' 2019-10-06 ' The service provider StdRegProv gives access to the REGISTRY ' This script lists the METHODs and their parameter types of this service. newscript ' ---------------------------------------------------------- ' Useful definitions ' ---------------------------------------------------------- Constant strComputer = "." ' means this computer ' ---------------------------------------------------------- ' In some cases a method will require a specially prepared data structure ' this is handled using WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet dim objCtx = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet") objCtx.Add ( "__ProviderArchitecture", 64 ) ' 32 or 64 bit ' ---------------------------------------------------------- ' this is the real starting point dim objLocator = CreateObject("Wbemscripting.SWbemLocator") dim objService = objLocator.ConnectServer(strComputer,"root\default","","",,,,objCtx) ' ---------------------------------------------------------- ' now get the Service that gives REGISTRY access dim objStdRegProv = objService.Get("StdRegProv") ' ---------------------------------------------------------- ' the rest of this script displays the response ' ---------------------------------------------------------- report () ' empty the report panel ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' get information in one go report = "' #############################################################" report = "' This is the result of :" report = "' report = objStdRegProv.GetObjectText_ " report = "' #############################################################" report = objStdRegProv.GetObjectText_ ' important the underscore is part of the name report = "' #############################################################" ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' get the same information but by accessing the various returned objects report = "" report = "" report = "" report = "' #############################################################" report = "' This is the result of :" report = "' accessing the various returned objects " report = "' #############################################################" dim myItem , enumObj FOR each myItem in objStdRegProv. Methods_ ' important the underscore is part of the name report = "' #############################################################" report = myItem .name & " " & myItem .Origin report = "' -------- InParameters --------" report = myItem .InParameters.GetObjectText_ ' important the underscore is part of the name report = "' -------- OutParameters --------" report = myItem .OutParameters .GetObjectText_ ' important the underscore is part of the name report = "' -------- Qualifiers--------" for each enumObj in myItem .Qualifiers_ ' important the underscore is part of the name report = enumObj.name next enumObj NEXT myItem ShowReport nop ' script finished: The output is in the REPORT panel