TagGroup == noTag ) ) then
sob ( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 3 ) , "SET" ,"RGB", defLabelCol )
sob ( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 3 ) , "SET" ,"TITLE", NoTag )
EXIT function
sob ( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 3 ) , "SET" ,"RGB", 0x0ff )
sob ( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 3 ) , "SET" ,"TITLE", actionTxt )
IF ( tagTxt == "" ) then
tagTxt == "%"
updateSpecificTagNameCombo ( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 2 ) , TagGroup ,tagTxt )
' trigger the FILTER to be re-evaluated
onEditedFile ( sob ( sobid , "SIBLING", 1 ) , "" )
FUNCTION makeFileListSectionBoxes ( sobid )
dim AreaSob = sob ( sobid , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "ROW")
sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "COMBO" , "dropdown" , defActionComboText )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , NoTag )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "add ==" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "add <>" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "add any" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "add non" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "add ==?" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "add <>?" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "Tags ==" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "Tags =+" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "Tag ==" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "Tag =+" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "Tag only" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "+duplicate" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "+empty" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "remove <>" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "remove ==" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "remove non" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "remove any" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "remove <>?" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "remove ==?" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "-Unchanged" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "-New" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "-Changed" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "lock" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "SELECTION" , "cbExportActionSelect" )
dim ComboSob = sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "COMBO" , "dropdown" , defTypeComboText )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , NoTag )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "SELECTION" , "cbFilterTagSelect" )
' to automatically populate with Tag Group changes
isTagTypeCombo ( ComboSob )
isSavedTagTypeCombo ( ComboSob )
sob ( AreaSob , "Add" , "edit" , " " )
sob ( -1 , "empty" )
sob ( -1 , "ON","EDIT" , "onEditFile " )
sob ( -1 , "ON","EDITED" , "onEditedFile" )
sob ( -1 , "ON","ENTER", "CB_FIND_tag")
sob ( -1 , "add","COMBO" , "dropdown" , defaultText )
sob ( -1 , "empty")
FUNCTION cbMakeNewFileList ( sobid )
exportFilter ( "new" , "new" , "new" )
sob ( NbrFilesInFilter , "empty")
dim FileFilterArraySob
dim NbrFilterRows = 7
FUNCTION cbResetFilter ( sobid )
dim BaseSob , i
FOR i = 0 to NbrFilterRows
BaseSob = sob ( FileFilterArraySob, "CHILD" ,"HANDLE" , 1 + i )
sob ( sob ( BaseSob, "CHILD", "HANDLE" , 1 ) , "SET" , "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
sob ( sob ( BaseSob, "CHILD", "HANDLE" , 2 ) , "SET" , "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
sob ( sob ( BaseSob, "CHILD", "HANDLE" , 3 ) , "EMPTY")
sob ( sob ( BaseSob, "CHILD", "HANDLE" , 4 ) , "EMPTY")
FUNCTION cbExportProcess ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
IF ( isDBTable ( "temp", "SubList" ) ) THEN
MarkRowid = 0
drop table if exists temp.SubList
create table temp.SubList as select rowid as rid , * from master limit 0
sob ( NbrFilesInFilter , "SET", "TITLE" , "" )
NoErrorReport ("" )
dim BaseSob
dim action , TagType , TagName , filter
dim txt
dim i
FOR i = 0 to NbrFilterRows
BaseSob = sob ( FileFilterArraySob, "CHILD" ,"HANDLE" , 1 + i )
action = sob ( sob ( BaseSob, "CHILD", "HANDLE" , 1 ) , "GET" ,"TITLE")
TagType = sob ( sob ( BaseSob, "CHILD", "HANDLE" , 2 ) , "GET" ,"TITLE")
filter = sob ( sob ( BaseSob, "CHILD", "HANDLE" , 3 ) , "GET" ,"TITLE")
TagName = sob ( sob ( BaseSob, "CHILD", "HANDLE" , 4 ) , "GET" ,"TITLE")
IF ( action == NoTag ) then
ELSEIF ( action == "lock" ) then
exportFilter ( action , "" , "" )
ELSEIF ( action == "+duplicate" ) then
exportFilter ( action , "" , "" )
ELSEIF ( action == "+empty" ) then
exportFilter ( action , "" , "" )
' handle those which use a partial TagName
ELSEIF ( action == "add ==?" ) then
exportFilter ( action , TagType , filter )
ELSEIF ( action == "add <>?" ) then
exportFilter ( action , TagType , filter )
ELSEIF ( action == "remove <>?" ) then
exportFilter ( action , TagType , filter )
ELSEIF ( action == "remove ==?" ) then
exportFilter ( action , TagType , filter )
ELSEIF ( action == "-unchanged" ) then
exportFilter ( "-like" , "rescanState" , "old" )
ELSEIF ( action == "-new" ) then
exportFilter ( "-like" , "rescanState" , "new" )
ELSEIF ( action == "-changed" ) then
exportFilter ( "-like" , "rescanState" , "changed" )
' handle those which use a complete Tagname
exportFilter ( action , TagType , TagName )
IF ( sob ( sob(inSertWhere,"sibling",-1), "GET","CHECK") ) then
txt = trim ( sob ( inSertWhere , "get", "title") )
IF ( txt <> "" ) then
> insert into temp.SubList select rowid , * from master where type like 'file' and
freestring = freestring & " (" & txt & ")"
sql(freestring )
ErrorReport("Invalid Insert into statement")
END try
END if
IF ( sob (sob(DeleteWhere,"sibling",-1), "GET","CHECK") ) then
txt = trim ( sob ( DeleteWhere , "get", "title") )
IF ( txt <> "" ) then
> delete from temp.SubList where
freestring = freestring & " (" & txt & ")"
sql(freestring )
ErrorReport("Invalid Insert into statement")
END try
END if
sob ( NbrFilesInFilter , "SET", "TITLE" , "" & exportFilter ( "statistic" , "" , "" ) )
dim NbrFilesInFilter
dim bulkExportMatrix
FUNCTION toggleCheckState ( sobid )
sob ( sobid , "SET", "CHECK" , ! sob(sobid , "GET", "CHECK") )
FUNCTION makeFileListSection ( )
dim ExportAreaCol = sob ( FileExportOvl , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W")
SubListTitleSob = sob ( -1 , "add" , "LABEL", "Create a File List (for exporting / deleting and power tagging" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , 0x0ff00 )
' ---------------------
sob ( ExportAreaCol , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "ROW.w")
sob( -1 , "add", "BUTTON" , "PUSH", "New List " )
sob( -1 , "ON" , "PRESS" , "cbMakeNewFileList")
sob( -1 , "add", "BUTTON", "PUSH", "Apply Filters" )
sob( -1 , "ON" , "PRESS" , "cbExportProcess")
sob( -1 , "add", "BUTTON" , "PUSH", "Reset Filter" )
sob( -1 , "ON" , "PRESS" , "cbResetFilter")
' ---------------------
sob ( ExportAreaCol , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "ROW")
sob( -1 , "add", "Label", " Number of Files" )
NbrFilesInFilter = sob( -1 , "add", "Label", " " )
' ---------------------
sob ( ExportAreaCol , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "ROW")
sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "SPACE" , 0 ,5 )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
' ---------------------
sob ( ExportAreaCol , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "ROW")
sob ( -1 , "add", "LABEL" , "Action Tag Group Filter Tag Name" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "SPACE", 0,0 )
' ---------------------
sob ( ExportAreaCol , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W")
FileFilterArraySob = sob("last")
dim i
FOR i = 0 to NbrFilterRows
makeFileListSectionBoxes (FileFilterArraySob)
tmpSob = sob ( ExportAreaCol , "ADD" , "CONTAINER" , "COLUMN.w")
sob ( -1 , "add" , "SPACE" , 0 , 5)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
' -----------------------------------
InsertDeleteWhereSob = sob ( tmpSob , "ADD" , "CONTAINER" , "COlumn.w")
sob ( InsertDeleteWhereSob , "ADD" , "CONTAINER" , "row")
dim chkBtn = sob( -1 , "add" , "button", "check" , "Insert where" )
sob ( chkBtn, "set", "CHECK" , 0 )
sob ( chkBtn, "on", "CLICK" , "toggleCheckState" )
InsertWhere = sob ( -1, "add", "edit" , " " )
sob ( InsertDeleteWhereSob , "ADD" , "CONTAINER" , "row")
chkBtn = sob( -1 , "add" , "button", "check" , "Delete where" )
sob ( chkBtn, "set", "CHECK" , 0 )
sob ( chkBtn, "on", "CLICK" , "toggleCheckState" )
DeleteWhere = sob ( -1, "add", "edit" , " " )
' -----------------------------------
sob ( tmpSob , "add" , "SPACE" , 0 , 5)
sob ( tmpSob , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
sob ( tmpSob , "ADD" , "CONTAINER" , "ROW.W")
BtnExportFiles =sob ( -1 , "add", "BUTTON", "PUSH", "Export Files" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , RGB(0x8f,0x8f,0x0ff ) )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "SPACE" , 0 , 0)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
BtnDeleteFiles = sob ( -1 , "add", "BUTTON", "PUSH", "Delete Files in Subset" )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "PRESS" , "CbdeleteFileListDoit")
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , RGB(0xff,0,0 ) )
sob ( ExportAreaCol , "add" , "SPACE" , 0 , 0)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
END function
dim BtnExportFiles
dim BtnDeleteFiles
dim SubListTitleSob
makeFileListSection ()
dim TagCommentEdit , TagRect , TagRectCombo
FUNCTION DisplayTagsInFIle ( )
sob (TagInfo, "empty")
dim i ,j , splitLine
IF ( tagFlag ) then
sob (TagInfo,"add", "row" , "-- TAGS for this file --" & EOL )
FOR i = 0 to uBoundTagArray
j = 1
' > select $tag from master where hash = ### limit 1
> select
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagArray(i) )
>> from master where hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( currenthash )
>> limit 1
sql ( freestring )
splitLine = qrSingleValue
IF ( splitLine == "" ) THEN
ELSEIF ( splitLine == tagDelim ) THEN
IF ( j ) then
sob (TagInfo,"add", "row" , "-- " & right ( tagArray(i) ,-1*length( TagGroupId ) ) & " --" & EOL )
j = 0
splitLine = replace ( splitLine , tagDelim , EOL )
IF ( left ( splitline , 1 ) == EOL ) then
splitline = left ( splitline , -1 )
sob (TagInfo,"add", "row" , splitLine & EOL )
' sob ( TagTxtOvl, "set" , "SHOW" , 1 )
cbSelectFreeTextField ( 1 , 1) ' do not care about the parameter values
FUNCTION CbUPdateTagCommentField ( sobid )
dim rowNr = sob ( TagRectCombo , "get", "selection" ,"row", 1 )
> select rlTagName from tblRectList where not rlHit = 0 order by rowid asc limit 1 offset
freestring = freestring & " " & rowNr - 1
sql ( freestring )
dim Name = qrSingleValue
' > update TagTable set ttComment = ## where ttName = ###
> update TagTable set ttComment =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( sob(TagCommentEdit,"get","title") )
>> where ttName like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( Name )
sql = freestring
toggleOKColour ( sobid )
sob ( sobid , "SET" , "TITLE" , "" )
' sob ( sobid , "SET", "RGB", defBoxTxtCol )
sob (TagCommentEdit,"set", "row" , "top" , 0 )
toggleWarningColour ( sobid )
FUNCTION cbChangeRectRubberBandTriggered ( sobid )
dim Newname = sob ( sob(sobid, "SIBLING", -1 ) , "get", "title")
dim TagGroup = sob ( sob(sobid, "SIBLING", -3 ) , "get", "title")
cbMakeRubberbandRegion ( sobId )
SELECT count (*) from tblRectList where rlHit = 1
IF ( qrSingleValue <> 1 ) then
EXIT function
END if
' initially the RECT will be made with the "name" "fffffffffffffff"
sob ( TagRectCombo , "empty" )
sob ( TagRectCombo , "add" , "row" , "fffffffffffffff" )
sob ( TagRectCombo , "set" , "selection", "row" ,1 )
' update the MASTER RectMeta and TAG column to hold this TAG name
' get Tag group and name from tblRectList
dim OldName = sob( TagRectCombo,"get","TITLE")
dim rowNr = sob ( TagRectCombo , "get", "selection" ,"row", 1 )
> select rlRect from tblRectList where not rlHit = 0 order by rowid asc limit 1 offset
freestring = freestring & " " & rowNr - 1
sql ( freestring )
dim Rect = qrSingleValue
UpDateRectMeta ( CurrentHash , Rect, OldName , NewName , TagGroup )
' now must recreate the tblRectList list
CreateRectInfo ()
' but recreating it looses the HIT indicator
update temp.tblRectList set rlHit = 0
> update temp.tblRectList set rlHit = 1 where rlrect like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( Rect)
sql (freestring )
DisplayTagsInFIle ()
sob ( TagRectCombo , "empty" )
sob ( TagRectCombo , "add" , "row" , NewName )
sob ( TagRectCombo , "set" , "selection", "row" ,1 )
fncShowRegions ()
HaveRubberBandRect = 0
cbSelectOneRect ( TagRectCombo , 1 )
toggleOKColour ( sobid )
FUNCTION cbChangeRect ( sobid )
sob ( TagCommentEdit , "empty" )
IF ( sob ( sobid , "get", "title") = NoTag ) then
togglewarnColour ( sobid)
EXIT function
dim Newname = sob ( sob(sobid, "SIBLING", -1 ) , "get", "title")
IF ( newName = "" ) then
togglewarnColour ( sobid)
EXIT function
dim TagGroup = sob ( sob(sobid, "SIBLING", -3 ) , "get", "title")
IF ( TagGroup = NoTag ) then
togglewarnColour ( sobid)
EXIT function
IF ( HaveRubberBandRect ) then
cbChangeRectRubberBandTriggered ( sobid )
EXIT function
ELSEIF ( sob(TagRectCombo,"get","TITLE") == "" ) then
togglewarnColour ( sobid)
EXIT function
END if
' we are changing the NAME associated with the current HIT object
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' update the MASTER RectMeta and TAG columns to hold this TAG name
' get Tag group and name from tblRectList
dim OldName = sob ( TagRectCombo , "get","TITLE")
dim rowNr = sob ( TagRectCombo , "get", "selection" ,"row", 1 )
> select rowid from tblRectList where not rlHit = 0 order by rowid asc limit 1 offset
freestring = freestring & " " & rowNr - 1
sql ( freestring )
dim rowid = qrSingleValue
SELECT count (*) from tblRectList where rlHit = 1
IF ( qrSingleValue <> 1 ) then
EXIT function
END if
> select rlTagGroup from tblRectList where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & rowid
sql ( freestring )
dim OldTagGroup = qrSingleValue
> select rlRect from tblRectList where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & rowid
sql ( freestring )
dim Rect = qrSingleValue
IF ( ! ( oldName == newName ) ) then
UpDateRectMeta ( CurrentHash , Rect, OldName , NewName , TagGroup )
> UPDATE master SET
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( NewName & tagDelim )
>> where
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> NOT LIKE '%' ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( tagDelim & NewName & tagDelim)
>> || '%' AND
>> hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( CurrentHash )
sql ( freestring )
OldName = ""
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
' it is possible that we have changed the name of a RectPicasa object
' that would create a new entry in RectMeta
' which in turn would need a new entry in tblRectList
' recreate the tblRectList
CreateRectInfo ()
update tblRectList set rlHit = 0
> update tblRectList set rlHit = 1 where rlsrc like 'RectMeta' and rlrect like
freestring = freestring & " " & Sqlstring ( rect )
sql ( freestring )
deReferenceTagFromTagColumn ( currentHash , OldTagGroup , OldName )
DisplayTagsInFIle ()
sob ( TagRectCombo , "empty" )
sob ( TagRectCombo , "add" , "row" , NewName )
sob ( TagRectCombo , "set" , "selection", "row" ,1 )
fncShowRegions ()
fnOfferRectChoice ()
toggleOKColour ( sobid )
END function
FUNCTION cbActionSelectRect ( sobid , rowid )
dim actionTxt = sob( sobid, "GET" , "TITLE" )
dim useCol = bgTypeCol
IF ( actionTxt == noTag ) then
useCol = defBtnCol
GetFilteredChoice (sobid)
sob ( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 3 ) , "SET" ,"RGB", useCol )
sob ( sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", 3 ) , "SET" ,"TITLE", actionTxt )
FUNCTION makeRenameRect ( sobidParent)
dim thisRowSob = sob ( sobidParent , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "ROW" )
sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "COMBO" , "droPDown" , defActionComboText )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "replace by" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "SELECTION" , "cbBulkActionSelect" )
dim comboSOb = sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "COMBO" , "dropdown" , defTypeComboText )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , NoTag )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "SELECTION" , "cbActionSelectRect" )
' to automatically populate with Tag Group changes''
isTagTypeCombo ( comboSob )
isSavedTagTypeCombo (comboSOb )
sob ( thisRowSob , "Add" , "edit" , " " )
sob ( -1 , "empty" )
sob ( -1 , "ON","EDIT" , "onEditFile" )
sob ( -1 , "ON","EDITED" , "onEditedFile" )
sob ( -1 , "ON","ENTER", "CB_FIND_tag")
sob ( -1 , "add","COMBO" , "dropdown" , defaultText )
sob ( -1 , "empty")
sob ( -1 , "set" , "stretch" , 1) ' on
sob ( thisRowSob , "add" , "Button" , "PUSH", " " )
sob ( -1 , "set" , "title" , NoTag )
sob ( -1 , "ON", "CLICK", "cbChangeRect")
FUNCTION cbNewNameonEditedFile (sobid , editchr )
onEditedFile (sobid , editchr )
sob ( _
sob ( sobid, "GET" , "unk" )_
, "SET" , "TITLE" , _
sob ( sob(sobid,"SIBLING", 1 ) , "GET", "TITLE" ) _
END function
FUNCTION InsertRectMeta ( hashVal , Rect )
IF ( ! haveRectMeta ) then
EXIT function
END if
> select count (*) from master where RectMeta like '%(' ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( rect )
>> || ')%' and hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( hashVal )
>> limit 1
sql ( freestring )
IF ( qrsingleValue > 0 ) then
EXIT function
END if
' ----------------------------------------------------------
' create initial entry "faces=" if not present
> select RectMeta from master where hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( hashVal )
>> limit 1
sql ( freestring )
IF ( qrSingleValue = "" ) then
' > update master set RectMeta = RectMeta || # where hash = ###
> update master set RectMeta = RectMeta ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "faces=rect64(" & Rect & "),fffffffffffffff;" )
>> where hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( hashVal )
sql ( freestring )
sql ( freestring )
' > update master set RectMeta = RectMeta || # where hash = ###
> update master set RectMeta = RectMeta ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( ";rect64(" & Rect & "),fffffffffffffff;" )
>> where hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( hashVal )
sql ( freestring )
' ----------------------------------------------------------
END function
FUNCTION GetRectEntry ( Rect , RectDefn ) string
dim pre
GetRectEntry = ""
' first see if the have RECT string followed by ),
dim inPos = instr ( RectDefn, Rect & ")," )
IF ( inPos ) THEN
' create a string that starts at the begining of the RectDefn and STOPS
' where our RECT starts
pre = left ( RectDefn , inpos -1 )
' go back to it' s rect(
inPos = instrRev ( pre , "rect64" )
' have the starting point
GetRectEntry = left ( RectDefn, -1 * (inpos -1) )
' now find where we STOP
IF ( inPos := instr ( GetRectEntry , ";;rect64(" ) ) then
ELSEIF ( inPos := instr ( GetRectEntry , ";rect64(" ) ) then
ELSEIF ( inPos := instrRev ( GetRectEntry , ";" ) ) then
inPos = length(GetRectEntry)
GetRectEntry = left ( GetRectEntry , inpos )
END function
FUNCTION deReferenceTagFromTagColumn ( hashVal , TagGroup , Tagname )
> select count (*) from tblRectList where rlTagGroup like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagGroup )
>> and rlTagName like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( Tagname )
>> and rlSrc like 'RectMeta'
sql ( freestring )
IF ( qrSingleValue == 0 ) then
' delete Tagname from master Tag column
> update master set
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> = REPLACE (
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim & Tagname & TagDelim )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim )
>> ) where
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "%" & TagDelim & Tagname & TagDelim & "%" )
>> AND hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( hashVal )
sql ( freestring )
FUNCTION UpDateRectMeta ( hashVal , Rect, OldName , NewName , TagGroup )
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
' ensure that there is no RECT defn for this RECT
IF ( ! haveRectMeta ) then
EXIT function
END if
> select RectMeta from master where hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( hashVal )
>> limit 1
sql ( freestring )
dim oldRectEntry = GetRectEntry ( Rect , qrSingleValue )
' > update master set RectMeta = replace ( RectMeta , # , '' ) where hash = ###
> update master set RectMeta = replace ( RectMeta ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( oldRectEntry )
>> , '' ) where hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( hashVal )
sql ( freestring )
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
' we want an entry
' note how initially we do NOT have a leading ;
' the first entry in a Picasa RECT defn does not have a leading ;
dim wantRect = "rect64(" & rect & ")," & NewName & ";"
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
IF ( haveRectPicasa ) then
' if new entry is in the ## RectPicasa ## then nothing to do
> select count (*) from master where RectPicasa like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "%" & left(wantRect,-1) & "%" )
>> and hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( hashVal )
sql ( freestring )
IF ( qrSingleValue ) then
EXIT function
' ----------------------------------------------------------
' create initial entry "faces=" if not present
' > select RectMeta from master where hash = ### limit 1
> select RectMeta from master where hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( currentHash )
>> limit 1
sql ( freestring )
IF ( qrSingleValue = "" ) then
> update master set RectMeta = "faces=" where hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( currentHash )
sql ( freestring )
' ----------------------------------------------------------
wantRect = "rect64("& rect & ")," &TagGroup & TagDelim & NewName & ";"
' wantRect = "rect64(" & tagGroup & TagGroupId & TagDelim & & rect & ")," & NewName & ";"
> update master set RectMeta = RectMeta ||
freestring = freestring & sqlString ( wantRect )
>> where hash =
freestring = freestring & sqlString ( hashVal )
sql ( freestring )
' ----------------------------------------------------------
' UPDATE master SET §Tag = §Tag || §Txt || '§' WHERE §Tag NOT LIKE '%' || §Txt || '§%' AND hash = §hash
> UPDATE master SET
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( NewName )
>> ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim )
>> where
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> not like '%' ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( NewName )
>> ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim & "%" )
>> AND hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( hashVal )
sql ( freestring )
' ----------------------------------------------------------
END function
FUNCTION cbNewNameAndChangeRect ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBopen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
IF ( ! haveRectMeta ) then
EXIT function
END if
dim rowNr = sob ( TagRectCombo , "get", "selection" ,"row", 1 )
IF ( rowNr ) then
ELSEIF ( HaveRubberBandRect ) then
ErrorReport ("No region selected" )
EXIT function
dim NewName = sob ( sob ( sobid, "GET" , "unk" ) , "GET" , "TITLE" )
NewName = trim ( NewName )
IF ( NewName = "" ) then
ErrorReport ("No new name defined" )
EXIT function
END if
dim TagGroupSob = sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", -3 )
dim TagGroup = sob(TagGroupSob ,"get","title" )
IF ( TagGroup = NoTag ) then
ErrorReport ("No Tag group selected" )
EXIT function
END if
dim TagFilterSob = sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", -2 )
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' only proceed if this TagGroup / NewName combination is unique
> select count (*) from TagTable where ttGroup like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> and ttName like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( NewName )
sql (freestring )
IF ( qrsinglevalue ) then
ErrorReport ("Tag group/name already exists" )
ToggleWarnColour ( sobid )
EXIT function
END if
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' create new entry in ttTagTable
> INSERT into TagTable ( ttGroup , ttName , ttComment ) values (
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( NewName )
>> , '' )
sql = freestring
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
sob ( TagFilterSob , "set" , "TITLE" , NewName )
GetFilteredChoice ( TagGroupSob )
cbChangeRect ( sobid )
END function
FUNCTION makeNewNameRect ( sobidParent)
dim thisRowSob = sob ( sobidParent , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "ROW" )
sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "COMBO" , "dropdOwn" , defActionComboText )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "derive" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
dim combosob = sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "COMBO" , "dropdown" , defTypeComboText )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , NoTag )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "SELECTION" , "cbActionSelectRect" )
' to automatically populate with Tag Group changes''
isTagTypeCombo ( comboSob )
isSavedTagTypeCombo (comboSOb )
dim EditSob = sob ( thisRowSob , "Add" , "edit" , " " )
sob ( -1 , "empty" )
sob ( -1 , "ON","EDIT" , "onEditFile" )
sob ( -1 , "ON","EDITED" , "cbNewNameonEditedFile" )
sob ( -1 , "ON","ENTER", "CB_FIND_tag")
sob ( -1 , "add","COMBO" , "dropdown" , defaultText )
sob ( -1 , "empty")
sob ( -1 , "set" , "stretch" , 1) ' on
dim doItSob = sob ( thisRowSob , "add" , "Button" , "PUSH", " " )
sob ( -1 , "set" , "title" , "Do it" )
sob ( -1 , "ON", "CLICK", "cbNewNameAndChangeRect")
dim NewNameEdit = sob ( sobidParent , "ADD", "EDIT", " " )
sob ( -1 , "empty")
sob ( EditSob , "SET", "UNK" , NewNameEdit )
sob ( doItSob , "SET", "UNK" , NewNameEdit )
dim TagCommentAreaCol
' -----------------------------------------------------
' rubber band things
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim RubberBandEdit
FUNCTION cbMakeRubberbandRegion ( sobId )
IF ( ! imageLoadedFlag ) then
EXIT function
dim sobW = sob ( sobImageHolder , "get" , "width" )
dim sobH = sob ( sobImageHolder , "get" , "height" )
dim CanvasHandle = SOB( sobImageHolder , "GET" , "CANVAS" )
dim imW = canvas ( CanvasHandle , "get" , "width" )
dim imH = canvas ( CanvasHandle , "get" , "height" )
dim leftRect , TopRect , rightRect , BottomRect
' leftRB etc are screen co-ordinates
' and NOT CANVAS co-ordinates
sob ( RubberBandEdit , "add" , "row" ,"Make " & leftRB & " " & topRB & " " & rightRB & " " & bottomRB & EOL )
leftRect = cint( 0x010000 * leftRB / imW )
TopRect = cint( 0x010000 * topRB / imH )
rightRect = cint( 0x010000 * ( leftRB + rightRB ) / imW )
BottomRect = cint( 0x010000 * ( topRB + bottomRB ) / imH )
dim Rect
rect = right( "0000" & left(hex(leftRect),-2) , 4 )
rect = rect & right( "0000" & left(hex(TopRect),-2) , 4 )
rect = rect & right( "0000" & left(hex(RightRect),-2) , 4 )
rect = rect & right( "0000" & left(hex(BottomRect),-2) , 4 )
sob ( RubberBandEdit , "add" , "row" ,"Rect64 = " & rect & EOL )
InsertRectMeta ( currentHash , Rect )
CreateRectInfo ()
dim PerCentX = ( (leftRB + rightRB /2) * 100) / imW
dim PerCentY = ( (topRB + bottomRB /2) * 100) / imH
cbImageHitStatus ( PerCentX , PerCentY )
FUNCTION fncMakeRubberBandTools ()
dim RubberBandCol = sob ( RubberBandOvl , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W")
sob ( -1 , "add" , "LABEL", "Define a region of the object, that can be associated with a Tag." )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , 0x0ff00 )
RubberBandEdit = sob(RubberBandCol,"add","Edit.rows" , " ", 20 )
sob ( RubberBandCol , "add" , "SPACE" , 0 , 0)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
sob ( RubberBandCol, "ADD", "Button" , "PUSH", "Press to create this region")
' sob ( -1 , "ON", "click" , "cbMakeRubberbandRegion")
sob ( RubberBandCol , "add" , "SPACE" , 0 , 0)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
FUNCTION cbReDrawRegions ( sobid )
fncShowRegions ()
IF ( sob ( TagRectCombo , "GET", "SELECTION" , "ROW" ) ) then
cbSelectOneRect ( TagRectCombo , sob ( TagRectCombo , "GET", "SELECTION" , "ROW" ) )
END function
FUNCTION cbDeleteRegion ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBopen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
IF ( sob(TagRectCombo,"get","TITLE") == "" ) then
EXIT function
END if
dim OldName = sob ( TagRectCombo,"get","TITLE")
dim rowNr = sob ( TagRectCombo , "get", "selection" ,"row", 1 )
> select rlRect from tblRectList where not rlHit = 0 order by rowid asc limit 1 offset
freestring = freestring & " " & rowNr - 1
sql ( freestring )
dim Rect = qrSingleValue
> select rlTagGroup from tblRectList where not rlHit = 0 order by rowid asc limit 1 offset
freestring = freestring & " " & rowNr - 1
sql ( freestring )
dim TagGroup = qrSingleValue
sob ( TagCommentEdit , "empty" )
dim haveRect = "rect64(" & rect & ")," & TagGroup & TagDelim & OldName & ";"
' remove OLD entry
' > update master set RectMeta = replace ( RectMeta , ## , '' ) where hash = ###
IF ( haveRectMeta ) then
> update Master set RectMeta = replace(RectMeta,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( ":" & haveRect )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "" )
>> ) where hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( currentHash )
sql ( freestring )
> update Master set RectMeta = replace(RectMeta,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( haveRect )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "" )
>> ) where hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( currentHash )
sql ( freestring )
END if
haveRect = "rect64(" & rect & ")," & OldName & ";"
IF ( haveRectPicasa ) then
> update Master set RectPicasa = replace(RectPicasa ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( ":" & haveRect )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "" )
>> ) where hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( currentHash )
sql ( freestring )
> update Master set RectPicasa = replace(RectPicasa ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( haveRect )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "" )
>> ) where hash like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( currentHash )
sql ( freestring )
CreateRectInfo ()
deReferenceTagFromTagColumn ( currentHash , TagGroup , OldName )
fncShowRegions ()
' since we have deleted a REGION
' then we can not currently have a RECT to offer
' fnOfferRectChoice ()
displayTagsInFile ()
sob ( TagRectCombo,"empty")
SetLblRegionRGB ( defBtnCol)
FUNCTION cbObjectCommentEdit ( sobid, char )
' if the user has done and edit to the Object Comment field
' then set the ACTION to be edit
sob ( lblRegionUpdateComment , "SET" , "TITLE" , "Comment edited, press to save" )
sob ( lblRegionUpdateComment , "SET", "RGB", rgb(255,0,0) )
dim lblRegionSelection , lblRegionUpdateComment , lblRegionChangeName , lblRegionCreateName , lblRegionDelete
FUNCTION SetLblRegionRGB ( toRgb )
sob ( lblRegionSelection , "SET" , "RGB" , toRGB )
sob ( lblRegionChangeName , "SET" , "RGB" , toRGB )
sob ( lblRegionCreateName, "SET" , "RGB" , toRGB )
sob ( lblRegionDelete, "SET" , "RGB" , toRGB )
sob ( lblRegionUpdateComment , "SET" , "RGB" , defBtnCol )
FUNCTION cbSelectFreeTextField ( sobid , rowid)
dim i
sob ( TagTxtEdit , "EMPTY")
IF ( ! FreeTextFlag ) then
EXIT function
END if
FOR i = 0 to uBoundTagTxtArray
> select
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagTxtArray(i) )
>> from master where hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( currenthash )
>> limit 1
sql ( freestring )
IF ( sob ( FreeTextComboSob , "GET", "TITLE" ) == ( right(tagTxtArray(i), -1*length(FreeTxtId)) ) ) then
sob (TagTxtEdit,"add", "row" , qrSingleValue& EOL & EOL )
ELSE ( sob ( FreeTextComboSob , "GET", "TITLE" ) == " all" )
sob (TagTxtEdit,"add", "row" , "-- " & right(tagTxtArray(i), -1*length(FreeTxtId)) & " --" & EOL )
sob (TagTxtEdit,"add", "row" , qrSingleValue& EOL & EOL )
END if
dim TagTxtEdit
dim FreeTextActionSob , FreeTextComboSob , FreeTextDoItSob
FUNCTION cbFreeTextDoIt ( sobid )
dim actionTxt = sob ( FreeTextDoItSob , "GET", "TITLE")
dim TextField = sob ( FreeTextComboSob , "GET", "TITLE")
dim newText
dim i
IF ( actionTxt == "none" ) then
EXIT function
END if
CASE "update"
' can only be single Free text field
newText = sob ( TagTxtEdit , "GET", "TITLE")
> update master set
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier ( TextField & FreeTxtId )
>> =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( newText )
>> where hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier ( currentHash )
sql(freestring )
CASE "clear"
' can be all or a single Free text field
IF ( TextField == " all" ) then
FOR i = 0 to uBoundTagTxtArray
> update master set
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier ( TagTxtArray(i) )
>> = ''
>> where hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier ( currentHash )
sql(freestring )
> update master set
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier ( TextField & FreeTxtId )
>> = ''
>> where hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier ( currentHash )
sql(freestring )
cbSingleFile ( currentfile )
FUNCTION cbDefineFreeTextDoIt ( )
dim actionTxt = sob ( FreeTextActionSob , "GET", "TITLE")
dim TextTxt = sob ( FreeTextComboSob , "GET", "TITLE")
IF ( TextTxt == noTag ) then
Sob ( FreeTextDoItSob , "SET", "TITLE" , noTag )
sob ( FreeTextDoItSob , "SET", "RGB" , defbtnCol )
EXIT function
END if
CASE "clear"
sob ( FreeTextDoItSob , "SET", "TITLE" , actionTxt )
sob ( FreeTextDoItSob , "SET", "RGB" , RGB(0,255,0) )
CASE "Update"
IF ( TextTxt == " all" ) then
Sob ( FreeTextDoItSob , "SET", "TITLE" , noTag )
sob ( FreeTextDoItSob , "SET", "RGB" , defbtnCol )
sob ( FreeTextDoItSob , "SET", "TITLE" , actionTxt )
sob ( FreeTextDoItSob , "SET", "RGB" , RGB(0,255,0) )
END if
CASE else
Sob ( FreeTextDoItSob , "SET", "TITLE" , noTag )
sob ( FreeTextDoItSob , "SET", "RGB" , defbtnCol )
FUNCTION cbSelectFreeTextAction ( sobid , row )
cbDefineFreeTextDoIt ()
FUNCTION cbSelectFreeTextItem ( sobid , row )
cbDefineFreeTextDoIt ()
cbSelectFreeTextField ( 1,1)
FUNCTION MakeFreeTxtActions ()
dim TagTxtAreaCol = sob ( TagTxtOvl , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W")
sob(TagTxtAreaCol,"add","LABEL" , "Free Text fields" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , 0x0ff00 )
tmpSob = sob ( TagTxtAreaCol , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "ROW.w")
FreeTextActionSob = sob ( tmpSob , "add" , "COMBO" , "DROPDOWN", defTypeComboText )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "ROW" , "Show" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "ROW" , "Clear" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "ROW" , "Update" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "SELECTION" , "ROW" , 1 )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "SELECTION" , "cbSelectFreeTextAction" )
FreeTextComboSob = sob ( tmpSob , "add" , "COMBO" , "DROPDOWN", defTypeComboText )
sob ( -1, "set", "stretch", 1 )
FreeTextDoItSob = sob ( tmpSob , "add" , "BUTTON" , "PUSH", " " )
sob ( -1 , "set" , "title" , noTag )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "press" , "cbFreeTextDoIt")
' --------------------
sob ( TagTxtAreaCol , "add" , "SPACE" , 0 , 20)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
sob ( FreeTextComboSob , "EMPTY")
sob ( FreeTextComboSob , "add" , "row" , NoTag )
sob ( FreeTextComboSob , "ON", "SELECTION" , "cbSelectFreeTextItem")
TagTxtEdit = sob(TagTxtAreaCol,"add", "Edit.rows" , " ", 11 )
' sob ( -1 , "ON" , "edit" , "cbFreeTextDotIt")
END Function
MakeFreeTxtActions ()
FUNCTION cbFreeTextTools ( sobid )
sob ( TagTxtOvl , "set", "show", 1 )
END Function
FUNCTION MakeTagCommentTools ()
TagCommentAreaCol = sob ( TagCommentOvl , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W")
lblRegionSelection = sob ( -1 , "add" , "LABEL", "Comment associated with a region" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , 0x0ff00 )
TagRectCombo= sob(TagCommentAreaCol,"add","COMBO" , "DROPDOWN", " " )
sob ( TagRectCombo , "EMPTY")
sob ( TagRectCombo , "ON", "SELECTION" , "cbSelectOneRect")
TagCommentEdit = sob(TagCommentAreaCol,"add", "Edit.rows" , " ", 11 )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "edit" , "cbObjectCommentEdit")
lblRegionUpdateComment = sob(TagCommentAreaCol,"add","BUTTON" , "PUSH", " " )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "PRESS" , "CbUPdateTagCommentField")
sob ( TagCommentAreaCol , "add" , "SPACE" , 0 , 20)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
lblRegionChangeName = sob(TagCommentAreaCol,"add","LABEL" , "To change the name of this region:" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , 0x0ff00 )
sob ( TagCommentAreaCol , "add" , "SPACE" , 0 , 10)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
makeRenameRect ( TagCommentAreaCol )
makeRenameRect ( TagCommentAreaCol )
makeRenameRect ( TagCommentAreaCol )
makeRenameRect ( TagCommentAreaCol )
makeRenameRect ( TagCommentAreaCol )
makeRenameRect ( TagCommentAreaCol )
makeRenameRect ( TagCommentAreaCol )
makeRenameRect ( TagCommentAreaCol )
makeRenameRect ( TagCommentAreaCol )
makeRenameRect ( TagCommentAreaCol )
sob ( TagCommentAreaCol , "add" , "SPACE" , 0 , 20)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
lblRegionCreateName = sob(TagCommentAreaCol,"add","LABEL" , "Create new name and apply to this region:" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , 0x0ff00 )
sob ( TagCommentAreaCol , "add" , "SPACE" , 0 , 10)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
makeNewNameRect ( TagCommentAreaCol )
sob ( TagCommentAreaCol , "add" , "SPACE" , 0 , 10)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
' -----------------------------------------------------
tmpSob = sob ( TagCommentAreaCol , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "ROW.HW" )
SOB ( "OVERRIDE" , "STYLE+" , 0x00002000)
freestring= replace ( freestring , "ZZ" , chr(0x0d) )
lblRegionDelete = sob ( tmpSob , "add" , "BUTTON" , "PUSH" ,freestring )
sob ( -1 , "ON", "press", "cbDeleteRegion" )
SOB ( "OVERRIDE" , "STYLE+" , 0x00002000)
>ZZFree TextZZ
freestring= replace ( freestring , "ZZ" , EOL )
sob ( tmpSob , "add" , "BUTTON" , "PUSH" ,freestring )
sob ( -1 , "ON", "press", "cbFreeTextTools" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , rgb(0,255,0) )
SOB ( "OVERRIDE" , "STYLE+" , 0x00002000)
freestring= replace ( freestring , "ZZ" , EOL )
sob ( tmpSob , "add" , "BUTTON" , "PUSH" ,freestring )
sob ( -1 , "ON", "press", "cbtoolsMenuTagFilesB" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , rgb(0,255,0) )
' -----------------------------------------------------
SetLblRegionRGB ( defBtnCol )
fncMakeRubberBandTools ()
FUNCTION cbBulkExportDoAllDrop ( sobid )
IF ( sob(sobid,"GET" , "TITLE" ) == NoTag ) then
EXIT function
IF ( ! isDBopen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
dim i , hasHash , inDir
FOR i = 1 to GetDropCount
IF ( isFile ( getDropData ( i ) ) == 1 ) then
sob( PathFile , "ADD" , "ROW" , "Drag'n'Drop file " & getDropData ( i ) & EOL )
hashash = getFileHash ( getDropData ( i ) )
cbBulkActionOnHash ( hasHash )
ELSEIF ( isFile ( getDropData ( i ) ) == -1 ) then
inDir= getDropData ( i ) & "\\"
cancelClear ()
cancelText( "Identifing target files" , 0 )
cancelText( "This can take a short while" , 3 )
dbFileList ( "temp", "bulk" , inDir, -1 , ,"MD5" )
SELECT count (*) from temp.bulk where type like 'file'
fileCount = qrSingleValue
cancelText( "Tagging in progress" , 0 )
cancelText( "This can take a short while" , 3 )
cancelText( "Files to process: " & FileCount , 2 )
WITHQUERY ( "select hash , ( path|| name ) from temp.bulk where type like 'file' ")
sob( PathFile , "ADD" , "ROW" , wqText(2) & EOL )
cbBulkActionOnHash ( wqtext(1) )
cancelToggle ()
IF ( fileCount BAND 0x0f ) then
cancelText( "Files to process: " & FileCount , 2 )
END WithQuery
END function
FUNCTION cbBulkExportDoOnePress ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
dim actionType , TagType , TagTxt , fileCount
dim BaseSob = sob(sobid ,"SIBLING", -4)
actionType = sob( BaseSob , "GET" , "TITLE" )
TagType = sob( sob(BaseSob ,"SIBLING", 1) , "GET" , "TITLE" )
TagTxt = sob( sob(BaseSob ,"SIBLING", 3) , "GET" , "TITLE" )
SELECT count(*) from temp.SubList
fileCount = qrSingleValue
cancelClear ()
cancelText( "Tagging the filtered Files" , 0 )
cancelText( "This can take a short while" , 3 )
cancelText( "Files to process: " & FileCount , 2 )
WITHQUERY ( "select hash from temp.SubList where type like 'file' " )
updateSingleFile ( wqText(1) , actionType, tagType , tagTxt )
cancelToggle ()
IF ( fileCount BAND 0x0f ) then
cancelText( "Files to process: " & FileCount , 2 )
END withQuery
toggleWarnColour ( sobid )
END function
FUNCTION makeBulkExportTaggerRows ( sobidParent )
dim thisRowSob = sob ( sobidParent , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "ROW" )
sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "COMBO" , "dropDOwn" , defActionComboText )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , NoTag )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "add" )
' sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "replace" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "remove" )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , "remove all" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "SELECTION" , "cbBulkActionSelect" )
dim comboSob = sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "COMBO" , "dropdown" , defTypeComboText )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "row" , NoTag )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "SELECTION" , "ROW", 1 )
sob ( -1 , "ON" , "SELECTION" , "cbFilterTagSelect" )
' to automatically populate with Tag Group changes
isTagTypeCombo ( ComboSob )
isSavedTagTypeCombo ( ComboSob )
sob ( thisRowSob , "Add" , "edit" , " " )
sob ( -1 , "empty" )
sob ( -1 , "ON","EDIT" , "onEditFile " )
sob ( -1 , "ON","EDITED" , "onEditedFile" )
sob ( -1 , "ON","ENTER", "CB_FIND_tag")
sob ( -1 , "add","COMBO" , "dropdown" , " " )
sob ( -1 , "empty")
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "STRETCH" , 1) ' on
sob ( thisRowSob , "add" , "Button" , "PUSH", " " )
sob ( -1 , "set" , "title" , noTag )
sob ( -1 , "ON", "CLICK", "cbBulkExportDoOnePress")
dim PowerTaggingSob
FUNCTION makeBulkExportTagger ( )
dim BulkArea = sob ( FileExportOvl , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W")
PowerTaggingSob = BulkArea
sob ( BulkArea , "ADD" , "CONTAINER" , "COLUMN")
' sob ( -1 , "add" , "SPACE" , 0 , 20)
' sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "LABEL", "TAG the files in the sublist." )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , 0x0ff00 )
' -------------------------------------
' now define the replicated ROWS
' if needed give a common text heading for the columns
sob ( BulkArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "ROW")
sob ( -1 , "add", "LABEL" , "Action Tag Group Filter Tag Name " )
sob ( -1 , "add" , "SPACE", 0,0 )
bulkExportMatrix = sob ( BulkArea , "ADD", "CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W")
dim i
FOR i = 0 to NbrBulkExportRows
makeBulkExportTaggerRows (bulkExportMatrix)
sob ( FileExportOvl , "add" , "SPACE", 0,0 )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
END function
makeBulkExportTagger ()
' -------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION onPushOfferFileDelete ( sobid )
dim filename = sob ( FileListSob , "get", "title")
if ( filename == "" ) then
exit function
dim fileToDelete = left ( filename, -10 )
> delete from master where path||name Like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( fileToDelete )
sql ( freestring )
deleteFile ( fileToDelete )
dim index = sob ( FileListSob , "get", "selection", "row" )
sob ( FileListSob , "delete", "row", index )
sob ( FileListSob , "set", "selection", "row" , 1 )
dim FileNameNotinDB
' --------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION getProperty ( oFolder, oFile, index ) string
dim i , tmpstr , name
getProperty = ""
dim res = oFolder.GetDetailsOf ( oFile, index)
IF ( res <> "" ) then
name = oFolder.GetDetailsOf ( NULL,index)
SELECT case length(name)
CASE 0 to 6
name = name & chr(0x09) & chr(0x09)& chr(0x09)& chr(0x09)
CASE 6 to 13
name = name & chr(0x09) & chr(0x09) & chr(0x09)
CASE 12 to 20
name = name & chr(0x09) & chr(0x09)
CASE else
name = name & chr(0x09)
END select
getProperty = name
FOR i = 0 to length (res) -1
tmpstr = mid(res, i ,1 )
IF ( asc ( tmpstr ) < 0x080 ) then
getProperty = getProperty & tmpstr
END if
END function
FUNCTION handleFileGetDetailsOf ( AppDisplay , filePathName )
dim fs, folder
dim FilePath = Left ( filePathName , inStrRev ( filePathName , "\\" ) - 1)
dim FileName = Left ( filePathName , -1 * inStrRev ( filePathName , "\\" ) )
dim objShell = CreateObject ("Shell.Application")
dim objFolder = objShell.Namespace(FilePath)
dim objFile = objFolder.parsename (FileName )
sob ( AppDisplay,"ADD", "ROW", EOL & EOL & "Tags from SHELL" & EOL & EOL )
dim i , txt
FOR i = 0 to 330
SELECT case i
CASE 0 to 6
CASE 10 , 57 , 61
CASE 164 , 169
CASE 190 to 196
CASE else
txt = getProperty ( objFolder, objFile, i )
IF ( txt <> "" ) then
SELECT case length(txt)
CASE 0 to 7
txt = txt & chr(0x09) & chr(0x09)& chr(0x09)
CASE 8 to 15
txt = txt & chr(0x09) & chr(0x09)
CASE else
txt = txt & chr(0x09)
END select
' sob ( AppDisplay,"ADD", "ROW", right ( "0000" & i , 3) & " " & objFolder.GetDetailsOf ( NULL , i ) & " " & objFolder.GetDetailsOf ( objFile,i) & EOL )
sob ( AppDisplay,"ADD", "ROW", txt & EOL )
END if
END select
SOB ( AppDisplay , "SET" , "ROW" , "TOP" , 1 )
END function
' --------------------------------------------------
' EXIF data contains an orientation value from 1 to 8:
' 1 = 0 degrees: the correct orientation, no adjustment is required.
' 2 = 0 degrees, mirrored: image has been flipped back-to-front.
' 3 = 180 degrees: image is upside down.
' 4 = 180 degrees, mirrored: image has been flipped back-to-front and is upside down.
' 5 = 90 degrees: image has been flipped back-to-front and is on its side.
' 6 = 90 degrees, mirrored: image is on its side.
' 7 = 270 degrees: image has been flipped back-to-front and is on its far side.
' 8 = 270 degrees, mirrored: image is on its far side.
FUNCTION handleFileWIA ( AppDisplay , filePathName )
dim fs, folder
dim FilePath = Left ( filePathName , inStrRev ( filePathName , "\\" ) - 1)
dim FileName = Left ( filePathName , -1 * inStrRev ( filePathName , "\\" ) )
dim objIF = CreateObject("WIA.ImageFile")
dim objV = CreateObject("WIA.Vector")
objIF.LoadFile ( filePathName )
sob ( AppDisplay,"ADD", "ROW", "File error, or file not supported by WIA.IMAGEFILE" & EOL & EOL )
handleFileGetDetailsOf ( AppDisplay , filePathName )
EXIT function
END try
sob ( AppDisplay,"ADD", "ROW", EOL & EOL & "Tags from WIA" & EOL & EOL )
dim txt , limit , name
dim prop , i = 0 ,j , oV
FOR each prop in objIF.properties
' sob ( AppDisplay,"ADD", "ROW", objIF.properties.item(i).PropertyID & EOL)
WITH prop
IF ( ( .PropertyID <> 20507) And ( .PropertyID <> 20624) And ( .PropertyID <> 20625)) Then
name = .name
SELECT case length(name)
CASE 0 to 6
name = name & chr(0x09) & chr(0x09)& chr(0x09)& chr(0x09)
CASE 6 to 13
name = name & chr(0x09) & chr(0x09) & chr(0x09)
CASE 12 to 20
name = name & chr(0x09) & chr(0x09)
CASE else
name = name & chr(0x09)
END select
sob ( AppDisplay,"ADD", "ROW", name )
IF .IsVector = False Then
IF .type = 1006 Then
sob ( AppDisplay,"ADD", "ROW", .Value & " " & .Value.Numerator & "/" & .Value.Denominator & " " & chr(0x0a) )
sob ( AppDisplay,"ADD", "ROW", "1066 " & .Value & chr(0x0a) )
sob ( AppDisplay,"ADD", "ROW", .Value & " " & EOL )
sob ( AppDisplay,"ADD", "ROW", " .Value ?? " & EOL )
END try
' isVector
oV = .Value
txt = ""
limit = oV.Count
IF ( limit > 64 ) then limit = 64
FOR j = 1 To limit
IF ( j == 1 ) then
txt = txt & istype(ov.item(j) ) & " "
END if
txt = txt & hex( oV.Item(j) ) & " "
txt = txt & " ? "
END try
IF ( oV.Count > 64 ) then txt = txt & "..."
txt = Trim(txt)
sob ( AppDisplay,"ADD", "ROW", txt & EOL )
END with
NEXT prop
IF ( ! i ) then
sob ( AppDisplay,"ADD", "ROW", "no WIA tags found" & EOL )
handleFileGetDetailsOf ( AppDisplay , filePathName )
END if
SOB ( AppDisplay , "SET" , "ROW" , "TOP" , 1 )
END function
FUNCTION removeDeadFiles ( )
> select path||name , self from temp.masterfilE
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
IF ( isFile ( wqtext(1)) ) then
> delete from temp.masterfilE where self =
freestring = freestring & " " & wqInt(2)
END if
END withquery
delete from temp.masterfilE where not self = ( select self from temp.masterfilE limit 1 )
END function
FUNCTION cbSingleFile ( targetFile )
' ----------------------------------------------
Currenthash = ""
CurrentFile = ""
CurrentRowid = 0
sob (PathFile, "empty")
sob (TagInfo, "empty")
sob (StatusTxt, "empty")
ReleaseImage (sobImageHolder)
removeThumbNails ( siImageMngmtMatrix )
removeAllThumbNails ()
delete from tblRectList
sob (TagRectCombo,"empty")
NoErrorReport ( "" )
FileNameNotinDB = ""
IF ( targetFile == "" ) then
EXIT function
makebkTree ()
' ----------------------------------------------
drop table if exists temp.inputFile
dbFileList ( "temp", "inputFile" , targetFile, , ,"MD5" )
SELECT count (*) from temp.inputFile
IF ( qrsingleValue == 1 ) then
ErrorReport ( "File not found in file system" )
EXIT function
END if
' ----------------------------------------------
' display the selected file as an IMAGE (if possible)
AssignImage ( sobImageHolder , targetFile )
' ---------------------------------------------------
' check for a valid EXTENSION type
dim i , j = 0 , haveExt
IF ( extArray(0) == "*" ) THEN
SELECT ext from temp.inputFile
haveExt = qrsingleValue
FOR i = 0 to uBound ( extArray )
IF ( haveExt == extArray(i) ) then
j = 1
EXIT for
IF ( ! j ) then
ErrorReport ( "Invalid extension" )
EXIT function
END if
END if
' ---------------------------------------------------
sob ( FileListSob , "empty")
' ---------------------------------------------------
' work out whether (and how) we know this file
' ------------------------------------
' 1) filesystem based cryptographic hash e.g. MD5
dim FileStatus = 0
IF (! FileStatus ) then
' see if FILE is in DB
' careful use hash here (old dbFileList no fsHash)
update temp.inputFile set key = Hash || path || name
' careful use fshash here
update master set key = fsHash || path || name
drop table if exists temp.masterfilE
create temp table masterfilE as select *, rowid as self from master where key in (select key from inputFile)
removeDeadFiles ( )
SELECT count (*) from temp.masterfilE
IF ( qrsingleValue == 1) then
FileStatus = 1
' ------------------------------------
' 2) simply by it's location i.e. path/name
IF (! FileStatus ) then
' see if FILE is
' in DB by full name but not fsHash
update temp.inputFile set key = path || name
' select key from inputFile limit 1
' report ( qrSingleValue )
drop table if exists temp.MASTERfile
create temp table MASTERfile as select *, rowid as self from master where (path || name) in (select key from inputFile)
removeDeadFiles ( )
SELECT count (*) from temp.MASTERfile
IF ( qrsingleValue == 1) then
sob (StatusTxt, "SET" ,"TITLE" , "WARNING: file in database, but it's fsHASH has changed!" & EOL )
sob (StatusTxt,"SET", "RGB" , WarningCol )
FileStatus = 1
' ------------------------------------
' 3) by it's pHash/dHash (only relevant for Image files)
IF (! FileStatus ) then
dim pHash = 0 , dHash = 0
phash = canvas("new", "phash.from.file", targetFile , byref dHash )
' first see if it has a pHash
IF ( pHash ) then
' has a pHash/dHash so look for this pair in the database
drop table if exists temp.MasTerFile
> create temp table MasTerFile as select *, rowid as self from master where pHash =
freestring = freestring & " " & pHash
>> and dHash =
freestring = freestring & " " & dHash
removeDeadFiles ( )
SELECT count (*) from temp.MasTerFile
IF ( qrsingleValue == 1) then
sob ( FileListSob , "ADD", "ROW", "External: " & targetFile )
sob (StatusTxt,"SET" ,"TITLE" , "WARNING: file NOT in database, but image hashes are known!" & EOL )
sob (StatusTxt,"SET", "RGB" , WarningCol )
FileStatus = 1
END if
' ---------------------------------------------------
CurrentFile = targetFile
IF (! FileStatus ) then
sob ( FileListSob , "ADD", "ROW", "External: " & targetFile )
sob ( FileListSob , "set", "selection" , "ROW", 1 )
ErrorReport ( "File unknown in database" )
EXIT function
> select self, hash , path||name from temp.MasTerFile limit 1
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
CurrentRowid = wqInt (1)
Currenthash = wqtext ( 2 )
CurrentFile = wqtext ( 3 )
END withquery
' ---------------------------------------------------
update master set key = Hash || path || name
' ----------------------------------------------
CreateRectInfo ()
sob ( reDrawRegionsID , "trigger")
' ----------------------------------------------
' show names of Files in database with same HashValue
> select ( path || name ) as FullName from master where Hash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( CurrentHash )
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
sob ( FileListSob , "ADD", "ROW", "Internal: " & wqText(1) )
END withQuery
sob ( FileListSob , "set", "selection" , "ROW", 1 )
' ----------------------------------------------
' now display the tag info for this fsHASH
sob ( TagInfo , "SET", "SHOW", 0)
DisplayTagsInFile ()
IF ( haveWIA ) then
IF ( sob ( SingleFileMenuWIA , "GET" , "CHECK" ) ) then handleFileWIA ( TagInfo , CurrentFile )
IF ( haveShell ) then
IF ( sob ( SingleFileMenuGetDetailsOf , "GET" , "CHECK" ) ) then handleFileGetDetailsOf ( TagInfo ,CurrentFile )
sob ( TagInfo , "SET", "SHOW", 1)
END Function
FUNCTION CB_drop_on_Image_area ( sobid )
emptyThings ()
dim CanvasHandle
IF ( ! isDBopen ) then
ErrorReport ( "No Database selected" )
EXIT function
IF GetDropCount == 1 THEN
IF ( isFile ( getDropData(1) ) == 1 ) then
cbSingleFile ( getDropData(1) )
ReleaseImage (sobImageHolder)
EXIT function
END if
END function
sob ( sobImageHolder ,"ON","DROP.FILE", "CB_drop_on_Image_area")
FUNCTION on@drb ( sobid , row, col )
IF ( sob( sobid,"GET", "CELL", 0 ,1 ) == "path" ) then
freestring = sob( sobid,"GET", "CELL", row ,1 ) & sob( sobid,"GET", "CELL", row ,2 )
' cbSingleFile (freestring )
ShellExecute ( sob( sobid,"GET", "CELL", row ,1 ))
END if
inherit on@drb ( sobid, row, col)
END function
FUNCTION updateHistory ( cmd )
create table if not exists history ( cmd )
sql ( replace ( "insert into History values ( $cmd )" , "$cmd" , sqlstring (cmd) ) )
sql ( cmd )
END function
FUNCTION replacedelim ( colName , oldDelim , newDelim)
> update master set
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( colName )
>> = replace (
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( colName )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( oldDelim )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( newDelim )
>> )
sql(freestring )
END Function
FUNCTION rePlaceDelim ()
dim oldDelim = "§"
dim newDelim = chr ( 0x01e ) & "§" ' RS = Record Separator
IF ( haveRectPicasa ) then
replacedelim ( "RectPicasa" , oldDelim , newDelim)
END if
IF ( haveRectMeta ) then
replacedelim ( "RectMeta" , oldDelim , newDelim)
END if
replacedelim ( "whoTag" , oldDelim , newDelim)
replacedelim ( "whatTag" , oldDelim , newDelim)
replacedelim ( "whereTag" , oldDelim , newDelim)
replacedelim ( "whenTag" , oldDelim , newDelim)
replacedelim ( "keyWordtag" , oldDelim , newDelim)
replacedelim ( "for DeletionTag" , oldDelim , newDelim)
END Function
FUNCTION assertTagGroupSpelling ( TagGroup ) string
assertTagGroupSpelling = ""
> select ttGroup from tagTable where ttGroup like $TagGroup limit 1
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$TagGroup" , sqlIdentifier ( TagGroup & TagGroupId ) )
sql ( freestring )
IF ( istype (qrSingleValue) == "EMPTY" ) then
ErrorReport ("TAG group" & TagGroup & " not found TagTable " )
EXIT function
assertTagGroupSpelling = right ( qrSingleValue , -3 )
FUNCTION assertTagSpelling ( TagGroup , name ) string
assertTagSpelling = ""
> select ttName from tagTable where ttGroup like $tagType and ttName like $name
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$tagType" , sqlIdentifier ( TagGroup & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$name" , sqlstring ( name ) )
sql ( freestring )
IF ( istype (qrSingleValue) == "EMPTY" ) then
ErrorReport ("TAG " & name & " not found in TagGroup " & TagGroup )
EXIT function
assertTagSpelling = qrSingleValue
FUNCTION rePlaceTag ( TagGroup , old, new )
' ----------------------------------------------------------
' DB replace commands are CASE SENSISTIVE
TagGroup = assertTagGroupSpelling ( TagGroup) ' this forces the TagGroup to have the correct case
old = assertTagSpelling ( TagGroup , old ) ' then force the OLD tag name to have correct case
new = assertTagSpelling ( TagGroup , new ) ' then force the NEW tag name to have correct case
' ----------------------------------------------------------
' update the appropriate TAG GROUP column
> update master set
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( TagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> = replace (
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( TagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( old )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( new )
>> ) where
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( TagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "%" & TagDelim )
>> ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( old )
>> ||
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim & "%" )
sql ( freestring )
' ----------------------------------------------------------
' just in case the tag has been assigned to a RECT
' we must update the RectMeta column
IF ( haveRectMeta ) then
> update Master set RectMeta = replace(RectMeta,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim & oldName & ";" )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim & newName & ";" )
>> ) where RectMeta like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( %" & TagDelim & oldName & ";%" )
sql ( freestring )
END if
' ----------------------------------------------------------
CreateUsersTagTableAndColumnsList ()
resetTagBoxes ()
' ----------------------------------------------------------
IF ( imageLoadedFlag ) then
DisplayTagsInFIle ()
fncShowRegions ()
fnOfferRectChoice ()
END Function
FUNCTION deleteTag ( TagGroup , old )
' ----------------------------------------------------------
' DB replace commands are CASE SENSISTIVE
TagGroup = assertTagGroupSpelling ( TagGroup)
old = assertTagSpelling ( TagGroup , old )
' new = assertTagSpelling ( TagGroup , new )
' ----------------------------------------------------------
> DELETE from tagTable where ttGroup like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> and ttName like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( old )
sql ( freestring )
> update master set
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( TagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> = REPLACE (
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( TagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim & OLD & TagDelim )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim )
>> )
sql ( freestring )
deReferenceTagInRegions ( TagGroup , old )
CreateUsersTagTableAndColumnsList ()
resetTagBoxes ()
IF ( imageLoadedFlag ) then
DisplayTagsInFIle ()
fncShowRegions ()
fnOfferRectChoice ()
END Function
FUNCTION renameTag ( tagGroup , oldName , newName )
' ----------------------------------------------------------
' DB --replace-- commands are CASE SENSITIVE
TagGroup = assertTagGroupSpelling ( TagGroup)
oldName = assertTagSpelling ( TagGroup , oldName )
' ----------------------------------------------------------
' check that NewName is not already used
> select count (*) from TagTable where ttgroup like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( TagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> and ttname like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring ( newName )
sql ( freestring )
IF ( qrSingleValue ) then
ErrorReport ("TAG " & newName & " already in TagGroup " & TagGroup )
EXIT function
> update TagTable set ttname =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString (newName )
>> where ttname like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString (oldName )
>> and ttGroup like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString (TagGroup & TagGroupId )
sql ( freestring )
ReReferenceTagInRegions ( TagGroup , oldName , newName )
> update Master set
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> = replace(
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim & oldName & TagDelim )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim & newName & TagDelim )
>> ) where
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( tagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "%" & TagDelim & oldName & TagDelim& "%" )
sql ( freestring )
CreateUsersTagTableAndColumnsList ()
resetTagBoxes ()
IF ( imageLoadedFlag ) then
DisplayTagsInFIle ()
fncShowRegions ()
fnOfferRectChoice ()
FUNCTION makeNewTagType ( TagGroup )
> alter table master add column
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagGroup & TagGroupId )
sql ( freestring )
> update master set
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlIdentifier ( TagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim )
sql ( freestring )
ErrorReport ("Could not create column " & TagGroup & " in table MASTER" )
EXIT function
END try
> INSERT into tagTable values (
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagDelim )
>> , '' )
sql ( freestring )
END Function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION onTagNameDoItClicked ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBopen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
dim actionTxt = sob ( TagNameActionComboSOB, "GET", "TITLE")
dim tagGroup = sob ( TagGroupComboSob, "GET", "TITLE" )
dim tagName = sob ( TagNameComboSob, "GET", "TITLE" )
dim newName = sob ( TagNameNewNameSOB, "GET", "TITLE" )
IF ( TagGroup == "Tagged" ) then
ErrorReport ("Actions on this tag group are not allowed" )
EXIT function
END if
IF ( actionTxt == NoTag ) then
sob ( TagNameComboSob, "Empty")
EXIT function
IF ( tagGroup == NoTag ) then
ErrorReport ( "No Tag Group Selected" )
sob ( TagNameComboSob, "Empty")
EXIT function
IF ( actionTxt == "edit" ) then
sob ( TagNameNewNameSOB , "empty")
sob ( TagNameNewNameSOB, "add" , "row" , selTxt )
sob ( TagNameNewNameSOB, "SET", "TITLE" , selTxt )
sob ( TagNameNewNameSOB, "SET", "RGB" , 0xff )
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "new" ) then
> select count(*) from tagTable where ttGroup like $tag and ttName like $nam
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$tag" , sqlstring ( tagGroup & TagGroupId) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$nam" , sqlstring ( newName) )
sql ( freestring )
IF ( qrSingleValue > 0 ) then
ErrorReport ("Tag " & newName & " already exists in tag group " & TagGroup )
> insert into tagTable values ( $tag , $nam , '' )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$tag" , sqlstring ( tagGroup & TagGroupId) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$nam" , sqlstring ( newName) )
sql (freestring )
sob ( TagNameNewNameSOB, "empty")
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "rename" ) then
renameTag ( tagGroup , tagName , newName )
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "delete" ) then
deleteTag ( tagGroup , tagName )
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "move" ) then
' newName must be the name of an existing TAGGroup
' and not = TagGroup
newName = assertTagGroupSpelling ( newName )
IF ( newName == "" ) then
ErrorReport ("Destination tag group -" & sob ( TagNameNewNameSOB, "GET", "TITLE" ) & "- does not exist")
EXIT function
IF ( TagGroup == newName ) then
ErrorReport ("Destination tag group same as source tag group")
EXIT function
' -----------------------------
IF ( haveRectMeta ) then
> update master set RectMeta = replace ( RectMeta ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "," & TagGroup & TagDelim & TagName)
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "," & NewName & TagDelim & TagName)
>> )
END if
' -----------------------------
> update master
>> SET
>> dstGroup = dstGroup || TagName || TagDelim
>> srcGroup like '%' || TagDelim || TagName || TagDelim ||'%'
>> and NOT dstGroup like '%' || TagDelim || TagName || TagDelim ||'%'
freestring = replace ( freestring , "TagDelim" , sqlString(TagDelim) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "srcGroup" , sqlIdentifier (TagGroup & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "dstGroup" , sqlIdentifier (newName & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "TagName" , sqlIdentifier (TagName ) )
> update master SET srcGroup = replace ( srcGroup , TagDelim , TagDelim || TagName || TagDelim )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "TagDelim" , sqlString(TagDelim) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "srcGroup" , sqlIdentifier (TagGroup & TagGroupId) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "TagName" , sqlIdentifier (TagName ) )
' -----------------------------
> update TagTable
>> SET
>> ttGroup = dstGroup
>> ttGroup like srcGroup
>> and ttName like TagName
freestring = replace ( freestring , "srcGroup" , sqlIdentifier (TagGroup & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "dstGroup" , sqlIdentifier (newName & TagGroupId ) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "TagName" , sqlIdentifier (TagName ) )
UpdateTagNameList ( TagNameComboSob , tagGroup )
' resetTagBoxes ()
IF ( imageLoadedFlag ) then
cbSingleFile ( currentFile )
IF ( sob(sobid , "GET" , "RGB" ) == altNameCol ) then
sob(sobid , "SET" , "RGB", defNameCol )
sob(sobid , "SET" , "RGB", altNameCol )
sob( TagNameDoItSOB , "on" , "press" , "onTagNameDoItClicked")
FUNCTION TagGroupDoItClicked ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBopen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
dim actionTxt = sob ( TagGroupActionComboSob, "GET", "TITLE" )
dim TagGroup = sob ( TagGroupComboSob, "GET", "TITLE" )
dim newName = trim ( sob ( TagGroupNewNameSOB , "GET","TITLE" ) )
IF ( TagGroup == "Tagged" ) then
ErrorReport ("Actions on this tag group are not allowed" )
EXIT function
END if
IF ( actionTxt == "new" ) then
IF ( isDBcolumn ( "master", newName & TagGroupId) ) then
ErrorReport ("Tag Group -"& newName & "- already exists." )
EXIT function
END if
makeNewTagType ( newName )
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "replace" ) then
IF ( ! isDBcolumn ( "master", newName) ) then
ErrorReport ("Target Tag Group does not exist." )
EXIT function
END if
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "delete" ) then
' remove any Region reference
> select ttName from tagTable where ttGroup like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagGroup )
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
deReferenceTagInRegions ( TagGroup , wqText(1) )
END withquery
> delete tagTable where ttGroup like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagGroup )
sql ( freestring )
dbColumnDropByFilter ( "main", "master" , TagGroup & TagGroupId , 1)
ELSEIF ( actionTxt == "move" ) then
' newName must be the name of an existing TAG Group
' and not = TagGroup
newName = assertTagGroupSpelling ( TagGroup )
> select count (*) from TagTable where ttGroup =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( newName & TagGroupId )
IF ( qrSingleValue == 0 ) then
ErrorReport ("Destination tag group -" & newName & "- does not exist")
EXIT function
IF ( TagGroup == newName ) then
ErrorReport ("Destination tag group same as source tag group")
EXIT function
' -----------------------------
IF ( haveRectMeta ) then
> update master set RectMeta = replace ( RectMeta ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "," & TagGroup & TagDelim)
>> ,
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( "," & NewName & TagDelim)
>> )
' -----------------------------
> delete from tagTable where ttGroup like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagGroup & TagGroupId )
>> and ttName in ( select ttname from tagtable where ttGroup like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( newName& TagGroupId )
>> )
' -----------------------------
> update master
>> SET
>> dstGroup = dstGroup || frmTbl.ttName || TagDelim
>> ( select ttName from TagTable where ttGroup = srcGroup ) as frmTbl
>> srcGroup like '%' || TagDelim || frmTbl.ttName || TagDelim ||'%'
>> and NOT dstGroup like '%' || TagDelim || frmTbl.ttName || TagDelim ||'%'
freestring = replace ( freestring , "TagDelim" , sqlString(TagDelim) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "srcGroup" , sqlIdentifier (TagGroup & TagGroupId) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "dstGroup" , sqlIdentifier (newName & TagGroupId ) )
' -----------------------------
> delete from tagTable where ttGroup like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( TagGroup )
sql ( freestring )
dbColumnDropByFilter ( "main", "master" , TagGroup & TagGroupId , 1)
ELSE ' treat as NoTag
CreateUsersTagTableAndColumnsList ()
' resetTagBoxes () ' irrelevant since updateTagTypeCombos does it too
updateTagTypeCombos ( )
IF ( imageLoadedFlag ) then
report(" reloaded " )
cbSingleFile ( currentFile )
dim cnt = sob ( TagGroupComboSob , "GET", "ROWS")
sob ( TagGroupComboSob , "SET" ,"SELECTION" , "ROW" , cnt )
IF ( sob(TagGroupDoItSob , "GET" , "RGB" ) == altTypeCol ) then
sob(TagGroupDoItSob , "SET" , "RGB", defTypeCol )
sob(TagGroupDoItSob , "SET" , "RGB", altTypeCol )
sob( TagGroupDoItSob , "on" , "CLICK" , "TagGroupDoItClicked")
' -----------------------------------------------------
' RemoveDupsOvl
' -----------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION CbRemoveExternalDuplicates ( sobid )
sob ( CommonSobResult, "empty" )
IF ( isTable ( , "master") ) then
sob ( CommonSobResult, "empty" )
cancelClear ()
cancelText( "Reading in new folder" , 0 )
cancelText( "This can take a short while" , 3 )
dim TagArray , uBoundTagArray , i
dim TargetPath = GetPath & "\\"
dim src = TargetPath
update master set key = hash || path || name
IF ( targetPath = "\\" ) then
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "row" , "Cancelled by user" & EOL )
EXIT function
sql ( replace ( "select count (*) from master where path = $pth", "$pth", sqlString(TargetPath)) )
IF ( qrSingleValue > 0 ) then
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "row" , "Folder " & TargetPath & EOL & "already in Master" & EOL )
EXIT function
cancelText( TargetPath , 1 )
dbFileList ( "temp", "NewFolder" , TargetPath , -1 , , "md5" )
delete from temp.newFolder where (path||name) in ( select (path||name) from master) and type like 'file'
SELECT count(*) from temp.newFolder where not hash in ( select hash from master) and type like 'file'
dim fileCount = qrSingleValue
cancelText( "Files to keep: " & FileCount , 3 )
SELECT count(*) from temp.newFolder where hash in ( select hash from master) and type like 'file'
fileCount = qrSingleValue
cancelText( "Files to ignore: " & FileCount , 2 )
WITHQUERY ("select path||name from temp.newFolder where hash in ( select hash from master) and type like 'file' " )
DeleteFileNow ( wqtext(1) )
IF ( fileCount BAND 0x0f ) then
cancelText( "Files to ignore: " & FileCount , 2 )
END withQuery
delete from temp.newFolder where hash in ( select hash from master) and type like 'file'
' update newfolder set key = path
update newfolder set key = path || name || '\' where type like 'folder'
update newfolder set level = level + 1 where type like 'folder'
SELECT max ( level ) from newfolder
FOR i = qrSingleValue to 0 step -1
freestring = replace ( "select key , path || name from newfolder where level = $i group by key having count (*) = 1 " , "$i" , ""&i )
WITHQUERY ( freestring )
freestring = replace ( "delete from newfolder where key like $pth ", "$pth" , sqlstring(wqtext(1)) )
report = freestring
rmdir ( wqtext(2) )
sql (freestring )
report (" failed " & wqtext(2))
END try
END withquery
sob ( CommonSobResult, "SET" , "TITLE" , "No open database" )
toggleWarnColour ( sobid )
END Function
' -----------------------------------------------------
' Rescan Ovl
' -----------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION prepareUpdateForMaster ()
' in this FUNCTION we do NOT alter MASTER
' we only prepare other temp tables
dim TagArray , uBoundTagArray , i
drop table if exists temp.shadowMaster
drop table if exists temp.dummy
' --------------------------------
' find the root folders (used in dbFileList calls )
' repeat the dbFileList calls and merge the results
cancelClear ()
cancelText( "Checking folder(s)" , 0 )
SELECT count (*) from master
i = qrSingleValue
cancelText( "This can take about " & cint( (i + 5000) / 5000 ) & " mins", 3 )
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' for each ROOT folder in MASTER
' create a file list and combine the lists into shadowMaster
WITHQUERY ( "select distinct path from master where folderkey = 0 " )
cancelText( wqtext(1) , 1 )
dbFileList ( "temp", "dummy" , wqtext(1) , -1 , "*" , "MD5" )
create table if not exists temp.shadowMaster as select * from temp.dummy limit 0
insert into temp.shadowMaster select * from temp.dummy
delete from temp.dummy
END withQuery
drop table if exists temp.dummy
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' needed because the MD5 checksum is in dbFileList column hash
' but in the meta database we use fsHash for the filesstem MD5 value
' alter table temp.shadowMaster rename column hash to fsHash
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' give the shadowmaster the META columns that Master has
dbTableColumns ( "master" )
dbTableColumns ( "shadowMaster" )
' identify the COLUMNS that master has that shadowMaster does not
delete from temp.masterColumns where name in ( select name from temp.shadowMasterColumns)
' --------------------------------
' temp.masterColumns lists the COLUMNS in the original MASTER that are not in shadowMaster i.e. the list
' just created by dbFileList
' These columns need to be created in shadowMaster, and the contents in MASTER copied across
SELECT count (*) from temp.masterColumns
uBoundTagArray = qrSingleValue
IF ( uBoundTagArray ) then
SELECT group_concat (name , ',') from temp.masterColumns
set TagArray = split ( qrsingleValue , "," )
uBoundTagArray = uBound ( TagArray )
' add the "missing" columns to shadowmaster
FOR i = 0 to uBoundTagArray
' add the missing column
> alter table temp.shadowMaster add column
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier (TagArray(i) )
sql ( freestring )
' initialise it to have only a TagDelim
> update temp.shadowMaster set
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier (TagArray(i) )
freestring = freestring & " = " & sqlString (TagDelim)
sql ( freestring )
update temp.shadowMaster set fshash = hash
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' identify LOST files and NEW files, put them in their own temp tables
' LOST = file in MASTER not in shadowMaster
' NEW = file not in MASTER in shadowMaster
update Master set key = path || name
update temp.shadowMaster set key = path || name
drop table if exists temp.newFiles
create table temp.newFiles as select * from temp.shadowMaster where not key in ( select key from master)
drop table if exists temp.LostFiles
create table temp.LostFiles as select * from master where not key in ( select key from temp.shadowMaster)
' --------------------------------
' remove LOST files, and NEW files from the shadowmaster
delete from temp.shadowMaster where key in ( select key from temp.LostFiles )
delete from temp.shadowMaster where key in ( select key from temp.NewFiles )
' --------------------------------
' remove unchanged files from shadowMaster
update Master set key = path || name || fsHash
update temp.shadowMaster set key = path || name || fsHash
delete from temp.shadowMaster where key in ( select key from master )
' --------------------------------
' identify changed files, ANYTHING still in shadowMaster must be a changed file
' since we have eliminated: unchanged, lost and new files
' CHANGED = same path/name but different fsHash
drop table if exists temp.changedFiles
create table temp.changedFiles as select * from temp.shadowMaster
delete from temp.shadowMaster where key in ( select key from temp.changedFiles )
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
' handle the CHANGED files
' why not just update the master fsHash
' because if we did, we would lose any lastUpdate info, not really important!
' give CHANGED files META data from MASTER
' simply give them their ORIGINAL META data
update temp.changedFiles set key = path || name
update master set key = path || name
' since we are not doing any DROP or CREATE commands, we can use a WITHQUERY
' for each META column, copy the original META data across
WITHQUERY ( "select name from temp.masterColumns" )
> update temp.changedFiles SET
>> $col = frmTbl. $col
>> ( select $col , key from master ) as frmTbl
>> changedFiles.key = frmTbl.key
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$col" , sqlidentifier(wqText(1)) )
sql ( freestring )
END withquery
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
' tidy up
update master set key = hash || path || name
' we have NOT removed LOST files, nor added NEW files
' we do that later
FUNCTION CbRescanDatabase ( sobid )
sob ( CommonSobResult, "empty" )
IF ( isTable ( , "master") ) then
prepareUpdateForMaster ()
upDateMaster ()
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "row" , Date & " " & time & EOL )
SELECT count (*) from temp.newFiles where type like 'file'
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "row" , "New files : " & qrsingleValue & EOL )
SELECT count (*) from temp.changedFiles where type like 'file'
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "row" , "Changed files : " & qrsingleValue & EOL )
SELECT count (*) from temp.lostFiles where type like 'file'
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "row" , "Lost files : " & qrsingleValue & EOL )
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "row" , EOL )
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "row" , "Update not finalised until Save/SavedAs is triggered." & EOL )
sob ( CommonSobResult, "SET" , "TITLE" , "No open database" )
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
END Function
' -----------------------------------------------------
' Scan new folderOvl
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim ScanNewFolderReportSob
FUNCTION PopulateImageInfoIntoNewFiles ()
' if a new Folder file is truly new, then we have no pHash / dHash / ImageGroup / IgnoreFile info for it
cancelText( "Get pHash / dHash from image files" , 1 )
dim pHash = 0 , dHash = 0
> select path||name , rowid from temp.NewFolder where ext in
freestring = freestring & ImageFileExtensions
WITHQUERY (freestring )
phash = canvas("new", "phash.from.file", wqText(1) , byref dHash )
> update temp.NewFolder set
>> pHash =
freestring = freestring & " " & pHash
>> , dHash =
freestring = freestring & " " & dHash
>> , ImageGroup = 0 , IgnoreFile = 0
>> where fsHash =
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier (wqText (2))
END WithQuery
> update temp.newFolder
>> set
>> ImageGroup = num2Hex(pHash) || num2Hex(dHash)
>> , hash = num2Hex(pHash) || num2Hex(dHash)
>> where
>> not pHash = 0
END Function
FUNCTION addNewFolderStuctureToMaster ()
cancelClear ()
cancelText( "Reading in new folder" , 0 )
cancelText( "This can take a short while" , 3 )
dim TagArray , uBoundTagArray , i
dim TargetPath = GetPath & "\\"
addNewFolderStuctureToMaster = TargetPath
cancelText( TargetPath , 1 )
dbFileList ( "temp", "NewFolder" , TargetPath , -1 , , "md5" )
cancelText( "Folder(s) read" , 1 )
' -------------------------------------------------
' remove any files that we already have in the database
update temp.NewFolder set key = path||name
update master set key = path||name
delete from temp.NewFolder where key in ( select key from master )
' -------------------------------------------------
' if no new files then exit
SELECT count (*) from temp.NewFolder where type like 'file'
IF ( qrSingleValue == 0 ) then
ErrorReport ("Folder: " & TargetPath & " already in Master" )
EXIT function
' -------------------------------------------------
' want NewFolder to have same columns as Master
dbTableColumns ( "master" )
dbTableColumns ( "NewFolder" )
' identify the COLUMNS that master has that NewFolder does not
delete from temp.masterColumns where name in ( select name from temp.NewFolderColumns)
SELECT count (*) from temp.masterColumns
uBoundTagArray = qrSingleValue
' would have liked to use WITHQUERY, but can not do ALTER TABLE inside it
cancelText( "Adding customer columns" , 1 )
IF ( uBoundTagArray ) then
SELECT group_concat (name , ',') from temp.masterColumns
set TagArray = split ( qrsingleValue , "," )
uBoundTagArray = uBound ( TagArray )
FOR i = 0 to uBoundTagArray
' add the "missing" columns to NewFolder
> alter table temp.NewFolder add column
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier (TagArray(i) )
sql ( freestring )
' give the column the default value
> update temp.NewFolder set
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier (TagArray(i) )
freestring = freestring & " = " & sqlString (TagDelim)
sql ( freestring )
' -------------------------------------------------
' there is chance that a new folder file is direct MD5 hash identical to MASTER
' if so copy it's TAG info across
cancelText( "Populating custom columns for known files" , 1 )
WITHQUERY ( "select name from temp.masterColumns " )
' copy values from MASTER to NewFolder use fsHash
> update temp.NewFolder SET
>> $col = frmTbl. $col
>> ( select $col , fsHash from master ) as frmTbl
>> NewFolder.fsHash = frmTbl.fsHash
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$col" , sqlidentifier(wqText(1)) )
sql ( freestring )
> update temp.newFolder set
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier (wqtext(1))
freestring = freestring & " = " & sqlString (TagDelim)
>> where
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier (wqtext(1))
>> = NULL or
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlidentifier (wqtext(1))
>> = ''
sql ( freestring )
END withquery
update temp.NewFolder SET fsHash = hash , pHash = 0 , dHash = 0, ImageGroup='' , IgnoreFile = 0 , ImageGroupType ='unhandled'
dim pHash = 0 , dHash = 0
> select path||name , rowid from temp.NewFolder where ext in
freestring = freestring & ImageFileExtensions
WITHQUERY (freestring )
phash = canvas("new", "phash.from.file", wqText(1) , byref dHash )
> update temp.NewFolder set
>> pHash =
freestring = freestring & " " & pHash
>> , dHash =
freestring = freestring & " " & dHash
>> where rowid =
freestring = freestring & " " & wqInt (2)
END WithQuery
update temp.NewFolder set ImageGroup = num2Hex(pHash) || num2Hex(dHash) where not pHash = 0
cancelText( "Insert new files into Master table" , 1 )
insert into master select * from temp.NewFolder
update master set key = hash || path || name
PopulateImageInfoIntoNewFiles ()
drop table if exists temp.xHashTbl
MakeBkTree ( )
FUNCTION getRootFolders ( reportSob , reportCombo)
IF ( ! isDBopen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
sob ( reportSob, "add" , "ROW" , "The root folders of the database are:" & EOL )
drop table if exists temp.baseFolders
create temp table baseFolders as select path from master group by path
drop table if exists shortest
create temp table shortest ( path text )
dim shortest
SELECT path from baseFolders order by length(path) asc limit 1
shortest = qrSingleValue
sob ( reportSob , "add" , "ROW" , shortest & EOL )
sob ( reportCombo , "add" , "ROW" , shortest )
> SELECT count (*) from master where type like 'file' and path like
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlString ( shortest & "%" )
sql ( freestring )
sob ( reportSob , "add" , "ROW" , " Number of files: " & qrSingleValue & EOL )
insert into shortest select path from baseFolders order by length(path) asc limit 1
delete from basefolders where path like ( select path from baseFolders order by length(path) asc limit 1 ) || '%'
SELECT count (*) from basefolders
LOOP while qrsingleValue > 0
sob ( reportCombo, "set" , "selection" , "row" , 1 )
FUNCTION CbScanNewFolder ( sobid )
sob ( CommonSobResult, "empty" )
IF ( isTable ( , "master") ) then
dim TargetPath = addNewFolderStuctureToMaster ()
IF ( targetPath = "\\" ) then
sob ( StatusTxt, "ADD" , "row" , "Cancelled by user" & EOL )
EXIT function
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "row" , Date & " " & time & EOL )
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "row" , targetPath & EOL )
SELECT count (*) from temp.newFolder where type not like 'file'
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "row" , "New Folders : " & qrsingleValue & EOL )
SELECT count (*) from temp.newFolder where type like 'file'
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "row" , "New files : " & qrsingleValue & EOL )
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "row" , EOL )
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "row" , "Additions not finalised until Save/SavedAs is triggered." & EOL )
toggleOKColour ( sobid)
sob ( CommonSobResult, "SET" , "TITLE" , "No open database" )
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
END Function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION CbImportMasterToCSV ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
dim CsvFile
sob ( CommonSobResult, "empty" )
dim proceed = 1
IF ( ! isDbOpen ) then
SetFileFilter ( "CSV Files(*.csv)\0*.cs*\0All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0" )
CsvFile = getFile
IF ( right( csvFile,4) == ".csv" ) then
csvFile = csvFile & ".csv"
END if
IF ( isFile (CsvFile) ) then
CSVread ( csvFile , , "master")
IF ( isDBtable ( , "master") ) then
sob ( CommonSobResult, "add" , "row" ,"Master table read from CSV" & EOL )
CsvFile = replace ( CsvFile , ".csv", "TT.csv" )
IF ( isFile (CsvFile) ) then
CSVread ( csvFile , , "TagTable")
IF ( isDBtable ( , "TagTable") ) then
sob ( CommonSobResult, "add" , "row", "TAG table read from CSV" & EOL )
sob ( CommonSobResult, "add" , "row", "FAILURE: Could not read TAG table from CSV" & EOL )
OnOpenPrepareMasterTagTable (CommonSobResult)
sob ( CommonSobResult, "add" , "row" ,"FAILURE: Could not read Master table rom CSV" & EOL )
sob ( CommonSobResult, "add" , "row" , "FAILURE: CSV read. A database is already open !" & EOL )
END if
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
END function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION CbExportSubListToCSV ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
EXIT function
END if
dim CsvFile
sob ( CommonSobResult, "empty" )
IF ( isTable ( "temp" , "SubList") ) then
SetFileFilter ( "CSV Files(*.csv)\0*.cs*\0All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0" )
CsvFile = getFile
IF ( right( csvFile,4) == ".csv" ) then
csvFile = csvFile & ".csv"
END if
qrWriteToCSV (CsvFile ,"select * from SubList")
NoErrorReport ("CSV written: " &csvFile )
ErrorReport ("CSV write failed: " &csvFile )
END try
sob ( CommonSobResult, "SET" , "TITLE" , "No open database" )
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
END function
FUNCTION CbExportMasterToCSV ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
EXIT function
END if
dim CsvFile
sob ( CommonSobResult, "empty" )
IF ( isTable ( , "master") ) then
SetFileFilter ( "CSV Files(*.csv)\0*.cs*\0All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0" )
CsvFile = getFile
IF ( right( csvFile,4) == ".csv" ) then
csvFile = csvFile & ".csv"
END if
qrWriteToCSV (CsvFile ,"select * from master")
IF ( isTable ( , "TagTable") ) then
CsvFile = replace ( CsvFile , ".csv", "TT.csv" )
qrWriteToCSV (CsvFile ,"select * from TagTable")
sob ( CommonSobResult, "SET" , "TITLE" , "No open database" )
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
END function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION CbExportMasterToExcel ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
dim ExlFile
sob ( CommonSobResult, "empty" )
dim InitialExcelState
IF ( isTable ( , "master") ) then
SetFileFilter ( "EXCEL Files(*.xlsx)\0*.xl*\0All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0" )
ExlFile = getFile
cancelClear ()
cancelText( "Export a database to Excel" , 0 )
cancelText( "Creating link to Excel" , 1 )
cancelText( " " , 3 )
InitialExcelState = xlActive
IF ( ! xlRunning ) then
xlopen ()
dim myWb = exl.Workbooks.Add
cancelText( "Exporting MASTER table, should be less than 60 seconds" , 1 )
exl.ActiveSheet.name ="Master"
qrWriteToXL ( "select * from master")
cancelText( "Formating Master table, should be less than 60 seconds" , 1 )
xlTableFormat ()
cancelText( "Exporting Tag table, should be less than 60 seconds" , 1 )
exl.worksheets.add().name = "TagTable"
qrWriteToXL ( "select * from TagTable")
cancelText( "Formating Tag table, should be less that 60 seconds" , 1 )
xlTableFormat ()
' -----------------------------------------------------------
cancelText( "Creating Admin sheet" , 1 )
exl.worksheets.add().name = "Admin"
exl.cells(1,1).value = "Content:"
exl.Cells(2,1).value = "Source:"
exl.Cells(3,1).value = "Generated:"
exl.cells(1,2).value = "Master table, and Tag table"
exl.Cells(2,2).value = sob ( statusDBFile, "GET" ,"TITLE" )
exl.Cells(3,2).value = "'" & date & " " & time
exl.Cells(9,1).value = "Generated using " & appName & " " & AppVersion
exl.Cells(10,1).value = "Freeware, no installation, single file, < 5 Mbyte"
exl.Cells(11,1).value = "www.PlodWare.com"
exl.Cells(9,1).font.size = 8
exl.Cells(10,1).font.size = 8
exl.Cells(11,1).font.size = 8
exl.cells.VerticalAlignment = -4108
' -----------------------------------------------------------
cancelText( "Saving workbook to file" ,1 )
exl.Application.DisplayAlerts = 0
exl.ActiveWorkBook.saveas ( ExlFile , 50 )
' 50 = xlExcel12 (Excel Binary Workbook in 2007-2013 with or without macro's, xlsb)
' 51 = xlOpenXMLWorkbook (without macro's in 2007-2013, xlsx)
' 52 = xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled (with or without macro's in 2007-2013, xlsm)
' 56 = xlExcel8 (97-2003 format in Excel 2007-2013, xls)
' ActiveWorkBook.close
exl.Application.DisplayAlerts = 1
IF ( ! InitialExcelState ) then
set exl = nothing
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "ROW" , "Database saved to: " & EOL & ExlFile )
sob ( CommonSobResult, "SET" , "TITLE" , "No open database" )
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
END function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION CbImportMasterToExcel ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDBOpen ) then
ErrorReport ("No database selected" )
EXIT function
END if
dim ExlFile , proceed
sob ( CommonSobResult, "empty" )
dim InitialExcelState
IF ( ! isDbOpen ) then
proceed = 1
IF ( proceed ) then
proceed = dbValidityCheck ()
IF ( proceed) then
SetFileFilter ( "EXCEL Files(*.xlsx)\0*.xl*\0All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0" )
ExlFile = getFile
cancelClear ()
cancelText( "Creating a database from Excel" , 0 )
cancelText( "Creating link to Excel" , 1 )
cancelText( " " , 3 )
dbOpen ("memory")
dim xlState = isXLrunning ()
cancelText( "Importing MASTER table, should be less than 60 seconds" , 1 )
proceed = xlExportToDB ( ExlFile , "master", "master" , , ,1 )
IF ( proceed ) then
cancelText( "Importing TagTable , should be less than 60 seconds" , 1 )
proceed = xlExportToDB ( ExlFile , "TagTable", "TagTable" )
END if
IF ( ! xlState ) then
set exl = nothing
IF ( proceed ) then
OnOpenPrepareMasterTagTable (CommonSobResult)
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "ROW" , "Database created from: " & EOL & ExlFile )
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD" , "ROW" , "FAILED: Tying to create Database from: " & EOL & ExlFile )
dbClose ()
sob ( CommonSobResult, "SET" , "TITLE" , "No open database" )
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
END function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------
FUNCTION createCommonPanel ( sobid )
dim localWindow = sob ( sobid , "add", "CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W")
sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "SPACE" , 0 , 10)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
CommonSobTitle = sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "LABEL", "Scan new folder and enter in database" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , bgBoxCol )
sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "SPACE" , 0 , 10)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
CommonSobInfo =sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "EDIT.ROWS" , " " , 13 )
sob ( -1 , "EMPTY" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RW" , 0 )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , bgROeditCol )
sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "SPACE" , 0 , 10)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
sob ( localWindow , "add", "CONTAINER", "row.h")
CommonSobBtn = sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "BUTTON" , "PUSH", "Scan" )
sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "SPACE" , 0 , 40)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
CommonSobBtnB = sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "BUTTON" , "PUSH", "Open Export folder" )
sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "SPACE" , 0 , 40)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
sob ( CommonSobBtnB , "ON" , "PRESS", "CbOpenExportFolder")
CommonSobCombo = sob(-1,"add","COMBO" , "dropdown" , " " )
sob ( localWindow , "ADD" , "SPACE" , 0 , 10)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
CommonSobResult = sob ( localWindow , "ADD" , "EDIT.ROWS" , " " , 13 )
sob ( -1 , "EMPTY" )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RW" , 0 )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , bgROeditCol )
' trick to have an invisible button, so that we have a asynchronous triggerable event
reDrawRegionsID = sob ( localWindow , "add" , "BUTTON" , "PUSH" ," " )
sob ( -1 , "set" , "show" , 0 )
sob ( -1 , "ON", "press", "cbReDrawRegions" )
sob ( localWindow , "add" , "SPACE" , 0 , 1)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
createCommonPanel ( CommonOvl)
FUNCTION CbBackUpDatabase ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDbOpen ) then
ErrorReport("no database open")
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
EXIT function
END if
drop table if exists temp.srcMaster
create temp table srcMaster as select "" as dst , * from master
CbBackUpDatabaseInner ( sobid )
END Function
FUNCTION CbBackUpSubList ( sobid )
IF ( ! isDbOpen ) then
ErrorReport("no database open")
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
EXIT function
END if
drop table if exists temp.srcMaster
create temp table srcMaster as select "" as dst , * from sublist
insert into srcMaster select "" as dst , rowid, * from master where type like 'folder'
update srcMaster set children = 0
update srcMaster set key = path || name || '\'
> update srcMaster
>> set
>> children = frmtbl.cnt
>> from
>> ( select count(*) as cnt, path from srcMaster where type like 'file' group by path ) as frmTbl
>> Where
>> srcMaster .type like 'folder'
>> and ( srcMaster .key = frmTbl.path )
sql ( freestring )
delete from srcMaster where type like 'folder' and children = 0
CbBackUpDatabaseInner ( sobid )
END Function
FUNCTION CbBackUpDatabaseInner ( sobid )
dim proceed = 1
dim dstFolder , dstLength , srcPath , srcPathLast, srcLength , fileCount
sob ( CommonSobResult, "empty" )
proceed = isDbOpen
IF ( proceed ) then
dstFolder = GetPath
IF ( dstFolder == "" ) then
proceed = 0
IF ( ! isFile ( dstFolder ) ) then
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD", "ROW" , "Destination does not exist, it will be created" & EOL )
IF ( ! MKDIR ( dstFolder ) ) then
sob ( CommonSobResult, "ADD", "ROW" , "Could not create destination folder " & EOL & dstFolder & EOL )
proceed = 0
END if
END if
sob ( CommonSobResult, "SET" , "TITLE" , "No open database" )
IF ( proceed ) then
' prepare the DST file list
dstFolder = dstFolder & "\\"
dstLength = length( dstFolder)
IF ( proceed ) then
sob ( CommonSobResult, "add" , "row" , "Destination folder base: " & dstFolder & EOL )
dim fso = createobject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
IF ( ! fso ) THEN
report (" could not create FSO")
proceed = 0
END if
IF ( proceed ) then
cancelClear ()
cancelText( "Back-up database " , 0 )
cancelText( "Establish content of back-up area" , 1 )
cancelText( " " , 3 )
' prepare srcMaster to have
' src file name path||name
' dst path dst
getrootFolders (CommonSobResult ,CommonSobCombo )
drop table if exists temp.dstMaster
drop table if exists temp.dstMasterRoot
' set srcMaster to have DST path for each file
dim index = 0
WITHQUERY ( "select path from shortest " )
index = index + 1
sob ( CommonSobResult, "add" , "row" , "Src folder base: " & WQtext(1) & EOL )
srcLength = length ( wqtext(1))
set srcPath = split ( wqtext(1) , "\\" )
' arrange that srcMaster . dst
' holds the destination PATH for its ROW
srcPathLast = dstFolder & right( "00000" & index ,4) & "-" & srcPath ( uBound(srcPath) ) & "\\"
sob ( CommonSobResult, "add" , "row" , "Dst for this Src: " & srcPathLast & EOL )
IF ( isFILE ( srcPathLast) ) then
mkdirPath ( srcPathLast )
IF ( ISFILe ( srcPathLast) ) then
message = "Problem at : " & srcPathLast
END if
> update srcMaster
>> SET
>> dst = $dst || subStr ( path , $len)
>> path like $key || '%'
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$dst" , sqlString(srcPathLast) )
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$len" , "" & (srcLength+1))
freestring = replace ( freestring , "$key" , sqlString (wqtext(1)))
sql ( freestring )
sob ( CommonSobResult, "add" , "row" , "DST: " & srcPathLast& EOL )
' BE WARNED: dbFileList internally tries to DROP its target TBL
' and then create a new one
' BUT: inside a WITHQUERY / End loop table DROP does NOT work (database is locked)
' so, I delete the rows of the table so that in the next loop, the table is empty
dbFileList ( "temp" , "dstMasterRoot" , srcPathLast ,-1)
create temp table if not exists dstMaster as select * from temp.dstMasterRoot limit 0
insert into temp.dstMaster select * from temp.dstMasterRoot
delete from temp.dstMasterRoot
END WithQuery
END if
IF ( proceed ) then
' work out which files have to be deleted from DST because they no longer exist in the SRC
cancelText( "Deleting files in back-up, not in database" , 1 )
update srcMaster set key = dst || name || size || write where type like 'file'
drop table if exists bupMaster
create table bupMaster as select * from temp.srcmaster
update bupMaster set path = dst
alter table bupMaster drop column dst
update dstMaster set key = path || name || size || write where type like 'file'
' remove any dst FILES which are no longer in src
SELECT count (*) from dstMaster where not key in ( select key from srcMaster ) and type like 'file'
fileCount = qrSingleValue
sob ( CommonSobResult, "add" , "row" , "Nr files in DST not in SRC: " & qrSingleValue & EOL )
cancelText( "Files to delete: " & FileCount , 2 )
' delete the file from the file system
WITHQUERY ( " select (path||name ) from dstMaster where not key in ( select key from srcMaster ) and type like 'file' ")
deleteFileNow ( wqtext(1) )
report = "Deleting FILE from DST where file nolonger in SRC, or SRC file has changed: " & wqtext(1)
cancelToggle ()
IF ( fileCount BAND 0x0f ) then
cancelText( "Files to delete: " & FileCount , 2 )
report ("Files to delete: " & FileCount )
END withquery
' delete the file entry in dst
delete from dstMaster where not key in ( select key from srcMaster ) and type like 'file'
' remove from the dst any FOLDERS which are no longer in src
cancelText( "Deleting folders in back-up, not in database" , 1 )
update srcMaster set key = dst || name || '\' where type like 'folder'
update dstMaster set key = path || name || '\' where type like 'folder'
SELECT count (*) from dstMaster where not key in ( select key from srcMaster ) and type like 'folder'
fileCount = qrSingleValue
sob ( CommonSobResult, "add" , "row" , "Nr folders in DST not in SRC: " & qrSingleValue & EOL )
cancelText( "Folders to delete: " & FileCount , 2 )
' we use the Scripting.FileSystemObject from the operating system to do the delete folder!
' delete the FOLDER from the file system
WITHQUERY ( " select path , name from dstMaster where not key in ( select key from srcMaster ) and type like 'folder' order by level desc ")
report ( "delete folder " & wqtext(1) & wqtext(2))
fso.DeleteFolder ( wqtext(1) & wqtext(2) )
cancelToggle ()
IF ( fileCount BAND 0x0f ) then
cancelText( "Folders to delete: " & FileCount , 2 )
report ("Folders to delete: " & FileCount )
END withquery
' delete the FOLDER entry in dst
delete from dstMaster where not key in ( select key from srcMaster ) and type like 'FOLDER'
END if
dim dstPoint
IF ( proceed ) then
cancelText( "Create the DST folder structure" , 1 )
' create the DST folder structure
WITHQUERY ( " select dst , dst || name || '\\' from srcMaster where not key in ( select key from dstMaster ) and type like 'folder' group by (dst||name) order by level ")
IF ( isFILE ( wqText(2)) ) then
mkdirPath ( wqText(2) )
IF ( ISFILe ( wqText(2)) ) then
message = "Problem at : " & wqText(2)
END if
END withquery
END if
IF ( proceed ) then
cancelText( "Copy files" , 1 )
' do not need to copy files with key in src & dst
SELECT count (*) from srcMaster where key in ( select key from dstMaster ) and type like 'file'
sob ( CommonSobResult, "add" , "row" , "Nr files in SRC that have NOT changed: " & qrSingleValue & EOL )
delete from srcMaster where key in ( select key from dstMaster )
SELECT count (*) from srcMaster where type like 'file'
fileCount = qrSingleValue
cancelText( "Files to go: " & FileCount , 2 )
' copy the SRC files to DST
WITHQUERY ( " select path || name , dst from srcMaster where not key in ( select key from dstMaster ) and type like 'file' ")
fso.copyFile ( wqtext(1) ,wqtext(2) )
IF ( isFile (wqtext(1) ) then
report ( "copy file failure: " & EOL & wqtext(1) & EOL & wqtext(2) & EOL )
END try
cancelToggle ()
IF ( fileCount BAND 0x0f ) then
cancelText( "Files to go: " & FileCount , 2 )
END withquery
END if
dim saveDBas= dstFolder & "MetaTagger " & date & " " & replace ( left(time,5 ) , ":", "-") & ".db3"
DBSaveCopy ( saveDBas , 1 )
freestring = freestring & " " & sqlstring (saveDBas)
>> as NEW
sql ( freestring )
drop table new.master
alter table new.bupmaster rename to master
detach database new
toggleWarnColour ( sobid)
END function
FUNCTION createFrontPage ( sobid )
dim localWindow = sob ( HelpFixedOvl , "add", "CONTAINER", "COLUMN.W")
sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "SPACE" , 0 , 10)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "LABEL", appName )
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , bgBoxCol )
sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "SPACE" , 0 , 10)
sob ( -1 , "SET" , "RGB" , -1 )
HelpFixedHTMLSOB =sob ( -1 , "ADD" , "web" )
sob ( HelpFixedHTMLSOB, "SET", "SILENT" , 1)
sob ( -1 , "EMPTY" )
' redirect the PWS default status reports to MetaTagger status area
redirectStatusReportingTo ( StatusTxt)
createFrontPage ( HelpPageSob )
sink ()
db_arg_open ( APP$Path & app$Name & ".db3")
autoStartChk ( )
sob ( appWindow,"SET","SHOW",1)